NPA for Men has emerged as our overall number four (#4) pick among quality and effective pheromone colognes for men.
NPA for Men is a quite androstenone heavy pheromone product, which is specifically designed to be used as a pheromone additive to enhance the androstenone content of other pheromone colognes. However, many pheromone enthusiasts have found that NPA for Men can also be worn by itself with some very potent results.
What is Androstenone? The pheromone Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone. Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.
One must use real caution when applying or mixing NPA for Men, due to it’s very high Androstenone content. When applied or mixed in the correct dosages NPA for Men can produce some very telling results, strong sexual attraction. But with too much applied or mixed, one can easily run into the symptoms of an Androstenone over dose, which can include the following negatives;
“headaches, poor smelling applications, aggression from other members of the same sex, aggressive mood in the wearer, and members of the opposite sex becoming overly intimidated by the wearer, leading to no or even negative reactions.”
The Field Test Results for NPA for Men
The 1st day I decided to test NPA for Men (1 out of 10 field tests), I was scheduled to meet a co-worker of mine at a bar/restaurant after work. I knew that I would have more limited opportunities to test NPA for Men as it is not really a pheromone product suitable to be used in the work environment, as it is purported to induce extreme feelings of sex attraction, therefore it cannot be safely utilized at the workplace. Therefore, I decided to use this night as my initial test of NPA for Men.
My co-worker is a very attractive 27 year old female with a boyfriend of her own, another reason why I felt it would be safe to test NPA around her, as she had never shown any real sexual interest in me on any previous occasions.
We both met at the restaurant and headed to a small table in the bar portion of the establishment. I quickly excused myself, went to restroom and applied two small dabs of NPA for Men behind each ear, washed my hands, and then returned to our table.
My co-worker and I engaged in normal conversation for about the next 10-15 minutes or so, mainly discussing work related issues at that point. Then our waitress showed up at our table to take our orders. Our waitress was a very attractive Latina in her early twenties, right off the bat she started showing me more attention than usual, standing right by my side (a little to close) as she slowly went through the beer menu. The entire time she recited the beer menu, she was looking at me intensely with a rather sly smile on her face, as if she was interested in me or found me attractive in some way?
We eventually placed our orders and our waitress departed, but kept coming back frequently, (too frequently), lingering over my shoulder about every 10 minutes just to check if we needed anything else before the main course arrived, all the while looking at me intensely with a smile each time, so much so that my co-worker even commented, “Damn! That girl’s got it bad for you! Do you know her or something!?!?!”
As the dinner continued I observed that my co-worker started becoming much more open and personable, discussing her relationship issues, family issues, and soon began telling me that she always thought I was very attractive, and that she was so glad we could meet up outside of work for once. I could clearly see that her behavior towards me had changed, she was leaning forward across our table towards me, and staring at me intensely with a slight smile.
Then my co-worker started playing with things on the table, reaching across to grab a napkin for instance, which required her to gently put her hand on top of mine to retrieve the napkin that my hand was resting on. Little excuses to make physical contact happened four times during this meeting!
Satisfied with the data I had collected, between our waitress and my co-worker, it was time to leave and head our separate ways. We ended up outside in the parking lot standing by my car. I wished her a farewell and gave her a small embrace before leaving, but she didn’t let go! Staring into my eyes she slowly moved in for a kiss! At that point I dis-entangled myself from her, and reminded my co-worker that she had a boyfriend, who was actually at home waiting for her!
My co-worker responded to my reason stating, “You’re right! I’m sorry…I don’t know what it is with me tonight! But you need to get away from me!” I’m assuming she was trying to tell me she was having issues involving her will power! Test over. I got in my car and departed.
Based upon my field tests, I was able to fairly accurately rank NPA for Men as my number #4 pheromone pick. It is a strong sexual attraction based pheromone! However, it falls to the fourth rank because of it’s volatility. One MUST be very careful about how much is used, too much NPA for Men can turn good responses into nightmare like negative responses! NPA for Men is best used by the more experienced pheromone enthusiasts!
However, NPA for Men, is an awesome complimentary product to be used alongside The Scent of Eros for Men, and/or Alpha 7 Scented. Specifically, the effects of NPA for Men when combined with Alpha 7 Scented are very strong, with the odd affect of strongly sexually attracting African-American and Latina women. On a side note, this combination seems to really turn off Asian women. I do not know exactly why.
NPA for Men
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #4
Effectiveness Ratio: 6 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond – intensely.
Recommended Use : Strong Sexual Attractant/ Higher Value/ Respect from both Sexes
Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages – Enhanced “initial” Response from 30+
Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Latina and Black Women / Best Used along with The Scent of Eros for Men and/or Alpha 7 Scented – so as to minimize the intimidation factor.
This NPA for Men Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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Tagged as: androstenone, attractant pheromones, Do Pheromones Work, human pheromones, npa, npa for men, pheromone additives, pheromone cologne, pheromone colognes for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones for men, pheromones for men to attract women
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