Primal Instinct Unscented for Women , we have determined to be our number #3 overall pick among the various pheromones for women currently available. Primal Instinct Unscented for Women is another oldie but goodie, well established and proven among pheromone enthusiasts, it simply packs a nice punch!
Primal Instinct Unscented for Women, or simply Primal Instinct, actually out performed it’s counter part designed strictly for men. The reason for this may simply be that no lab has yet to come up with a host of other pheromone products designed specifically for women, as they have aggressively researched and marketed the men’s product line.
Nonetheless, Primal Instinct is one of those pheromones for women that will very rarely disappoint if used correctly. Primal Instinct for Women, like it’s male counter part is an oil based pheromone with a only a very light unoffensive scent. However, Primal Instinct for Women contains human pheromones known as Copulins as well as Androstenol.
So, what makes Primal Instinct Unscented for Women different than Scent of Eros for Women, or even Pheromax for Women? In short, it’s the insanely high Androstenol content! Primal Instinct for Women comes with a whopping 11mg of Androstenol content , compared to Scent of Eros for Women’s 5mgs, or Pheromax for Women’s rather low 2 mgs of Androstenol, with the modest addition of Copulins also thrown into the mix of course!
What does all these mean in English? Well, a lot actually, remember that the human pheromone Androstenol has shown itself to induce the following from others;
Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness…Those exposed to Androstenol would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.
Since Primal Instinct for Women contains twice the Androstenol content of Scent of Eros for Women and five times that of Pheromax for Women, right off the bat this tells us that Primal Instinct is fighting to become a very strong Social Icebreaker type pheromone, big time! If you want a human pheromone that will induce a man to approach, become much more talkative, and perhaps even talk your ear off, Primal Instinct for Women if packs the biggest punch currently available in this category!
What to do when you have the gentlemen’s attention and chatting your ear off? Well, that’s where the Copulins come into play, to compliment the crazy high Androstenol content.
Copulins are exclusively a female group of pheromones. They are secreted into the vagina at optimum ratios during ovulation with the aim of encouraging men to desire to copulate. This group of pheromones primarily consists of fatty acids that would serve little to no function on there own, but in combination they have been shown to increase testosterone levels in men by 150%…This increase in testosterone may cause feelings of arousal in men, if a woman is present. It is said that once a man smells Copulins on a woman she is deemed to be more attractive.
The combination of both these human pheromones for women contained in Primal Instinct is nearly magical. I’m sure you can use your own imagination to figure out what kind of responses are often generated by this pheromonal combo from males.
Let me quickly add though, that even though Primal Instinct contains Copulins to induce pure sexual attraction, Primal Instinct is much heavier on the Androstenol, so it will induce even more levels of chattiness, friendliness, comfort, etc etc etc. Therefore, if for whatever reason it is ones desire to add more intense levels of pure sexual attraction into the mix on will need to add a pheromone for women with a higher Copulin count, such as Pheromax for Women or the big gun Essence of Women. However, unless you’re simply trying to frustrate the heck out some poor guy, Primal Instinct by itself is still quite powerful.
The Field Test Results for Primal Unscented for Women
Primal Instinct in total was field tested 11 times, no particular reason why that’s just how things played out. The good news is that Primal Instinct seems to be rather hard to over dose on, because of what I assume to be the lower Copulin content, but I never needed to apply anymore than two dabs of the stuff behind the ear, but everyone is different, start with one dab, observe folks responses and if necessary move up to two dabs.
It appears to be some what safe to wear in the work environment, although this is always risky when dealing with Copulin containing pheromones, the sexual attraction vibe is not overly overt so you can get away with it at work, in strict moderation.
The most telling field test of Primal Instinct was actually the 2nd test I conducted, perhaps because I learned how to properly dose the stuff after the first try? Anyhow, the most telling test happened again at the work place, I did it again. I decided to apply two small dabs around mid day right before we had to go into our dreaded monthly office meeting, which is always a very boring and dry event which consists only of the manager speaking, and sadly, no one else participating.
I entered to mid-sized conference room along with everyone else from our office, and chose to take a seat next to a co-worker who is particularly shy, and not at all talkative. Everything was business as usually for a little while, I only suspected that the Primal Instinct might have sunk in after about 10 minutes in this rather enclosed conference room. However, the results were rather telling, and markedly different than those I experienced while wearing Pheromax for Women while at work previously.
The over all mood in the room seemed to lighten considerably, not just the males, but the females too all seemed much more at ease and relaxed than normal at these little meetings. Not only that, people actually started talking! Not really because they were interested in what the manager was saying, but more like they just wanted and excuse to speak, and speak happily! Nearly everyone in the meeting was all smiles, for no apparent reason.
After about 10 more minutes of this, the meeting degenerated into a gathering of smiling, giggling co-workers all giddy and looking for any excuse they could to drive the meetings conversation to non-work topics, men and women included.
However, the most interesting observation I got to make was thanks to my always shy guy co-worker sitting next to me. He seemed happy and relaxed, and starting quitely speaking to me, just little asides like, “You’d be good at that job Liz! Why don’t you volunteer for…” He kept it up like every 2 minutes or so, and I’d quickly answer him so as not to have the manager get to irritated. This, from the shy guy that doesn’t speak!?!?
The results so far were rather pleasing, our meeting “never” went like this, people actually relaxed, happy, talkative! And my co-worker sitting next to me, who never speaks, is talking my ear off when he thinks the manager is not paying attention to our area of the conference room. After about 45 minutes of this the meeting had to come to an end. We all started walking back to the office, however, I noticed I was flanked by the shy guy (no longer shy) and two other male co-workers who were eager to talk with me about the days meeting, everyone in good spirits, and the guys just so curious as to my opinion on everything? Go figure?
Primal Instinct Unscented for Women
Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #3
Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 11 men were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Very Strong Social lubricator / Ice Breaker /Very strong sexual attractant
Most Effective Upon: Both Men and Women – socially / Men – sexually
Special Notes/Observations: Has no odor and needs cover scent (works well with the Scent of Eros for Women), good attention getter, most suitable for social occasions…Less is more, quite powerful.
This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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