Alfa Maschio for Men is a new comer to the stage in the world of pheromone colognes, produced by a new American based company called Alfa Dream. Due to the fact that Alfa Dream is a new player in the pheromone industry, and by in large their product line is pretty much untested and unproven, I was initially skeptical towards their product line. However, after testing their most potent pheromone cologne, Alfa Maschio, I’m thoroughly convinced that these folks are definitely on to something!
Alfa Maschio comes in four unique scents, Unscented, Blended Musk, Cush Sandalwood, and Indian Patchouli. I personally opted for the Cush Sandalwood, but the actual scent or lack of scent does not effect the actual results any pheromone cologne delivers, what matters is what’s inside.
So what is inside Alfa Maschio for Men? Alfa Dream has opted not to completely disclose the ingredients of it’s pheromone colognes, which is getting to be the norm these days, I can’t blame them for not wanting to disclose all their trade secrets. Anyhow, Alfa Maschio does contain the “usual suspects,” the tried and tested pheromone compounds that are known to elicit responses. Those being specifically, Androstenone, Androsterone, and of course Alpha Androstenol, among others of course but these three are clearly the “work horses” of their mixture.
Once again, for those new to pheromone terminology, in a nutshell the usual suspects mentioned above are known to induce the following responses…
Androstenone is a known pheromone compound defined as follows;
“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone. Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”
It took me about one field test with Alfa Maschio to detect that this pheromone cologne is quite heavy with Androstenone, I would dare say Androstenone is most likely its most heavy ingredient!
However, Alfa Maschio showed itself to be a rather well blended pheromone cologne, with it’s inclusion of Androsterone and Alpha Androstenol, perhaps used to in part buffer the strong effects of the Androstenone.
Androsterone being a known pheromone compound which tends to signal to others the following;
“Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability… “
In addition to the compounding effects of Androstenone and Androsterone, the primary buffering compound of Alpha Androstenol has been included to some what “calm” the effects of the more aggressive compounds.
The pheromone compound used to balance this mixture is clearly Androstenol, or in this case specifically Alpha Androstenol.
“Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenol would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone, great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”
I must mention, even though Alfa Maschio does contain a number of different pheromone compounds, there is no mistaking the fact that this is a “strong” Androstenone powered pheromone cologne, don’t be fooled and use it accordingly!
So is Alfa Maschio for Men good, or not?
In a word, yes! Thanks to the folks at Alfa Dream, with a little further testing, I may have to reorder my rankings. Alfa Maschio has proven itself worthy of a spot at least within the top 5 of pheromone colognes thus far. My initial impressions so far would probably rank Alfa Maschio right below Alpha 7 Scented, but directly above A314, the stuff is that powerful! As Alfa Maschio seems to work more like a buffered version of NPA for Men in its initial response.
However, despite the various marketing claims concerning Alfa Maschio, one must understand it is a specific use pheromone cologne, it is certainly not an all purpose daily wear cologne. Alfa Maschio is very strong on the Androstenone, despite the efforts to buffer it, one will get best results by applying less of this stuff then recommend, perhaps starting with two generous sprays, observing and then working up from there.
I personally found it very easy to Over Dose on Alfa Maschio when I used higher amounts of this spray, and I don’t Over Dose easily at all! Also, keep in mind that Alfa Maschio, despite it’s advertising did not seem to last nearly as long as billed. Typically, I found my sweet spot to be between 3-4 hours of effectiveness per application, not as long lasting as some other oil based pheromone colognes such as Alpha 7 Scented or A314.
However, during the period in which my dosage was correct (low), and during hours 1-4, the results were simply, great! This is not the type of pheromone cologne you want to wear to work every day folks, too much Androstenone for that. Reach for Alfa Maschio when you want to go to a crowded night club, bar, even the gym or a strip club if you are so inclined…Alfa Maschio seems to project a hyper Alpha Male pheromone signature, and there is nothing “smooth” about it at all.
To be perfectly blunt, I would use Alfa Maschio if out on the prowl for an aggressive, strong, self assured Alpha Female type, or a lady the was simply looking for an immediate good time. I would not spray on Alfa Maschio if out hunting for the next girlfriend or wife, because you probably won’t end up with that kind of girl, if you know what I mean.
Special Note: After my initial field testing of Alfa Maschio, I did test it alongside both Alpha 7 Scented as well as NPA for Men. The NPA for Men was a little too much when worn with Alfa Maschio, the effect was effective, but what can only be described as, sleezy!
The results I got when worn alongside Alpha 7 Scented, one of my long time tried and tested favorites, was very worthwhile to say the least, such a combo has to be experienced, I won’t ruin anyones fun, it needs to be experienced for oneself though, just stick with lower dosages of both, no more than two applications of each, you’ll quickly understand why Alfa Maschio has now been added to my personal collection.
Alpha Maschio for Men
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #13
Effectiveness Ratio: 8 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond.
Recommended Use : Strong Sexual Attractant. Social settings primarily.
Most Effective Upon: Women (25+) Unless buffered or used in lower quantity.
Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced initial effectiveness/African American and Hispanic Women.
This review The Alfa Maschio for Men Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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