The Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men, previously known simply as Chikara 7 or C7, is the final pheromone cologne product to make it into our top 10 ranking, as the number #10 most effective pheromone cologne currently available to attract women.
The Chikara Pheromone is rather unique, it contains some of the regular players of course, androstenone, androstenol, and androsterone, but also includes four other “secret” ingredients which to date have not been revealed. In short, Chikara has been billed as an all around, standalone pheromone cologne, but the reality is, it’s not at all, unfortunately, more on that in a moment.
The Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men as revealed by my field testing results, is clearly an androstenol heavy pheromone cologne. Chikara itself boasts that it’s product contains 7 unique human pheromone ingredients, more than a product such as Primal Instinct, but the fact is that simply having more pheromone ingredients in a bottle does not in anyway make the pheromone cologne more effective.
In addition to the fact that the pheromone industry only truly has a handle on a mere 7 total human pheromones, and what they in theory do when exposed to another person, and not all of those 7 are even pheromones which effect women, some work to attract men! Chikara Pheromone Cologne’s initial boast on this count falls on deaf ears.
The problem is that different human pheromones induce different results from folks, despite the fancy marketing claims made by certain companies, there is currently no single pheromone cologne that will give the wearer all the benefits he desires…It would be nice if there was though, no such luck at this time.
As I said, the Chikara Pheromone Cologne contains primarily androstenone, androstenol, and androsterone, with a clear emphasis or higher proportion of androstenol. So what do these human pheromones do, or induce in others?
Androstenol is known to induce the following;
“Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone. Which appeared to be great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”
Androstenone is known to induce the following;
“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone. Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”
Androsterone is similar to Androstenone in a subtle way, inducing the following;
“Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words, a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.”
Therefore, the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men tends to be what many pheromone enthusiasts would refer to as more of a “feel good” type of pheromone cologne. In other words, when the Chikara pheromone is used by itself, it tends to induce feelings of friendliness from others, men and women included, with men viewing the wearer as more of a man’s man, or with a little more respect.
The Chikara Pheromone Cologne is also fairly nice smelling which works in it’s favor. One will nearly always get compliments on it’s pleasant smell, so long as one is not wearing too much of it! A pheromone enthusiast who clearly wore too much of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne, posted of his experience the following;
“Whenever I used Chikara in excess amounts, it created a great deal of frustration and aggitation. I distinctly remember wearing four sprays of it at my old job one day. I and the two girls next to me were having a particularly ‘bad day’ towards the beginning of our shift. We all were pissed at our boss (over something pretty insignificant and stupid), and one of the girls got so aggitated she started to cry, and had to leave work early.
I normally wouldn’t full attribute anything like this to the pheromones, but halfway through the shift when the pheromones started to die down, me and the 1 girl left working next to me had calmed down considerably. She even started to question ‘what came over us’…”
Don’t wear to much of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne folks, even with it’s nice smell the pheromone content of this product, perhaps coupled with the Chikara Pheromone “secret” ingredients can seriously ruin your day.
So what is the Chikara Pheromone good for? Chikara is still a good and sound pheromone cologne to use by itself if you are primarily interested in smelling good, and creating a rather happy, friendly, and approachable atmosphere around you. So far as consistent results go, this is about the only real reason to use the Chikara Pheromone Cologne.
If you are looking to add or induce any real elements of sexual attraction, sexual tension or perhaps even sexual frustration into the mix, the Chikara Pheromone itself will simply not do that job 98% of the time, that’s not what it’s really effective at doing.
However, as I quickly discovered during my field testing, three other pheromone colognes or additives, when added alongside Chikara will accomplish the task of adding clear, obvious, and noticeable elements of sexual attraction or sexual tension, any one of these three will accomplish the desired result.
NPA for Men when worn with the Chikara Pheromone Cologne will add strong elements of pure sexual tension or frustration depending upon the dosage applied.
Alpha 7 Scented or Unscented when worn with the Chikara Pheromone Cologne will add a very strong, but smooth, element of sexual tension into the mix, while also enhancing ones stature and respect in the eyes of other males…This mix is actually my personal preference.
Alter Ego for Men when worn with the Chikara Pheromone Cologne will enhance feelings of sexual tension as well as create a more friendly and feel good atmosphere around the wearer. This combo is effective, primarily because the Chikara Pheromone Cologne’s nice scent covers the rather poor scent of the Alter Ego for Men!
Field Test Results for the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men
In total I conducted 11 field tests with the Chikara Pheromone over a one month period of time, primarily because I liked the smell of the stuff, and I really wanted to get to know exactly what the product did in a number of social settings.
The first field test I conducted was completely unplanned! I had this awful pain in my side and called my doctor to schedule a visit that day, but they had no appointments available, typical! So my doctor recommended that I drive to the emergency room to get myself checked out.
Then pain was pretty bad so I decided to take my doctor’s advice this time and drive myself to the emergency room, dreading the experience that would ensue. If you have ever gone to an emergency room at any big city hospital in the Greater Los Angeles area then you may know why I dreaded having to subject myself to this experience.
I parked my car in the front parking lot of the hospital, and had just received my first bottle of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men, which was still in my glove compartment. So, I said what the heck, and applied to full sprays of Chikara, one behind each ear and then walked into the emergency room lobby.
I walked past two folks in the lobby who literally looked like they were about to die on the spot, and had clearly been waiting there for a pretty long time! I approached the nurse sitting at the intake desk, told her about my problem briefly, and she then handed me a stack of paper work to fill out right there at the counter! She had not even looked up at me by this point.
After a couple of minutes, as I completed the first page of basic insurance information, the nurse suddenly looked up at me with a concerned smile, and sincerely asked me if I was still in a lot of pain, and if I needed any help at all with filling out the paper work?
I forced a smile back and told her I was fine. She replied that I looked like I was in discomfort and apologized? The nurse then got up from her desk and disappeared into the emergency room itself, only to return about two minutes later with another intake nurse, who with a big smile on her face asked me to come on back into the ER so she could screen me.
I told her I hadn’t completed the stack of paperwork yet, at which point the first nurse took the papers away from me, and told me not to worry about that, that I could complete it on my way out! They were just trying to be so helpful and friendly it was rather amusing, never had this experience to this point at a hospital!
I went back into a small room with second nurse who asked me some questions and poked and prodded the side of my stomach a little bit. The whole time the nurse kept smiling at me and looking at me rather intently, and not exactly in a professional manner…But almost in a suggestive manner, but still more subtle than that however, after all I was a patient in pain!
After she got done with my initial exam she walked me deeper into the ER and had me lay down on rather comfy bed, asked if I needed anything at all, and then she went to speak with one of the doctors.
Within about 5 minutes my doctor walked into my little “room,” a very attractive Asian lady perhaps in her mid to late thirties, I’m guessing.
She came in and was all business for about a minute or two as she asked me some basic questions, and then started smiling at me and also was much more friendly towards me the one might expect from an emergency room doctor! Needless to say, this doctor spent about the next hour and a half making me her priority that day, I was never alone for more than about 5 minutes at a time, and she was just oh so nice and friendly every time she would come and check in on me, as we eventually discussed my line of work, my job, what I liked to do for fun. In short, for being in a hospital it was simply a bizarre experience for me.
To make a long story short, nothing serious was wrong with me after all that. I got some sample pills to take for the pain, and the second nurse came back to walk me back out to the lobby. So I thought I take the opportunity to complete my little impromptu test, and I asked this young nurse for her phone number? She looked over at me with a half smile, and then handed me a small slip of paper with apparently her phone number already written on it in advance, and then her expression turned neutral and professional again as she turned and walked back into the E.R.
My take on the Chikara Pheromone for Men, it’s a fairly good social lubricator, friendly and feel good type pheromone cologne, people will seem to want to be friendly towards you and to help you out. The Chikara Pheromone clearly worked very well as a friendly ice breaker, but make no mistake about it, what you choose to do after the ice is broken is totally up to you! The levels of sexual attraction and sexual tension produced by the Chikara Pheromone are very low, so don’t expect any real great results unless you yourself make the approach.
The additional 10 field tests which I conducted on Chikara Pheromone Cologne were fairly consistent, very little to no true sexual tension created, but nearly everyone seems to want to be your friend and chat it up with you! Can’t complain about that, could be worse I guess.
Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #10
Effectiveness Ratio: 8 out of 11 women were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use: Social lubricator / Ice Breaker
Most Effective Upon: All Women / All Men / Slight enhanced response from women 25+
Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Asian Women. Works extremely well when also worn with Alpha 7 Scented or Unscented (for a pure sexual attraction component), as well as NPA for Men or Alter Ego for Men.
This review of Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men is brought to you by Do Pheromones
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