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Liquid Trust is a powerful but rather temperamental spray produced by Vero Labs. Its important to note that Liquid Trust is not technically a pheromone cologne, or even technically a true pheromone product at all, but it is very closely related, and so effective that it must be included in this ranking!
Liquid Trust is a rather odd bird to say the least. Instead of utilizing a variety of human pheromones to produce it’s results, it relies upon a human hormone known as Oxytocin. Coincidentally, the effects of Oxytocin upon human behavior have been studied rather extensively, in some cases more so then the effects derived from certain human pheromones. Therefore, the documentation regarding Oxytocin is quite compelling even among the scientific community.
The Oxytocin hormone, delivered in spray form from Liquid Trust also has no real discernible odor. When first applied one may smell a faint alcohol like odor, but this smell dissipates very quickly, and becomes undetectable within a couple of minutes after application.
So, what is this hormone known as Oxytocin?
“Oxytocin is a human hormone that scientists have been able to determine plays a role in increasing people’s levels of trust in others, formation of social bonds and friendships, as well as having a role in treating depression, shyness, and other social disorders and phobias. “
In very simple laypersons terms, people who are exposed to and inhale Oxytocin, essentially become more trusting of others, including the wearer! Yes, Vero Labs makes a pretty bold claim with this one, however, the effects of Oxytocin are surprisingly very well documented!
After taking Vero Labs assertions to task, and opting to put Liquid Trust through my field testing process, I found it to be a very effective hormone based product which greatly exceeded my expectations. As such, Liquid Trust, has become, and is, one of the three pheromone cologne like products that I personally use regularly, for non-testing purposes that is.
The mighty triumvirate of the powerful three, The Scent of Eros for Men, plus Alpha 7 Scented for Men, washed down with Liquid Trust so to speak, provides simply incredible results! More on this tactic later.
In total I conducted 10 field tests with Liquid Trust. However, these 10 field tests do not include the numerous times I have used this pheromone cologne like spray for non-testing purposes after my evaluation was completed. Ironically, my very 1st field test using Liquid Trust was the most persuasive!
I was scheduled to make a business to business sales call at another company this day, and had a meeting lined up with this other company’s purchasing manager. On my way to her office I made a quick pit stop into the restroom, and applied four generous sprays of Liquid Trust, one behind each ear and one spray to each wrist.
It was a very odd sensation! I believe I inhaled a fresh dose of the Oxytocin during this first field test, as I immediately felt a slight euphoric feeling come over me, and my legs actually started to shake just a little for a few seconds! The feeling that came over me I can only describe as calming, but self-assured. Almost as if I had consume a few glasses of alcohol or something, but without actually being impaired?
I walked into the purchasing manager’s office and introduced myself. I found myself face to face with a very attractive young lady in her late twenties, and wearing a very large engagement ring on her finger!
After making our introductions and getting brief pleasantries out of the way, I could observe some subtle changes coming over her demeanor. Her face was now flush, and a little red around the cheeks, and her mood become noticeably more relaxed calm, she seemed to be much more “open” with me than would have been the norm during a sales call.
We then started talking, small talk of course, and she really started to open up to me even more than I ever expected, as a matter of fact she was conversing with me as if I was some long lost friend of hers and not a sales rep on a business call! We started discussing our current events, favorite social hangouts, and then our personal lives!
To my complete shock, this purchasing manager then feels compelled to confess to me that she had already cheated on her fiance, and was very scared that he might eventually find this out! Then it gets worse, she further elaborates that she cheated on her new fiance because he was incapable of satisfying her in the bedroom! This was really too much information for me, I certainly didn’t indicated that I needed to know such details.
Ironically, she felt totally comfortable speaking with me, and she continued on along this line of discussion, with more graphic details that I will not recite here. She actually continued on for a good 90 minutes! It was as if I was a trusted confidant to her or something, there was very little she would feel uncomfortable disclosing to me?
This particular type of sales call is usually a 20-30 minute affair from beginning to end folks, after 90 minutes of this type of discussion, I finally had to sway our conversation back to something resembling business! Oddly, she truly seemed very disappointed, and a little hurt that we had to end our soul wrenching personal conversation! She saw the prospect of talking business as a rude interruption of our personal discussion!
I had to insist the we handle our business at hand though, and I handed her the new contract I needed her to review for her company’s approval. To my complete shock, she agreed to the terms of the contract and told me she would send it upstairs for a signature! At her bidding, we then continued our personal discussion.
At this point I was trying hard to suppress hysterical laughter…She didn’t even read the contract!
Our personal conversation, or rather confessional continued, I departed with a new found good friend about 45 minutes later!
Important Observations:
After conducting subsequent field tests on Liquid Trust, I was able to play with the stuff a little bit and came to these few important conclusions.
First, Liquid Trust is most effective when used in confined areas, such as is in this case, a small office! It’s affects are greatly diminished when used out doors, or in a very large room, bar, or dance club…
Secondly, Liquid Trust has a rather short duration of effectiveness unlike many pheromone cologne like products. Liquid Trust is usually only effective for about 1 to 2 hours after application. After about the two hour mark, I don’t think it does much of anything, and simply needs to be re-applied. I believe the short life span of Liquid Trust is do to the rapid rate at which Oxytocin breaks down after being exposed to the air.
Thirdly, to keep Liquid Trust most effective, it must be kept refrigerated to prevent the Oxytocin from breaking down during periods of non-use.
Finally, you must apply a generous amount of Liquid Trust for it to be effective! Also unlike many other actual pheromone cologne like products. Simply put, the wearer needs to start at about four full sprays of the stuff, and work his/her way up to 6 full sprays to get the desired affect! Therefore, this stuff does go very quickly! Pheromone Cologne can last me months, this stuff lasted me about one week before I needed a new bottle!
So what is Liquid Trust good for?
When stored, applied, and used correctly, Liquid Trust is simply brutally effective at getting folks to trust you more, almost instantly, like you are a long lost friend! It’s a very odd situation to experience! However, unlike the claims made by Vero Labs, I saw no indication that Liquid Trust will actually help attract anyone to the wearer, not in a sexual manner at least. But this is ok, sometimes trust is better than lust anyhow, right?
In conclusion, Liquid Trust in my view is perfectly designed for occasional use during important or special occasions only! For example, for an important sales call, for a job interview, for a meeting with your boss to discuss your next raise…I think you get the point! If you try wearing Liquid Trust as a daily wear pheromone cologne, you WILL go broke quick!
It must be mentioned, that the top three pheromone cologne like products, The Scent of Eros for Men, Alpha-7 Scented, and Liquid Trust, when worn together (combining the effects of all three) consistently produced brutally effective results!
In part, the power of this combination, weighed heavily into deciding which products would make my Top 3 ranking! The effects of this combo truly have to be experienced, as words can’t really do it justice, generating friendliness, chattiness, relaxation, higher perceived value, strong sexual attraction, and folks actually just really trust you a lot more…You do the math!
Liquid Trust
Pheromone Cologne Effectiveness Ranking : #3
Effectiveness Ratio : 9 out of 10 men and women were observed to clearly respond.
Most Effective Upon: All Men & Women /All Ages
Special Observations noted: Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / Trust Builder / Social Bonding - Short duration 1-2 hours / Must be kept Refrigerated
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Tagged as: liquid trust, liquid trust enhanced, liquid trust review, oxytocin, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone colognes, pheromone reviews, pheromones, trust in a bottle
This is a good post. This post give truly quality information.I'm definitely going to look into it.Really very useful tips are provided here.thank you so much.Keep up the good works.
ReplyDeleteLiquid Trust
hi friend...
ReplyDeletei really appreciate wiyh your above content.but there something for u....i.e
The Oxytocin drug is a safe and potent supplement based on the naturally occurring hormone Oxytocin. It has far reaching benefits for the body and mind, including the ability to enhance orgasm experiences. Oxytocin for men assists emotional bonding as well as desire, and an Oxytocin orgasm for women is especially enhanced.
it'z really workzzz.