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The Scent of Eros for Men is a pheromone cologne, or rather pheromone cologne-like product produced in collaboration with the well known pheromone expert, researcher, and author James V. Kohl.
Make no mistake about it, The Scent of Eros for Men is one of the oldest, and very few pheromone cologne like products that has actually stood the test of time, and consistently proven it’s rather brutal effectiveness among pheromone enthusiasts in general. So much so, that the The Scent of Eros for Men has been often dubbed as one, perhaps the first, MUST have pheromone cologne in any pheromone enthusiasts arsenal…Thus far, I agree with this assessment.
I have seen some folks who market pheromone products attempt to down play the effectiveness of The Scent of Eros for Men, in a blatant effort to convince folks to purchase some clearly inferior and more costly pheromone colognes, Pherlure quickly comes to mind, but from the perspective of a pheromone hobbyist, who actually purchases and uses these products before writing about them, such claims are frankly laughable! I liken such marketing attempts as trying to convince folks that a Hyundai is of the same or higher quality than a BMW or Mercedes! If you didn’t know any better, you might swallow the claim!
So I will now do the great Taboo! I will without a doubt rank one of the cheapest, quality pheromone colognes on the market as our number #1 pick. For those who have used The Scent of Eros for Men, this decision is perhaps a no-brain-er.
The Scent of Eros for Men is a unique pheromone cologne specifically balanced and designed to essentially enhance ones natural appeal, and provide a boost to the wearer’s social status–as perceived (although unconsciously) by peers. The Scent of Eros for Men comes in a roll on bottle, and has a very pleasant sweet smelling musk fragrance to it.
This pheromone cologne has two primary active ingredients which are very important, as they are two rather well known and researched human pheromones, I’m speaking of Androstenol and Androsterone. Research has found through human studies that Androsterone plays a strong factor in giving a man enhanced and more pleasant masculine appeal to females, while Androstenol, has been shown to effect positive changes in women’s moods and hormones.
In pure laypersons terms Androsterone and Androstenol do the following;
“Androstenol is referred to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; a sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…Very beneficial for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”
Therefore, a pheromone cologne containing a sufficient and balanced dose of Androstenol, like The Scent of Eros for Men, will have the effect of essentially putting folks around them at ease, and making others feel much more comfortable to engage in friendly conversation. While,
“Androsterone, is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words, women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.”
The advantage of a pheromone cologne, correctly balanced such as this product, designed to produce the following affects cannot be understated. Regardless of the type of pheromone cologne one may wear, the ability to put people at ease, and to encourage relaxed, friendly conversation (unconsciously) is a massive advantage!
Unless of course, the male wearer himself has nothing to say in response, (no personality?), in which case bathing in this stuff would not do that type of man much good, this stuff works, but it is NOT magic! The Scent of Eros for Men will dramatically enhance what you’ve already got, but if you don’t got anything to begin with……I think you get the point.
Let me get this out of the way and say this now, it’s important to actually know. There are different types of Pheromone Cologne, and they do NOT all do the same thing! Period.
I have seen some rather slick willy marketing tactics out there on the web, trying to convince folks that don’t know any better, that their particular bottle of snake oil DOES IT ALL! You may have seen this as well, my first pheromone cologne purchase long ago was do to one of these slick marketing claims, I eventually learned the truth, but after I had given those folks my money!
Currently, at the time of this writing, there is NO pheromone cologne that is capable of effectively inducing ALL the results sought by men! Period! If you are told differently, someone is probably LYING TO YOU!
Those that claim that pheromone cologne X is much better than Y, because it has 7 unique human pheromones, or 10, or even 50 unique pheromones blended in each bottle, really cannot be taken seriously. Simply, Pheromones do not work this way! Never mind the fact that the pheromone industry really only has a solid handle on 7 human pheromones and there affects, one really has to wonder about the credibility of those selling pheromone cologne with 7, or 10, 20 human pheromones mixed within? Especially, since some of those 7 proven human pheromones actually work to attract men to women…Is it just me? Or does anyone else see the problem here?
Furthermore, as a quick aside, when you read the sales pages pimping many of these inferior pheromone colognes, you may notice that they continue to cite “research on the VNO,” or the vomeronasal organ, in their attempt to validate their dubious marketing claims. The fact is science has progressed, it is now known the VNO is simply not required for pheromones in general to be detected by humans…Yes, those other folks have simply neglected to update their sales pages to delete the now debunked scientific theory.
Anyhow, please excuse the rant. But the facts sometimes differ from the marketing claims, the reality becomes very glowing between the two when one field tests the actual products!
Now, that being said, the Scent of Eros has achieved a top ranking for it’s effectiveness and it’s versatility! Because different pheromones do different things, which I will touch upon specifically later, one to a degree must pick his poison!
Not all pheromone cologne like products can be worn for all occasions. Imagine wearing a “sexual attraction” based pheromone cologne to Church, would that be appropriate? You may get some weird looks, as the vibe you will be sending would be inappropriate to your setting.
The Scent of Eros for Men is versatile as you may really wear the stuff anywhere, regardless of social setting! It can be, and is, used as an every day pheromone cologne, granting the wearer more beneficial overall social interaction.
Because the Scent of Eros is such an effective “social pheromone” cologne, it works well with and compliments certain other pheromone cologne like products. For instance, if a wearer wanted all the benefits induced by the Scent of Eros for Men, but also wanted to generate a more purely sexual aura, he could then apply an Androstenone based “sexual attraction orientated” pheromone product, such as Alpha-7 Scented, Primal Instinct, or NPA to produce a more complex and more diverse pheromonal aura for women to detect. I’ll go more into this tactic later.
However, the Scent of Eros for Men, when used alone remained the best, most versatile, daily wear pheromone cologne, appropriate for any setting.
In total I conducted 10 initial field tests with The Scent of Eros for Men, although I have gone on to use it regularly, even though I am no longer actively testing this pheromone cologne. The results of each test were quite obvious, document-able, and standard.
One of my first telling field tests of the Scent of Eros, occurred when I was scheduled to have a one-on-one sales meeting with the purchasing manager of another company. The purchasing manager I was to meet with is in her mid to late twenties, married, and very attractive by any yardstick. She is also a very energetic, fast talking and quick witted young lady, and certainly not a push over to negotiate with.
After arriving and parking my car, I decided to apply a 6? strip of the Scent of Eros for Men on each of my forearms, and then walked into the building and approached the purchasing manager’s office. She was busy on the phone, and looked at me standing outside of her office with complete dis-interest.
After a few minutes she concluded her phone call and gave me a quick wave to come into her office. I walked inside, made my polite greetings and took a seat in front of her desk. As I went into the business at hand, I did not notice any difference in her behavior at all, until about 2-3 minutes after I walked into her rather small enclosed office.
This is when I started noticing a change? This fast talking and quick witted purchasing manager clearly and obviously started becoming more relaxed, and even what appeared to be comfortable with my presence in her office. Ironically, she started actually speaking much slower, and her volume level decreased to dramatically, to the point at which she was speaking rather softly and quietly! This change in her overall demeanor was followed by little smile that crept across her face at the same time. All of this was not normal behavior for her, especially while negotiating a contract.
As our little meeting progressed I noticed her instinctively leaning forward in her chair towards me, as if she was intensely interested in what I had to say? However, she was not as nearly as quick witted as she normally was on a few other occasions, far from it, she actually appeared to be a little distracted?
She was unable to find paper work she repeatedly misplaced on her desk, and even kept forgetting things she said to me in regards to our negotiations! She kept playing with her hair, then laughing a little, followed by her politely asking me to go over a particular point, once again! In short, she seemed to be very calm and relaxed, and completely un-focused upon the business at hand, which for this lady is completely “out of character!”
Because I had to utilize my laptop computer during our meeting, as I was looking down at the computer screen I kept repeatedly noticing this young lady intensely staring at me, at my facial area when she thought I was not looking, then when I looked up from the monitor, she would quickly look away with an obvious guilty look on her smiling face. I caught her doing this at least 5 to6 times, the last time I just smiled back at her at which point she seemed to smile and blush a little bit.
It is very important for me to mention, that during my real life field tests, purposely went out of my way to remain neutral in my behavior, so as not to skew any of my results. In short, if a person shows interest, I would show none in return, I would be mister all business. This method allowed me to determine that it was in fact the purchasing manager’s behavior that changed, and not my own, with the only wild card factor being that of The Scent of Eros for Men in this particular case.
This meeting that should have lasted only 30-40 minutes continued on for about 90 minutes, for one reason only, she didn’t want to stop talking to me! Most of the meeting degenerated into a rather social and personal conversation, completely un-related to the business at hand! She appeared to be kind of sad when I insisted that I really had to go, and she told me to come back soon, for whatever reason!
This lady is known as a tough negotiator, very direct, and all business…But not today?
Note: Had I wished to enhance the response and effectiveness of the Scent of Eros for Men, by including a strong “sexual attraction” vibe into the mix, the preferred weapon of choice would have been to also apply the pheromone cologne known as Alpha-7 Scented, a very strong Androstenone sexually based/inducing pheromone cologne. Alpha-7 Scented will be covered in my next review, as it currently occupies the number two position in my ranking.
The Scent of Eros for Men
Pheromone Cologne Effectiveness Ranking : #1
Effectiveness Ratio : 8 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond.
Most Effective Upon: Women/ and Men – All Ages.
Special Observations noted: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Asian Women.
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Tagged as: for men, James V. Kohl, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones, scent of eros, the scent of eros, the scent of eros for men
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