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Alpha-7 Scented for Men is produced by KZI, and has without question risen to the number #2 ranking as one of the most versatile and ruthlessly effective pheromone cologne currently available on the market
Alpha-7 Scented is a very pleasant smelling and effective pheromone cologne which previously was over looked as a top contender in the recent past, however after conducting a number of field tests upon this pheromone cologne and comparing the results to a number of others, Alpha-7 Scented’s results could simply not be ignored.
This pheromone cologne contains 6mg of Androstenone and 1mg of Androsterone, all added to KZI’s proprietary blend, boasting 40% more overall in pheromone count then the previous big dog of Androstenone pheromone cologne, Primal Instinct. Although, pheromone count by itself is no predictor of a pheromone cologne’s potential effectiveness, but rather how it is blended and mixed, and what proportion of each pheromone is used tends to determine a products overall effectiveness. In the case of Alpha-7 Scented for men, KZI has apparently gotten the blend just right.
First of all to understand what this pheromone cologne does, you must have a basic understanding of what it’s component human pheromones actually do, or rather tend to induce in others during exposure in sufficient levels suitable to cause some effect.
Alpha-7 Scented without a doubt is most heavy with the use of Androstenone, boasting 6 Mg’s per bottle of this one pheromone alone. Androstenone is the base of many “sexual attraction” based pheromone colognes, but it is also one of the more tricky and temperamental of human pheromones, more on that later.
In laypersons terms, Androstenone is responsible for inducing the following;
“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone. Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”
The levels of Androstenone included in this pheromone cologne are more than sufficient to induce the above affects, however that alone is not Alpha-7 Scented’s only claim to fame, because of it’s unique proprietary blend, and well balanced inclusion of the pheromone Androsterone, Alpha-7 Scented is actually the most effective pheromone cologne to mask, or buffer the potential negative effects of Androstenone!
Those who have used Androstenone containing pheromone cologne in the past may have experience the negative effects of Androstenone (O.D.), at least once, those negative effects usually include;
HeadachesBad smelling applicationsAggression from other members of the same sexAn aggressive mood in the wearerMembers of the opposite sex to be overly intimidated, leading to no or even negative reactions.Suffice it to say, the effects of a Androstenone over dose are not appealing, nor desirable. These effects can occur when an inexperienced pheromone cologne user applies to much of a cologne, or when they are using an Adrostenone based product that is not a quality product or is not properly balanced in it’s particular blend of pheromones.
Alpha-7 Scented has the appropriate blend to counter act most of these negative effects, unless one is foolish enough to use high doses of this stuff, which is not required at all. As a matter of fact, Alpha -7 Scented most be used very sparingly because of it’s potency, usually 1 to 2 small dabs of the stuff will last for hours! However, the over dose risk is also severely mitigated by the inclusion of the next human pheromone, Androsterone.
“Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words, a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.”
Are you starting to see how KZI has balanced this pheromone cologne? Androstenone to create an intense “sexual attraction” based vibe, but blended correctly with Androsterone to create a vibe signaling “security, protection, and reliability…”
Make no mistake about this, while the Scent of Eros for Men excels at being a “social lubricator” orientated pheromone cologne, Alpha-7 Scented excels at being a brutally effective “higher value,” and “strong sexual attraction” orientated pheromone cologne. Remember, I previously let the cat out of the bag, not all pheromones do the same thing! There is no one pheromone cologne that will effectively induce all the results one may wish. This is precisely why the practice of combining the effects of multiple colognes is so powerful!
The Scent of Eros for Men, applied to the forearms, along with Alpha-7 Scented applied to the neck area, in my experience provides some rather brutally effective and strong results! At times generating very blatant and amusing reactions from those exposed! The ability to create an aura, signalling friendliness, relaxation, calmness, trust, with Alpha-7 Scented’s higher value and strong sexual attraction element thrown in for good measure is a truly powerful advantage if used appropriately.
Field Test Results: Alpha-7 Scented for Men
Before I get into the field test results, let me confess that I actually lost track of how many field tests I conducted with Alpha-7 Scented! Why? Because it was blatantly obvious what this stuff did after a mere 2 to 3 field tests! There was really no point beating a dead horse by continuing aggressive documentation of my results. However, I will say this, Alpha-7 along with the Scent of Eros for Men have become and remain to be my two personal favorites now, they are 2 of the three I personally use in my daily life even though it is no longer for testing purposes, they’re that good!
One of my most memorable, significant and obvious field tests of Alpha-7 Scented was the very first field test I conducted on the stuff!
I was scheduled to make sales call with the operations manager of another business. The lady who I would be meeting is in her mid to late thirties, married, of average looks, much like myself, but more importantly she was known very well as a tough, no nonsense negotiator with little patience or sense of humor!
I figured might as well test Alpha-7 Scented at this little meeting, certainly can’t do any harm? I hoped?
I applied two applications of Alpha-7 Scented, one behind each ear in my car, and then walked into her office building and to her office for my sales call. (Note: This was not smart, usually wait 15 minutes after application for this pheromone cologne to settle, it’s quite potent when first applied…Hindsight is 20/20 though!)
I quickly knocked on the operations manager’s door, smiled and stepped inside her office. She gave me a look that could kill most mortals, and quickly informed me that she was very busy had no time at all today, and perhaps we should reschedule our meeting for sometime next month?
I was not going to have it! I stood in front of her desk and did some fast talking hoping she would reconsider and grant me an audience with her as scheduled! This is when I started to notice it. A subtle change at first which started to occur approximately 2 minutes from the time I entered her office…The Iron Lady herself was clearly becoming more calm and relaxed, this was followed by the unmistakable slowing of her speech pattern, and a distinct lowering of her overall volume too!
I took a seat in front of her desk, and she just looked at me and smiled! Then she actually pushed some work on her desk aside and to my utter shock put her phone on busy to boot! I thought to myself, make your pitch quick! So I went into my sales pitch with her, while she sat behind her big desk just smiling and staring into my eyes as I was talking to her!
Ironically, after I finished the introduction to my sales call, which only took perhaps 15 minutes, she then decides she wants to talk with me, and not anything at all about business, but personal stuff? We start talking like two old buddies sitting at a bar about the state of the economy, family, finances, etc…
Things went along much better than expected for the first 45 minutes or so, until one of her subordinates walks into the office needing to quickly speak with her. This gal that walked in was a very attractive young lady in her early twenties I would guess. Apparently, this young lady walked into to schedule a sit down with the big boss to talk about a poor performance review she received, so you can imagine she was not in a happy state of mind at the time.
However, while this attractive young lady was standing there talking to the big boss, she kept staring rather intensely at me, wide eyed and smiling? The operations manager clearly picked up on this body language from her subordinate and seemed to become quickly annoyed by her intrusion! Especially since this young gal would simply not leave!
It was rather amusing actually, the subordinate kept asking her boss the same questions over and over again rather absent mindedly, and then asking for numerous clarifications upon the answers her boss would tell her, the whole time still intensely staring at me with a smile, as if she was trying to buy herself time in the office!
This little contest of who gets to be around the sales rep of course ended when the big boss pulled rank and raised her voice, I was then back alone with the operations manager. By this time I had been in this meeting for a little more than 1 1/2 hours! These meetings usually do not go on for much longer then 30-45 minutes tops! Although the big boss had quickly returned to her calm and soft spoken demeanor with me, after expelling her subordinate, I felt I had to end the meeting and get back to business, whether she wanted to let me go or not!
At about the 2 hour mark I finally stood up saying that I really had to go, but promised to return to follow-up next week! At this point she then grabs my hand as if to shake it, but does not let go? She looks me in the eyes wearing her nice smile and tells me that she was “truly, very, very happy that you stopped by today!”
At this point I practically ran out of her office! Diplomatically, of course!
Let me say this, this is simply NOT how most sales calls will ever go! Period! The observations I was able to derive from this field test were fairly clear. The only factor of interest which remains unexplained was the length of time before each of the two women clearly responded to the pheromone cologne after initial exposure.
Important Observations:
I must note, because of the Androstenone contained in Alpha-7 Scented, younger members of the opposite sex will often start out being slightly intimidated by the wearer, attracted but intimidated! This is one of the peculiarities of using a Androstenone based pheromone cologne. As a general guideline, females 30+ seem to respond much more aggressively and much more quickly than those females 25 years old or below. This is standard of Androstenone, especially in higher dosages.
However, after numerous tests with Androstenone based pheromone cologne, I realized one important tactic. I the wearer of this pheromone cologne is trying to attract a younger women, say in their early twenties, to get around the possibility of “intimidation,” all the wearer most do is become pro-active, simply put “initiate conversation” to then “break the ice.” At this point, things should flow just fine.
The best example I can relate to explain why it would be necessary to initiate conversation, when around a younger female exposed to Androstenone would be this;
“It is likened to an average guy being in the presence of their high school prom queen. The average guy might not have the guts to approach her, not seriously, he might be a little intimidated? Well, with Alpha-7 Scented that’s how these younger members of the opposite sex seem to view the wearer!”
Alpha-7 Scented, being the quality “higher value” and “sexual attraction” based pheromone cologne that it is can generate some interesting results along this subject line, to numerous to go into here for now. However, it is quite interesting when one approaches a young lady, and they appear to be “honored” that the wearer would actually speak to them! Androstenone in proper doses does have it’s interesting little effects.
Alpha-7 Scented for Men
Pheromone Cologne Effectiveness Ranking : #2
Effectiveness Ratio : 7 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond.
Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages – Enhanced “initial” Response from 30+
Special Observations noted: Higher Value/Respect from both Sexes/ Strong Sexual Attractant…Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Latina and Black Women.
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Tagged as: alpha-7 scented, alpha-7 scented for men, alpha7 scented for men, for men, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones
Pheromone cologne are the smells that tell us unconsciously about people. They work for relationships and have many other functions. There are many differences between males and females and each also has their own set of Pheromones.
ReplyDeleteTheres a new company called pheromone xs on the scene. Run by steve osborn. DOnt know the guy. Seems legit though. He has some videos about PUA game and so on on youtube. its all free. I cant post the link but just junky fungus on youtube will show it.