Do Pheromones for Women work? Are they’re really pheromones for women out there that will help women to attract men? The surprising answer to this question is YES! There are a number of high quality pheromones for women currently on the market.
This portion of this site will deal specifically with pheromones for women to attract men. Now that I have published my field testing results concerning the top pheromone colognes for men, revealing the top 10 pheromone products that proved to be most effective, over the coming days I will reveal which top 10 products made the cut as the best pheromones for women.
About my testing. I started testing pheromone products in general back in December of 2007, and started to cross test pheromones for women in late January 2008. This was not initially my choice, I was compelled to do so by my girlfriend, she was not happy with me just testing pheromone colognes for men, and insisted that she be able “help me out” in testing a number of pheromones for women. Naturally, I gave in.
Although I was rather dreading this part of my testing, simply because I’m a man, and I didn’t know how I would be able to initially test and evaluate a product designed to attract men, I soon realized that this testing process would be a real eye opener for me personally, and I’m pleased I participated in it now.
When I was field testing pheromone colognes for men, I was only able to observe the reactions of others around me, but now things got better! In participating in the testing of pheromones for women, I was able to observe my girlfriend and her best friend test a variety of products, while I observed the reactions of others, and even more importantly, I myself was able to be exposed to these products designed to supposedly attract my own sex!
My goodness! I think this is really when I saw the light regarding certain pheromone products! I really became a believer, as I sat by pathetically watching my own body respond to certain pheromones for women.
As a quick aside, a number of years ago, I was exposed to two different women who were wearing pheromones for women. At the time I had no idea what pheromones were. But even years later I remember the two incidents which were very brief, but I remember them because of the intense attraction I felt in both these cases towards these two women, who were not even my type by the way! I stood there literally with my mouth open, looking at the first lady as if I was a Deer caught in an oncoming cars headlights, no joke!
I remember being slightly confused because I was so attracted to this girl who was not even my type! To this day I still remember the smell of the fragrance, and the intense feeling of attraction that I felt, even on a physical level in my stomach and head as I looked at this girl in awe! And then my own confusion that followed me for DAYS after that encounter, as I tried to figure out why the heck was I so attracted this girl? Never been my type before??? I just didn’t get it!
Well, now I know! Not only that, in helping to conduct this test on pheromones for women, I was even able to identify the exact pheromone product that both these women from my past were wearing, the scent was unmistakable, just a whiff brought back very vivid memorizes of those old encounters years ago!
For a man, there is no better proof that certain pheromones for women do in fact work, then to be subjected to there power himself, especially at a time in which the man had no idea what pheromones were to begin with! One may be able to explain away certain reactions of others to pheromone products if they are not a believer, but it gets much more difficult to try to explain away ones own physiological bodily responses when exposed to pheromones for women oneself.
This was my turning point in my pheromone research. After being able to observe what certain pheromones products did to me, and how they affected me personally, I could no longer explain this voodoo away!
My girlfriend and I started out by testing only 5 pheromones for women, and then between January 2008 and September 2008, we ended up testing a total of 13 pheromones for women. However, I will only initially post here the top 10 pheromones for women that clearly proved themselves to be most effective upon myself, as well as others during our actually field tests while interacting with others in social environments.
The next few reviews will most likely be written by my girlfriend, with my help of course, she’s not fond of writing, but I’ll let her publish the evaluations on my site nonetheless. The reason being, is I’m a little to biased on the subject of pheromones for women to be able to present the material myself.
I, as a man was exposed to these products and felt what they did to me! I know the stuff works! My Girlfriend, Liz, on the other hand will be a little more objective, as she can only rely on her observations alone, as I had to do when figuring out which pheromone colognes for men worked the best on women. After being exposed to this stuff myself, I can only imagine how women around me actually felt, this is kinda scary stuff…But fun!
The posts that follow will report on the our top 10 field tested pheromones for women, specifically designed for women to attract men, from the most effective to the least effective, enjoy! And be kind while using this stuff, really!!
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Tagged as: Do Pheromones Work, pheromone attract, pheromone for women, Pheromones for Women, pheromones for women to attract men
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