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Alpha A314 which is also known as Alpha A314 for Men easily found its spot as our number #5 top pick among our top 10 of quality field tested pheromone cologne. Alpha A314 is a strong oil based Androstenone cologne which also contains 8 other pheromonal proprietary blends within its mixture, and unlike NPA for Men comes with a rather pleasant smelling “musk” like fragrance.
Unlike it’s closely related counterpart, NPA for Men, which excels at creating a more pure “sexual attraction” vibe, Alpha A314 is much more smooth than the latter in its effects. Alpha A314 for Men has been described by many pheromone enthusiasts as being a “smooth operator,” as it’s a pheromone cologne which tends to create an aura of “higher value, respect, trust, class, and sexiness” around the wearer, what many have come to refer to as “the James Bond effect.”
The differences between NPA for Men and Alpha A314 are rather subtle, but very real! It could be said that Alpha A314’s vibe is likened to “the difference between being sleazy, and sexy!” Alpha A314 definitely signals the “sexy” vibe among others to those around the wearer, thus, “the James Bond effect.”
I will freely admit that even though I went a little crazy on this one, and field tested Alpha A314 over 23 times, it was necessary for me to do so to try and learn all the effects of this pheromone cologne, and they are many.
While wearing appropriate dosages of Alpha A314, both men and women will tend to perceive and view the wearer with more admiration, respect, higher status, and will hold the wearer in over all higher esteem. Men will tend to view the wearer as a true Man’s Man, or one of the boys so to speak, while women will tend to view the wearer as much more “sexually appealing, classy, and desirable.”
It’s important for me to note however, that Alpha A314 being more of a “smooth operator” pheromone cologne, that women who the wearer may feel are simply “out of their league” so to speak, will tend to behave as if the wearer is either in the same league, or out of their league! This odd effect, primarily generated by Androstenone, is both good and bad. Since this small “intimidation factor” does often surround the wearer initially towards women, once again do to Androstenone, more often than not women will not be blatantly flirtatious or obvious in their attempts to get the male wearers attention, and why would they, if they perceive the wearer as being “out of their league?”
The good part is that this handicap can easily be over come by the wearer of this pheromone cologne, quite simply by walking over to the women in question, while surrounded by this so called “James Bond effect,” and simply initiating conversation oneself, no corny lines necessary, simply find an excuse to communicate, in good taste of course.
From my experience with Alpha A314, the man that approaches a women wearing this pheromone cologne, even those women out of their league, would either be happy to say yes to a date, or at the very worst would have to think long and hard before turning the man down! Do to the effects of Alpha A314, even those women who decline the wearer seem like they really wanted to say yes!
The only exception to the above rule in my experience has been when the wearer is already interacting with a women who has no real “intimidation factor” to over come, for example a women who is already a friend, or out on a first date with the wearer for instance, in these cases there is little to no intimidation factor, and therefore the “sexual attraction” vibe is much more pronounced right from get go!
My over all opinion of Alpha A314 for Men is very high, I would even dare call it a must have pheromone cologne. Appropriate for social settings, romantic settings, and even the work place in smaller doses for the added benefit of increase “respect and status,” as perceived by others. I do use Alpha A314 primarily as a strong enhancement to other more “sexually based” pheromone cologne. For instance, combining Alpha A314 with either Alpha 7 Scented or NPA for Men is simply a killer combo! If you can picture the “James Bond effect” combined with a very strong dose of raw sexual attraction, then you’ll understand the advantages to combining some of these top quality products.
Field Test Results: Alpha A314 for Men
In total I conducted a little over 23 field tests on Alpha A314 while trying to get a handle on all the effects it tends to induce from others. However, this was more to be thorough than anything else, I was quite satisfied with the results of the very first field test I conducted, in which it clearly demonstrated it’s unique usefulness to me.
I decided to conduct my first field test in a work environment because I had heard A314 was “smooth” enough to be work place friendly, so I opted to put that assertion to the test first.
The day of this field test of Alpha A314 I was scheduled to meet with the purchasing manager of another company, specifically to re-negotiate a contract between our two employers. I pulled into the parking lot and applied one rather generous dab of Alpha A314, one behind each ear, and then walked into the building in search of her office.
I quickly found this young purchasing managers small little office, and was delighted to see she was a very attractive Latina in her early to mid-twenties, very easy on the eyes so to speak. She quickly waved me into her office, and we exchanged some brief small talk while I got all my paper work in order for her review.
Everything was pretty normal and standard during our meeting until about 10 minutes or so into our conversation. It was at this point that I clearly notice that she was much more relaxed and at ease with my presence, and seemed genuinely happy I was there. She was also very attentive and placing much more value on every little thing I said, whether the topic of conversation was personal or professional, she just seem to take things at face value so to speak.
It was a little odd to be honest, as time went on this purchasing manager was treating me with the utmost respect, and even deference, almost as if “I” was “her” boss or something. She was very, very pleasant now in her demeanor, and seemed to be enjoying my company, and continued to make very nice eye contact with me as we conversed.
Although I noted a markedly positive change in her overall behavior and demeanor, she was not outwardly letting herself show any real signs of “sexual attraction” to me, which I found a little frustrating, but such a reaction would have been inappropriate for a business meeting, so I thought maybe just because she is not showing signs of “sexual attraction,” that may not necessarily mean that those feeling are not there?
I decided to put my little theory to the test. After we finished all the paper work in question, which only took about 45 minutes from start to finish, I decided to get a little bold. I say bold, because this young lady was “much” younger than I, and clearly “out of my league” physically, and professionally for that matter! But I said to myself, go for it! I politely asked her if she would allow me to take her out to dinner that night after work, as I’d like to get to know her much better?
Instantaneously, a large smile quickly came across her face! She clearly blushed a little bit, and without even breaking eye contact with me she replied, ““I was SO hoping you would ask me that!…Yes! I’d be happy to!”
Well, that night we did go out to dinner, and she later felt it necessary to confess to me that she was just really impressed with me the moment I walked into her office, she thought I was a “guy that has things together!” As well as that for some reason she just felt very comfortable with me since we first met?
Suffice it to say, there is no reason for me to go into the details regarding the rest of this night. However, I was clearly satisfied in Alpha A314’s ability to create “higher value,” “respect,” and to act as a “social lubricator as well as sexual attractant.” This well matched and mix of reactions induced by Alpha A314 is what set’s it apart among other pure Androstenone based pheromone cologne.
Important Observations:
Although Alpha A314 for Men is a very effective and well balanced pheromone cologne, much depends upon what the wearer wishes to use it for. If you are simply looking to induce feelings of “sexual attraction” from the opposite sex and nothing more, than A314 is sort of over kill, and something like Alpha-7 Scented or NPA for Men would be a better choice.
However, if you are looking for a more subtle and balanced vibe, to induce from others feelings of “respect, stature, higher value, along with sexual attraction,” or simply put, “the James Bond effect,” then Alpha A314 fits the bill nearly perfectly.
If you are rather impatient, like I tend to be much of the time, and wish to see more direct and blatantly obvious results, or wish increase the frequency in which women seem to initiate conversation with you, either socially or professionally, then Alpha A314 is best used along side The Scent of Eros for Men, and/or Alpha-7 Scented.
Alpha A314 for Men
Pheromone Cologne Effectiveness Ranking: #5
Effectiveness Ratio: 6 out of 10 women were observed to respond
Recommended Use : Higher Value / Respect from both Sexes / “James Bond Effect”
Most Effective Upon: All Women/All Men /All Ages – Sexual Attraction from Females only
Special Notes/Observations: Subtle pheromone cologne – When used by itself powerful results will be noticed mainly when the wearer initiates conversation/ Best Used along with The Scent of Eros for Men and Alpha 7 Scented or NPA for Men (to add a stronger sexual attraction element into the mix as well as more enhanced social lubrication)
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Tagged as: alpha a314, alpha a314 for men, androstenone, npa, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones, the scent of eros for men
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