The Perception Pheromone Spray for Men is a unique pheromone cologne for men, and ranks number # 9 within our top 10 listing of quality and effective pheromone colognes for men.
The hit pheromone cologne produced by BDC Concepts, is simply known as Perception. What makes Perception so unique is it’s unique formula making it one of the few time released pheromone colognes on the market. In short, the product was specifically designed to hold it’s scent (which is very pleasant) and releases controlled amounts of pheromones over a twelve hour period of time. Therefore, Perception has become the pheromone cologne of choice for those looking for an extended wear option, without having to worry about recharging midday.
Perception’s time released formula, allowing for the consistent and even release of pheromones over an extended period of time, is the major selling point of this pheromone cologne, however, Perception also boasts a very pleasant smell and the capability to be used itself as an excellent cover scent along with some other stronger sexually based pheromone colognes, many of which may need their scents subdued by a nice smelling application as Perception provides.
As a standalone pheromone cologne, Perception is capable of holding it’s own fairly well in comparison to other pheromone colognes, and has been likened to certain other pheromone colognes such as The Scent of Eros for Men, and even Chikara for Men.
The key ingredients of Perception are 2 mg of Androstenol, 1mg of Androstenone, and 1mg of Androsterone. Below follows a quick refresher as to what these human pheromones are known to do.
Androstenol is known to induce the following;
Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone. Which appeared to be great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.
Androstenone is known to induce the following;
Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone. Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.
Androsterone is similar to Androstenone in a subtle way, inducing the following;
Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words, a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.
As mentioned above, Perception contains all three of these human pheromones, all within an extended time release formula.
Field Test Results for Perception Pheromone Spray
I field tested the Perception Pheromone Spray only 5 times. The reason for the more limited testing is simple, the results were pretty clear and telling enough each time for me to be able to clearly figure out what the stuff does!
The first test I conducted with Perception was in a social environment, in other words, I went to a bar/restaurant for a few drinks with a friend. However, before walking into the establishment I applied three sprays of Perception, 1 to the throat area, and 1 spray behind each ear.
The pleasant smell of Perception is strong at first, but quickly becomes more subtle, and then just lingers at an acceptable level of intensity for a very long time! No fears of over dosing with Perception!
As I walked through the crowd into this particular bar, I was greeted with a lot of smiles and intense looks from not only women, as I passed them, but from Men as well! The looks were not exactly sexual in nature, but more the type of look one gives somebody they think is a cool guy, or is really fun to talk to, that sort of thing, this was interesting and rather different.
After taking a seat at a table, fairly close to the small dance floor, and near the pathway to the restrooms, my friend and I sat down and surveyed the crowd. Within no more than 10 minutes, a young gal who had walked by me twice, emerged from the direction of the restrooms to walk by once again. This time she stopped at my table, and stood their smiling for a moment, and then asked if she knew me from somewhere? I lied and said she did look familiar, and asked her to join our table.
To make a long story short, she and her friend ended up at our table, chatting up a storm for the next two hours. I was sitting in between both these young ladies as my friend just sat there kind of watching curiously. Both young ladies seemed very interested in everything I had to say, and would make it a point keep touching my arm or shoulder, usually after I made a small joke (which even I didn’t really think was too funny?) But they seemed to be having a great time and the complete focus of attention was on me, with both young ladies seemingly competing for my attention.
After about three hours of this treatment, my friend and I left the establishment. And I left with both young ladies phone numbers, which I had not even asked for by the way.
The point of this field test, along with the very similar additional field tests, is two fold. First, Perception simply smells good and lasts a long time, and will get you noticed. Second, Perception seems to work best as a social lubricator type pheromone cologne for men. In other words, Perception’s real strength is much like the Scent of Eros, it tends to induce friendliness, chattiness, and a feeling of relaxation and security. Folks just seem to think you’re a real fun person to be around.
However, I do not recommend Perception used by itself if you are looking to generate any true feelings of sexual attraction, it seems to fail on this front. That being said, one can simply use a powerful combination that I stumbled upon, simply use Perception as a cover scent while also wearing Alpha 7 Scented or Unscented or even NPA for Men, and you will have effectively added a strong sexual attraction component to the overall mix.
Perception Pheromone Spray
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #9
Effectiveness Ratio: 6 out of 6 women were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use: Social lubricator / Ice Breaker
Most Effective Upon: All Women / All Men / All Ages
Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Asian Women. Works extremely well when also worn with Alpha 7 Scented (for a pure sexual attraction component), as well as NPA for Men.
This review of Perception Pheromone Spray is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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