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NPA for Men clearly emerged as our fourth ranked most effective pheromone cologne like product. Bear in mind that technically speaking, NPA for Men, is not a pheromone cologne in it’s own right, but is actually a pheromone cologne additive which experienced pheromone users have also figured out how to use on it’s own.
NPA for Men is a very potent Androstenone heavy pheromone cologne additive whose original purpose was to be used to enhance the effects of other pheromones colognes, or to essentially “spike” normal colognes to give them some of the powerful attributes of a pheromone product.
Before we get into the specifics concerning NPA for Men, we need to remember what this very powerful and also temperamental pheromone compound known as Androstenone actually does!
“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone. Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”
Androstenone is the driving engine of NPA for Men, and in it’s very pure and concentrated form it is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction. This being said, I must touch upon the cautions always present when dealing with any heavy Androstenone based pheromone cologne. There is nearly always a flip side to the coin, good which goes with a potential for bad, unfortunately!
The simple fact is that one must use some amount of caution when using NPA for Men, especially if they are an inexperienced pheromone user trying it for the first time. Androstenone is some powerful stuff, but has the potential for side effects when the inexperienced user mistakenly applies to much of this compound, in a mix, or directly upon their person!
When too much Androstenone is applied to a wearer, they can run the risk of experiencing a Androstenone Over Dose! Which very often includes the following;
HeadachesBad smelling applicationsAggression from other members of the same sexAn aggressive mood in the wearerMembers of the opposite sex to be overly intimidated, leading to no or even negative reactions.
To avoid these possible over dose effects is why one must take special care when applying NPA for Men, or any other Androstenone heavy pheromone cologne!
If one can O.D. on Androstenone, why use it?
This question begs to be answered. The reason why, especially among more experienced pheromone users that Androstenone is used, is very simple, because in the correct dosages it work, and is brutally effective in inducing strong feelings of sexual attraction in the opposite sex! The reward greatly out weighs the risk entailed, especially if one has the self control to apply Androstenone is small doses, while only slowly applying larger doses until their personal comfort zone so to speak is found. One will quickly learn how much Androstenone they can tolerate, or wear by simply observing the reactions from others around them!
Field Test Results: NPA for Men
I opted to give NPA for Men 10 field tests, as I usually strive to do with all pheromone cologne. However, with NPA for Men I knew that I would have more limited opportunities to actually test this stuff in real life, simply because Androstenone heavy pheromone colognes are not exactly ideal to be testing in the workplace! Just to let folks know, that wearing to much Androstenone, as is contained in NPA for Men in the workplace, can give you some very odd results, both positive and negative depending upon the dosage level, but either way inducing “strong sexual attraction” from others on the job can be risky!
Therefore, most of my testing NPA for Men would have to occur outside of work during some type of social setting or gathering, such as in a bar, nightclub, dance club, restaurant, the mall, or especially appropriate while on a date!
My first field test of NPA for Men took place on a Thursday night, I was scheduled to meet a female co-worker of mine after work at a restaurant for drinks, it was all quite innocent actually. I knew my co-worker, a very attractive 27 year old women, with a boyfriend of her own had never really shown any sexual interest in my in the past, so I thought this would be an ideal test.
Upon arrival to the restaurant my co-worker went to bar area and claimed a small table for the two of us, while I excused myself and went to the restroom. I quickly, applied to “small” dabs of NPA for Men, one behind each ear, washed my hands and walked to our table to join her.
Nothing odd occurred, we conversed for about 10-15 minutes about the current events going on in the office, and everything was normal between her and I, relaxed but still not what I would call informal between us! After about 15 minutes or so of conversing, our waitress finally decided to show up at our little table to take our orders.
Our waitress was this very attractive young Latina, perhaps in her early twenties, and right from the get go she started paying me a little more attention than I was normally accustomed to, as she stood right by my side, a little to close actually, and she then proceeded to slowly go through the entire beer menu for me. The odd thing was, that while she recited the menu to me she was looking at me intensely with a rather sly smile on her face, as if she was interested in me or found me attractive in some way? Which I remember thinking was rather abnormal, since I’m an average guy, with probably about 18 years on her!
We placed our orders and our lovely waitress initially left, at first at least. Then I noticed that she kept coming back to our table, a little to frequently, as she would linger over my shoulder each time she came back, just to check if we needed anything else before our main order arrived. The entire time our waitress was at our table, each time, she was looking at me rather intensely with a slight smile on her face. It was apparently so obvious that even my co-worker exclaimed, “Damn! That girl’s got it bad for you! Do you know her or something!?!?!”
As the night went on, my co-worker and I started discussing personal things like relationships, family issues, and life in general. Then she decided to confess to me that she always thought I was very attractive, and she was delighted that we could meet up after work to relax and vent.
At this point I could clearly see that her demeanor was changing towards me. My co-worker was leaning slightly across our small table, and staring at me rather intensely with a slight smile across her face. She then started to play with things on our table, just out of boredom I assumed, until she reached over to grab a napkin which lead her to place her hand on top of mine. Little excuses to make brief physical contact followed, about four more times in all!
I decided at this point that my testing of NPA for Men was a small success, and it was time to pack things up before things escalated perhaps. So we ended up in the parking lot standing beside my car. I said my pleasantries and gave her a small quick embrace as a good bye, but then she didn’t let go of me!
After a brief moment of awkwardness, my co-worker staring into my eyes, she slowly moved in for a kiss! I felt bad, and turned away, and then moved to dis-entangle myself from her. I politely reminded her that, while she is very attractive, she has a boyfriend, and that boyfriend is sitting at home waiting for her! She appeared to come to her senses and told me, “You’re right! I’m sorry…I don’t know what it is with me tonight! But you need to get away from me!”
We then departed, test was most definitely over!
Important Observations:
NPA for Men is a very powerful “sexual attraction” based pheromone cologne! One must be very careful in how much they apply, usually less is more! Small amounts of this Androstenone based cologne are more than sufficient to produce many very positive reactions, however when to much is applied one can easily experience the flip side, the nightmare of an Androstenone over dose.
Over subsequent field tests it became clear that NPA for Men, is an awesome complimentary pheromone cologne to be used alongside The Scent of Eros for Men, and/or Alpha 7 Scented.
Specifically, the effects of NPA for Men when combined with Alpha 7 Scented are pronounced and potent, with the odd affect of strongly sexually attracting African-American and Latina women. On a side note, this combination seems to really turn off Asian women. I do not know exactly why, nor does anyone else to my knowledge, but this seems to be the norm with many heavy Androstenone pheromone cologne.
NPA for Men
Pheromone Cologne Effectiveness Ranking: #4
Effectiveness Ratio: 6 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond – intensely.
Recommended Use : Strong Sexual Attractant/ Higher Value/ Respect from both Sexes
Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages – Enhanced “initial” Response from 30+
Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Latina and Black Women – Regardless of Age / Best Used along with The Scent of Eros for Men and/or Alpha 7 Scented – so as to minimize the intimidation factor caused by Androstenone.
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Tagged as: androstenone, npa, npa for men, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone reviews, pheromones
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