The Edge Unscented for Men is another well known Adrostenone heavy sexual attractant based pheromone cologne, which has emerged to our Number #8 over all position in our ranking. The Edge for Men, produced by LaCroy Chemical, comes in the Sandalwood (or scented version), as well as an unscented version. In a few words, The Edge for Men is powerful and temperamental.
The Edge Unscented for Men is another Androstenone pheromone cologne which quite frankly, doesn’t not smell good at all. The scent of The Edge Sandalwood for Men as well as The Edge Unscented for Men can be likened to the smell of urine or pure body odor after a rigorous work out. The point being, no matter whether a wearer applies the scented or unscented version of The Edge for Men, a good cover scent is a must!
As is typical with certain quality pheromone colognes for men, a poor smell (strong pheromone scent), has little relationship to the actual results the pheromone cologne is capable of delivering, thank goodness! Which is why The Edge for Men still ranks in among the overall Top 10, it’s is not here do it’s pleasant smell!
Just to bring the novice pheromone user up to speed, the primary ingredient of The Edge for Men being Androstenone, one must be very aware what Androstenone is and does;
“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based human pheromone. Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”
Sounds pretty good! But also remember the consequences of using to much of an Androstenone heavy pheromone cologne, which includes The Edge for Men;
* Headaches
*Bad smelling applications
*Aggression from other members of the same sex
*An aggressive mood in the wearer
*Members of the opposite sex to be overly intimidated by the wearer, leading to no, or even very negative reactions
The Edge for Men is notorious in many cases for being very easy to overdose on, often times any more than 1 spray of The Edge for Men is sufficient to produce a Androstenone overdose, see above.
So why is The Edge for Men in the Top 10?
Simply, because the stuff works and works fairly well when used and dosed correctly. The best use of The Edge for Men is to enhance the pure “sexual attraction” quality or power of other pheromone colognes for men, pure and simple, it’s not that great to use it by itself, unless one enjoys walking around smelling like urine or body Oder? To each there own I suppose, just my two cents.
Because of the rather high Androstenone content of The Edge for Men, and the fact that one can usually only get away with using perhaps a single spray of the stuff, means that it is that much harder to dose and tailor ones applications. The Edge for Men, seems to be very effective when applied and worn around the older crowd, from my experience that would include females in the 28 years old + age range, as the high Androstenone content can very easily scare off or intimidate the younger women in the 18 – 25 age range. As a side note, as I have found is typical with Androstenone heavy products, Latinas, Black, and Indian women seem to be hyper sensitive to these products and respond much more intensely, regardless of age range. I do not exactly know why?
Field Test Results for The Edge Unscented for Men
I field tested The Edge Unscented for Men only 9 times over the course of a one month period of time. It is not the type of pheromone cologne that should be worn in the work environment, so I tested it only in social settings.
Also, I opted to primarily utilize the The Edge Unscented for Men pheromone cologne, since both products do not smell pleasant at all it made sense to go with the unscented version and simply cover the funky smell with a good cologne, I used Eternity for Men for my initial tests, so as I could test the effects of The Edge Unscented for Men as a standalone pheromone cologne product.
The night of my test I applied one full fresh spray of The Edge Unscented for Men to my throat area, and two sprays of Eternity for Men, one spray behind each ear.
I was driving home after running some shopping errands and noticed that a new night club had recently opened, and it was packed! But more importantly, there were a number of very attractive young ladies, dressed to kill, standing outside the club door waiting to get in.
Perfect opportunity I thought? So I parked my car on a side street, applied the above mentioned applications. I slowly walked down the side walk towards the night club and the gathering of young ladies, wearing a worn pair of jeans, and an old sweatshirt, I was not exactly dressed for the occasion!
As I slowly made my way through the gathering of young ladies waiting outside the door, as they were blocking the whole side walk of course, I noticed that more than a few started looking at me pretty intensely, perhaps because I looked like I just rolled out of bed, who knows?
Then this young women, who turned out to be 26 years old, very attractive, and of course dressed to kill like many of the others quickly called out to me as I walked by her. She inquired if I had a smoke? Despite my repeated attempts to quit, yes, I had a smoke on me. I walked back to her, handed her a cigarette and lit her up. The whole time this girl is staring at me very hard, and looking me up and down. She then introduces herself and starts going into her life story!
I was then informed that she broke up with her fiancee about six months ago, and this was her first night out on the town! My only response was, “I’m very sorry to hear that.” She continued, talking to me at length, or rather talking at me at length about her personal life as I stood their just looking at her, she was conversing with me as if I was a trusted friend or something? I just stood their listening…
After about twenty minutes of this, her talking, staring at me with what I assumed to be intense interest, and fidgeting with her outfit as if a little nervous, I simply couldn’t take anymore of it!
I just blurted out that I was hungry, and told her lets go get something to eat! She looked at me wide eyed, stopped talking finally, and a smile crept over her face, responding “Ok! Lets go!”
Ironically, we left the night club entrance, leaving her two girlfriends there still in line, and went to my car! I ended up at a nearby Mexican restaurant where we spent the next two hours eating and talking some more, this time I made an attempt to converse. I then dropped her off back at the entrance of the club so she could rejoin her friends. She opens the car door, and then sits there? Finally, she grabs a pen from my car, grabs my hand and writes her phone number on my hand and tells me to call her so we can go out on a real date, because she really likes me! And then follows up by saying and “what in the name of God is that sexy cologne you’re wearing!?!?!?” I responded, “Just Eternity for Men…” She looked at me smiling and looking confused at the same time, and just said, “Ok….I really hope you call me!” She then got out of my car and ran back to the line to enter the club.
This was a pretty interesting night for a thirty something guy to have with a hot young lady, all while unshaven, and literally dressed like a bum! I chuckled to myself and then drove home.
I ended up testing The Edge Unscented for Men eight more times, with some very similar results, so far as what I could observe in others behavior, although this first test was definitely the most interesting!
This is why The Edge Unscented for Men, with it’s natural urine/BO smell and all remains in the top ten of pheromone colognes for men, because it rather consistently delivers so long as applied in the correct dosages, and of course with a good cover cologne to cover The Edge’s natural odor!
The Edge Unscented for Men
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #8
Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 9 women were observed to respond – 4 Intensely!
Recommended Use : Strong Sexual Attraction
Most Effective Upon: All Women/ Very effective on ages 28+
Special Notes/Observations: Strong sexual attractant / Enhanced results observed from Latin, Black, and Indian women / Does not smell that pleasant at all and will require a cover scent / Must be very careful not to over dose on the Androstenone content – Extremely easy to Over Dose / Best Used along with The Scent of Eros for Men or other strong pleasant smelling cologne
The Edge Unscented for Men Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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