NPA for Women is an extremely potent androstenone based pheromone for women, and has risen to our number #7 position in our ranking of the overall top 10 pheromones for women.
NPA for Women actually has a more sophisticated and refined formulation than NPA for Men, however this pheromone is powerful, a bit temperamental, and may take a minute or two to learn how to properly dose, as it is primarily used as a pheromone additive, meant to be added to your favorite perfume or cologne.
NPA for Women is heavy on the androstenone, but supposedly contains two other ’secret’ and proprietary ingredients so far undisclosed. NPA for Women primarily serves to add a strong aura of sexual attraction, but specifically increasing a women’s perceived level of aggressiveness and dominance
I have found this can be a double edge sword when NPA for Women is used by itself. Usually, better and more dramatic responses tend to come from people who you either do not know or only casually know. Folks that fall into this category seem to respond more aggressively, and sexually to the wearer of NPA for Women. In laypersons terms, men will be very interested in talking to you, getting to know you, and clearly sexually attracted (or frustrated) by you when applied in the proper dosages.
As for folks who already know you well, the reaction can be a bit odd, or non-dramatic on the surface. Because NPA for Women seems to be projecting a more dominant and aggressive aura about the wearer, ones boyfriend or husband for instance, might not know how to process this vibe he is suddenly getting from you! The result I kept observing at home with the boyfriend was silence and avoidance! Not what I was looking for, but on the flip side I can tell my boyfriend was definitely more turned on than normal, judging by the great increase in number and frequency of our love making. So I guess one could assume that guys you are close with may be a little intimidated by you, but still very turned on by you…It’s an odd result.
Bare in mind that the androstenone contained in NPA for Women can be temperamental, and must be dosed appropriately. The wearer will induce strong feelings of sexual attraction regardless, but as androstenone dosage levels increase, certain males my find it more difficult to approach you (intimidation?) when NPA for Women is used by itself.
Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone. Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.
I found two ways around this little androstenone problem. Either, go out of your way to be extra outgoing, talkative, and approachable towards your close male friend or friends, or simply apply a social counter actor such as Scent of Eros for Women, this stuff works as a good cover scent (if you have the scented version) and is a very social pheromone which counter acts the possible intimidation factor of NPA for Women, while preserving the very strong sexual attraction element that NPA for Women is known and famous for inducing in men.
The Field Test Results for NPA for Women
Sorry, not going into the gory details of my testing with NPA for Women! Way too personal ladies! But, I will say the following about NPA for Women, it’s powerful stuff.
To make NPA’s results clear, if you wear the stuff at work or in a social setting around co-workers or acquaintances, only 1 dab to the neckline should suffice. You will notice more aggressive responses from males in general. As I said, they will want an excuse to talk to you, flirt with you, in certain cases follow you around like a puppy dog.
If you decided to use NPA alone at home, with a boyfriend or husband for instance, he may appear to become a little distant or intimated by you, but as you will discover his mind will definitely be gravitating towards sex.
I tested NPA for Women well over 31 times so far, but I’ve had the most fun using it at home with my boyfriend! Why? Because on the weekends I’ll apply two dabs of NPA for Women, one behind each ear. Overnight, we went from maybe one love making session over the weekend to anywhere from 3-5 love making sessions! After the first weekend I stopped caring if I was intimidating him, it was worth it.
NPA for Women
Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #7
Effectiveness Ratio: 33 out of 37 men were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Very strong sexual attractant – dominance & aggression
Most Effective Upon: Men
Special Notes/Observations: Smell is neutral, will require a cover scent / for use in social settings or work settings best used along with a social ice breaker such as Scent of Eros for Women / Must be very careful with the dosages to avoid any over dose reactions.
This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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