Alter Ego for Women, another oldie which has thus far stood the test of time has emerged as our number #5 overall pick among pheromones for women. Alter Ego for Women proved itself to be what I would have to call a multi purpose general pheromone for women, best suited to create an aura of comfort, friendliness, relaxation, chattiness, with a hint of Alpha femaleness, and a hint of sexual attraction, all contained in a rather pleasant smelling pheromone oil for women. Alter Ego for Women contains approximately 2 mgs of Androstenol, 1.5 mgs Androsterone, and 1 mg of Androstonene!
Alter Ego for Women truly contains a rather interesting blend of pheromones, but does not contain female Copulins which are responsible for generating that intense sexual frustration affect in males, therefore the pheromone oil’s results are pronounced, but more subtle than other pheromones for women such as Essence of A Women for instance.
What is Androstenol?
Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness…Those exposed to Androstenol would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.
Because Alter Ego for Women contains 2 mgs of Androstenol, which is about half that contained in the Scent of Eros for Women for instance, this concentration level seems to induce a rather mild, but not real obvious “ice breaking” aura, in other words the affects are much more subtle, natural, and undetectable by target males exposed to the Androstenol contained in Alter Ego for Women.
What is Androsterone?
Androsterone is a pheromone unique only to humans, and has the effect of appearing to make the wearer to be perceived to be more dominant, while creating an aura of safety, reliability, and protection, without projecting the negative or aggressive feelings often associated with Androstenone. When Androsterone is worn by women it has been reported to have mood elevating affects…Through field tests by pheromone users it is widely thought that Androsterone seems to boost or enhance the affects of other pheromones contained in a particular pheromone mixture.
Therefore, in practical terms the Androsterone contained in Alter Ego for Women, most likely helps to enhance the affects of the pheromone Androstenol and Androstenone, as well as projecting a feeling of comfort and safety to affected males.
What is Androstenone?
Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone. Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.
The inclusion of Androstenone in a pheromone for women is not the norm, usually Copulins are used to create the aura or affect of sexual attraction when used by women. However, Alter Ego for Women opted to exploit the well proven affects of Androstenone rather than utilize Copulins, even at the risk of projecting an overly dominant female aura.
The Field Test Results for Alter Ego for Women
I conducted nearly 20 field tests with Alter Ego for Women in a number of social and work settings. The reason why Alter Ego for Women got so many tests and ultimately ranks in the number 5 position with us is because of it’s versatility. As I said, Alter Ego for Women proved itself to be a more subtle and general purpose pheromone for women.
Because Alter Ego for Women has rather low concentrations of Androstenol, Androsterone, and Androstenone, the mixture will allow women to safely wear this pheromone oil in nearly all settings, as the results are not intense nor all that obvious in some cases.
What I mean by a general purpose pheromone oil is that one can safely wear Alter Ego for Women at work, at church, while out shopping, or even on a first date! Generally speaking the affects it induces from males will not be perceived as inappropriate in most of these settings. This makes Alter Ego for Women a perfect general daily wear pheromone oil for nearly any occassion, unlike Essence of A Women for instance, which one would have to be a little nuts to wear to church, or even to work really, unless you feel that’s an appropriate place to be sexually frustrating males within smelling distance! No such concerns with Alter Ego for Women.
I don’t really have that many notable encounters to report from my field testing with Alter Ego for Women, for obvious reasons, it’s smooth, subtle, and natural in how it usually works. Generally speaking I observed that men around me were just more calm and relaxed and friendly in all social settings. As for sexual attraction, well yes, it did seem to provide a subtle hint of sexual attraction, as I would catch a co-worker’s eyes wondering once in a while during a conversation, but like I said the affects are subtle, not blatantly like reactions caused by other pheromones for women such as Pheromax for Women or Primal Instinct for Women.
In a nutshell, Alter Ego for Women is a very sound daily wear pheromone oil, pleasant smelling, and great for generating overall positive reactions from males in all social settings, but perfect for those situations when you don’t really want to generate inappropriate or over the top reactions from folks around you.
However, because Alter Ego for Women’s unique blend, combining subtle elements of sexual attraction, dominance, comfort, friendliness, and relaxation, as well as seemingly putting the wearer in a better mood, it’s a great standalone pheromone product. Alter Ego for Women can easily be enhanced based upon what the wearer wants to accomplish!
For instance, if I was going on a first date with a gentlemen, Alter Ego for Women would be perfect by itself. However, if I was going on a third or fourth date with a gentlemen that I was really interested in, I could simply maintain my standard two applications of Alter Ego for Women and simply add a dab or two of Essence of A Women, which is heavy in Copulins, and I would then greatly increase the pure sexual attraction power of the whole mixture, inducing high and abnormal levels of sexual frustration into the mix!
Because Alter Ego for Women is such a good stand alone pheromone oil, there are simply many ways to play with it until the wearer gets the desired affect based upon what levels of interest are appropriate and desired by the lady. This overall versatility is in large part why we have ranked Alter Ego for Women as our number 5 overall pick.
Alter Ego for Women
Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #5
Effectiveness Ratio: 26 out of 31 men were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Social Ice Breaker / Subtle sexual attractant
Most Effective Upon: Men/Women
Special Notes/Observations: Has a pleasant smell / Seems to elevate the overall mood of the wearer / Very good all purpose (daily) wear pheromone oil / Appropriate for nearly all social settings.
This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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