Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pheromone Cologne: Alpha-7 Scented Pheromone Cologne Reviewed

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Pheromone Cologne: Alpha-7 Scented Pheromone Cologne: Alpha-7 Scented

Alpha-7 Scented for Men is produced by KZI, and has without question risen to the number #2 ranking as one of the most versatile and ruthlessly effective pheromone cologne currently available on the market


Alpha-7 Scented is a very pleasant smelling and effective pheromone cologne which previously was over looked as a top contender in the recent past, however after conducting a number of field tests upon this pheromone cologne and comparing the results to a number of others, Alpha-7 Scented’s results could simply not be ignored.

This pheromone cologne contains 6mg of Androstenone and 1mg of Androsterone, all added to KZI’s proprietary blend, boasting 40% more overall in pheromone count then the previous big dog of Androstenone pheromone cologne, Primal Instinct. Although, pheromone count by itself is no predictor of a pheromone cologne’s potential effectiveness, but rather how it is blended and mixed, and what proportion of each pheromone is used tends to determine a products overall effectiveness. In the case of Alpha-7 Scented for men, KZI has apparently gotten the blend just right.

First of all to understand what this pheromone cologne does, you must have a basic understanding of what it’s component human pheromones actually do, or rather tend to induce in others during exposure in sufficient levels suitable to cause some effect.

Alpha-7 Scented without a doubt is most heavy with the use of Androstenone, boasting 6 Mg’s per bottle of this one pheromone alone. Androstenone is the base of many “sexual attraction” based pheromone colognes, but it is also one of the more tricky and temperamental of human pheromones, more on that later.

In laypersons terms, Androstenone is responsible for inducing the following;

“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone.  Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”

The levels of Androstenone included in this pheromone cologne are more than sufficient to induce the above affects, however that alone is not Alpha-7 Scented’s only claim to fame, because of it’s unique proprietary blend, and well balanced inclusion of the pheromone Androsterone, Alpha-7 Scented is actually the most effective pheromone cologne to mask, or buffer the potential negative effects of Androstenone!

Those who have used Androstenone containing pheromone cologne in the past may have experience the negative effects of Androstenone (O.D.), at least once, those negative effects usually include;

HeadachesBad smelling applicationsAggression from other members of the same sexAn aggressive mood in the wearerMembers of the opposite sex to be overly intimidated, leading to no or even negative reactions.

Suffice it to say, the effects of a Androstenone over dose are not appealing, nor desirable. These effects can occur when an inexperienced pheromone cologne user applies to much of a cologne, or when they are using an Adrostenone based product that is not a quality product or is not properly balanced in it’s particular blend of pheromones.

Alpha-7 Scented has the appropriate blend to counter act most of these negative effects, unless one is foolish enough to use high doses of this stuff, which is not required at all. As a matter of fact, Alpha -7 Scented most be used very sparingly because of it’s potency, usually 1 to 2 small dabs of the stuff will last for hours! However, the over dose risk is also severely mitigated by the inclusion of the next human pheromone, Androsterone.

“Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words,  a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.”

Are you starting to see how KZI has balanced this pheromone cologne? Androstenone to create an intense “sexual attraction” based vibe, but blended correctly with Androsterone to create a vibe signaling “security, protection, and reliability…”

Make no mistake about this, while the Scent of Eros for Men excels at being a “social lubricator” orientated pheromone cologne, Alpha-7 Scented excels at being a brutally effective “higher value,” and “strong sexual attraction” orientated pheromone cologne. Remember, I previously let the cat out of the bag, not all pheromones do the same thing! There is no one pheromone cologne that will effectively induce all the results one may wish. This is precisely why the practice of combining the effects of multiple colognes is so powerful!

The Scent of Eros for Men, applied to the forearms, along with Alpha-7 Scented applied to the neck area, in my experience provides some rather brutally effective and strong results! At times generating very blatant and amusing reactions from those exposed! The ability to create an aura, signalling friendliness, relaxation, calmness, trust, with Alpha-7 Scented’s higher value and strong sexual attraction element thrown in for good measure is a truly powerful advantage if used appropriately.

Field Test Results: Alpha-7 Scented for Men

Before I get into the field test results, let me confess that I actually lost track of how many field tests I conducted with Alpha-7 Scented! Why? Because it was blatantly obvious what this stuff did after a mere 2 to 3 field tests! There was really no point beating a dead horse by continuing aggressive documentation of my results. However, I will say this, Alpha-7 along with the Scent of Eros for Men have become and remain to be my two personal favorites now, they are 2 of the three I personally use in my daily life even though it is no longer for testing purposes, they’re that good!

One of my most memorable, significant and obvious field tests of Alpha-7 Scented was the very first field test I conducted on the stuff!

I was scheduled to make sales call with the operations manager of another business. The lady who I would be meeting is in her mid to late thirties, married, of average looks, much like myself, but more importantly she was known very well as a tough, no nonsense negotiator with little patience or sense of humor!

I figured might as well test Alpha-7 Scented at this little meeting, certainly can’t do any harm? I hoped?

I applied two applications of Alpha-7 Scented, one behind each ear in my car, and then walked into her office building and to her office for my sales call. (Note: This was not smart, usually wait 15 minutes after application for this pheromone cologne to settle, it’s quite potent when first applied…Hindsight is 20/20 though!)

I quickly knocked on the operations manager’s door, smiled and stepped inside her office. She gave me a look that could kill most mortals, and quickly informed me that she was very busy had no time at all today, and perhaps we should reschedule our meeting for sometime next month?

I was not going to have it! I stood in front of her desk and did some fast talking hoping she would reconsider and grant me an audience with her as scheduled! This is when I started to notice it. A subtle change at first which started to occur approximately 2 minutes from the time I entered her office…The Iron Lady herself was clearly becoming more calm and relaxed, this was followed by the unmistakable slowing of her speech pattern, and a distinct lowering of her overall volume too!

I took a seat in front of her desk, and she just looked at me and smiled! Then she actually pushed some work on her desk aside and to my utter shock put her phone on busy to boot! I thought to myself, make your pitch quick! So I went into my sales pitch with her, while she sat behind her big desk just smiling and staring into my eyes as I was talking to her!

Ironically, after I finished the introduction to my sales call, which only took perhaps 15 minutes, she then decides she wants to talk with me, and not anything at all about business, but personal stuff? We start talking like two old buddies sitting at a bar about the state of the economy, family, finances, etc…

Things went along much better than expected for the first 45 minutes or so, until one of her subordinates walks into the office needing to quickly speak with her. This gal that walked in was a very attractive young lady in her early twenties I would guess. Apparently, this young lady walked into to schedule a sit down with the big boss to talk about a poor performance review she received, so you can imagine she was not in a happy state of mind at the time.

However, while this attractive young lady was standing there talking to the big boss, she kept staring rather intensely at me, wide eyed and smiling? The operations manager clearly picked up on this body language from her subordinate and seemed to become quickly annoyed by her intrusion! Especially since this young gal would simply not leave!

It was rather amusing actually, the subordinate kept asking her boss the same questions over and over again rather absent mindedly, and then asking for numerous clarifications upon the answers her boss would tell her, the whole time still intensely staring at me with a smile, as if she was trying to buy herself time in the office!

This little contest of who gets to be around the sales rep of course ended when the big boss pulled rank and raised her voice, I was then back alone with the operations manager. By this time I had been in this meeting for a little more than 1 1/2 hours! These meetings usually do not go on for much longer then 30-45 minutes tops!  Although the big boss had quickly returned to her calm and soft spoken demeanor with me, after expelling her subordinate, I felt I had to end the meeting and get back to business, whether she wanted to let me go or not!

At about the 2 hour mark I finally stood up saying that I really had to go, but promised to return to follow-up next week! At this point she then grabs my hand as if to shake it, but does not let go? She looks me in the eyes wearing her nice smile and tells me that she was “truly, very, very happy that you stopped by today!”

At this point I practically ran out of her office! Diplomatically, of course!

Let me say this, this is simply NOT how most sales calls will ever go! Period! The observations I was able to derive from this field test were fairly clear. The only factor of interest which remains unexplained was the length of time before each of the two women clearly responded to the pheromone cologne after initial exposure.

Important Observations:

I must note, because of the Androstenone contained in Alpha-7 Scented, younger members of the opposite sex will often start out being slightly intimidated by the wearer, attracted but intimidated! This is one of the peculiarities of using a Androstenone based pheromone cologne. As a general guideline, females 30+ seem to respond much more aggressively and much more quickly than those females 25 years old or below. This is standard of Androstenone, especially in higher dosages.

However, after numerous tests with Androstenone based pheromone cologne, I realized one important tactic. I the wearer of this pheromone cologne is trying to attract a younger women, say in their early twenties, to get around the possibility of “intimidation,” all the wearer most do is become pro-active, simply put “initiate conversation” to then “break the ice.” At this point, things should flow just fine.

The best example I can relate to explain why it would be necessary to initiate conversation, when around a younger female exposed to Androstenone would be this;

“It is likened to an average guy being in the presence of their high school prom queen. The average guy might not have the guts to approach her, not seriously, he might be a little intimidated? Well, with Alpha-7 Scented that’s how these younger members of the opposite sex seem to view the wearer!”

Alpha-7 Scented, being the quality “higher value” and “sexual attraction” based pheromone cologne that it is can generate some interesting results along this subject line, to numerous to go into here for now. However, it is quite interesting when one approaches a young lady, and they appear to be “honored” that the wearer would actually speak to them! Androstenone in proper doses does have it’s interesting little effects.

Alpha-7 Scented for Men

Pheromone Cologne Effectiveness Ranking : #2

Effectiveness Ratio : 7 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond.

Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages – Enhanced “initial” Response from 30+

Special Observations noted: Higher Value/Respect from both Sexes/ Strong Sexual Attractant…Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Latina and Black Women.

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Tagged as: alpha-7 scented, alpha-7 scented for men, alpha7 scented for men, for men, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones

Pheromone Cologne: Liquid Trust Pheromone Cologne Reviewed

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Pheromone Cologne: Liquid Trust Pheromone Cologne: Liquid Trust

Liquid Trust is a powerful but rather temperamental spray produced by Vero Labs. Its important to note that Liquid Trust is not technically a pheromone cologne, or even technically a true pheromone product at all, but it is very closely related, and so effective that it must be included in this ranking!

Liquid Trust is a rather odd bird to say the least. Instead of utilizing a variety of human pheromones to produce it’s results, it relies upon a human hormone known as Oxytocin. Coincidentally, the effects of Oxytocin upon human behavior have been studied rather extensively, in some cases more so then the effects derived from certain human pheromones. Therefore, the documentation regarding Oxytocin is quite compelling even among the scientific community.

The Oxytocin hormone, delivered in spray form from Liquid Trust also has no real discernible odor. When first applied one may smell a faint alcohol like odor, but this smell dissipates very quickly, and becomes undetectable within a couple of minutes after application.

So, what is this hormone known as Oxytocin?

“Oxytocin is a human hormone that scientists have been able to determine plays a role in increasing people’s levels of trust in others, formation of social bonds and friendships, as well as having a role in treating depression, shyness, and other social disorders and phobias. “

In very simple laypersons terms, people who are exposed to and inhale Oxytocin, essentially become more trusting of others, including the wearer! Yes, Vero Labs makes a pretty bold claim with this one, however, the effects of Oxytocin are surprisingly very well documented!

After taking Vero Labs assertions to task, and opting to put Liquid Trust through my field testing process, I found it to be a very effective hormone based product which greatly exceeded my expectations. As such, Liquid Trust, has become, and is, one of the three pheromone cologne like products that I personally use regularly, for non-testing purposes that is.

The mighty triumvirate of the powerful three, The Scent of Eros for Men, plus Alpha 7 Scented for Men, washed down with Liquid Trust so to speak, provides simply incredible results! More on this tactic later.

In total I conducted 10 field tests with Liquid Trust. However, these 10 field tests do not include the numerous times I have used this pheromone cologne like spray for non-testing purposes after my evaluation was completed. Ironically, my very 1st field test using Liquid Trust was the most persuasive!

I was scheduled to make a business to business sales call at another company this day, and had a meeting lined up with this other company’s purchasing manager. On my way to her office I made a quick pit stop into the restroom, and applied four generous sprays of Liquid Trust, one behind each ear and one spray to each wrist.

It was a very odd sensation! I believe I inhaled a fresh dose of the Oxytocin during this first field test, as I immediately felt a slight euphoric feeling come over me, and my legs actually started to shake just a little for a few seconds! The feeling that came over me I can only describe as calming, but self-assured. Almost as if I had consume a few glasses of alcohol or something, but without actually being impaired?

I walked into the purchasing manager’s office and introduced myself. I found myself face to face with a very attractive young lady in her late twenties, and wearing a very large engagement ring on her finger!

After making our introductions and getting brief pleasantries out of the way, I could observe some subtle changes coming over her demeanor. Her face was now flush, and a little red around the cheeks, and her mood become noticeably more relaxed calm, she seemed to be much more “open” with me than would have been the norm during a sales call.

We then started talking, small talk of course, and she really started to open up to me even more than I ever expected, as a matter of fact she was conversing with me as if I was some long lost friend of hers and not a sales rep on a business call! We started discussing our current events, favorite social hangouts, and then our personal lives!

To my complete shock, this purchasing manager then feels compelled to confess to me that she had already cheated on her fiance, and was very scared that he might eventually find this out! Then it gets worse, she further elaborates that she cheated on her new fiance because he was incapable of satisfying her in the bedroom! This was really too much information for me, I certainly didn’t indicated that I needed to know such details.

Ironically, she felt totally comfortable speaking with me, and she continued on along this line of discussion, with more graphic details that I will not recite here. She actually continued on for a good 90 minutes! It was as if I was a trusted confidant to her or something, there was very little she would feel uncomfortable disclosing to me?

This particular type of sales call is usually a 20-30 minute affair from beginning to end folks, after 90 minutes of this type of discussion, I finally had to sway our conversation back to something resembling business! Oddly, she truly seemed very disappointed, and a little hurt that we had to end our soul wrenching personal conversation! She saw the prospect of talking business as a rude interruption of our personal discussion!

I had to insist the we handle our business at hand though, and I handed her the new contract I needed her to review for her company’s approval.  To my complete shock, she agreed to the terms of the contract and told me she would send it upstairs for a signature! At her bidding, we then continued our personal discussion.

At this point I was trying hard to suppress hysterical laughterShe didn’t even read the contract!

Our personal conversation, or rather confessional continued, I departed with a new found good friend about 45 minutes later!

Important Observations:

After conducting subsequent field tests on Liquid Trust, I was able to play with the stuff a little bit and came to these few important conclusions.

First, Liquid Trust is most effective when used in confined areas, such as is in this case, a small office! It’s affects are greatly diminished when used out doors, or in a very large room, bar, or dance club…

Secondly, Liquid Trust has a rather short duration of effectiveness unlike many pheromone cologne like products. Liquid Trust is usually only effective for about 1 to 2 hours after application. After about the two hour mark, I don’t think it does much of anything, and simply needs to be re-applied. I believe the short life span of Liquid Trust is do to the rapid rate at which Oxytocin breaks down after being exposed to the air.

Thirdly, to keep Liquid Trust most effective, it must be kept refrigerated to prevent the Oxytocin from breaking down during periods of non-use.

Finally, you must apply a generous amount of Liquid Trust for it to be effective! Also unlike many other actual pheromone cologne like products. Simply put, the wearer needs to start at about four full sprays of the stuff, and work his/her way up to 6 full sprays to get the desired affect! Therefore, this stuff does go very quickly! Pheromone Cologne can last me months, this stuff lasted me about one week before I needed a new bottle!

So what is Liquid Trust good for?

When stored, applied, and used correctly, Liquid Trust is simply brutally effective at getting folks to trust you more, almost instantly, like you are a long lost friend! It’s a very odd situation to experience! However, unlike the claims made by Vero Labs, I saw no indication that Liquid Trust will actually help attract anyone to the wearer, not in a sexual manner at least. But this is ok, sometimes trust is better than lust anyhow, right?

In conclusion, Liquid Trust in my view is perfectly designed for occasional use during important or special occasions only! For example, for  an important sales call, for a job interview, for a meeting with your boss to discuss your next raise…I think you get the point! If you try wearing Liquid Trust as a daily wear pheromone cologne, you WILL go broke quick!

It must be mentioned, that the top three pheromone cologne like products, The Scent of Eros for Men, Alpha-7 Scented, and Liquid Trust, when worn together (combining the effects of all three) consistently produced brutally effective results!

In part, the power of this combination, weighed heavily into deciding which products would make my Top 3 ranking! The effects of this combo truly have to be experienced, as words can’t really do it justice, generating friendliness, chattiness, relaxation, higher perceived value, strong sexual attraction, and folks actually just really trust you a lot moreYou do the math!

Liquid Trust

Pheromone Cologne Effectiveness Ranking : #3

Effectiveness Ratio : 9 out of 10 men and women were observed to clearly respond.

Most Effective Upon: All Men & Women /All Ages

Special Observations noted: Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / Trust Builder / Social Bonding - Short duration 1-2 hours / Must be kept Refrigerated

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Tagged as: liquid trust, liquid trust enhanced, liquid trust review, oxytocin, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone colognes, pheromone reviews, pheromones, trust in a bottle

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chikara Pheromone: A Review of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men

Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men

The Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men, previously known simply as Chikara 7 or C7, is the final pheromone cologne product to make it into our top 10 ranking, as the number #10 most effective pheromone cologne currently available to attract women.

The Chikara Pheromone is rather unique, it contains some of the regular players of course, androstenone, androstenol, and androsterone, but also includes four other “secret” ingredients which to date have not been revealed. In short, Chikara has been billed as an all around, standalone pheromone cologne, but the reality is, it’s not at all, unfortunately, more on that in a moment.

The Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men as revealed by my field testing results, is clearly an androstenol heavy pheromone cologne. Chikara itself boasts that it’s product contains 7 unique human pheromone ingredients, more than a product such as Primal Instinct, but the fact is that simply having more pheromone ingredients in a bottle does not in anyway make the pheromone cologne more effective.

In addition to the fact that the pheromone industry only truly has a handle on a mere 7 total human pheromones, and what they in theory do when exposed to another person, and not all of those 7 are even pheromones which effect women, some work to attract men! Chikara Pheromone Cologne’s initial boast on this count falls on deaf ears.

The problem is that different human pheromones induce different results from folks, despite the fancy marketing claims made by certain companies, there is currently no single pheromone cologne that will give the wearer all the benefits he desires…It would be nice if  there was though, no such luck at this time.

As I said, the Chikara Pheromone Cologne contains primarily androstenone, androstenol, and androsterone, with a clear emphasis or higher proportion of androstenol. So what do these human pheromones do, or induce in others?

Androstenol is known to induce the following;

“Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone. Which appeared to be great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”

Androstenone is known to induce the following;

“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone.  Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”

Androsterone is similar to Androstenone in a subtle way, inducing the following;

“Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words,  a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.”

Therefore, the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men tends to be what many pheromone enthusiasts would refer to as more of a “feel good” type of pheromone cologne.  In other words, when the Chikara pheromone is used by itself, it tends to induce feelings of friendliness from others, men and women included, with men viewing the wearer as more of a man’s man, or with a little more respect.

The Chikara Pheromone Cologne is also fairly nice smelling which works in it’s favor. One will nearly always get compliments on it’s pleasant smell, so long as one is not wearing too much of it! A pheromone enthusiast who clearly wore too much of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne, posted of his experience the following;

“Whenever I used Chikara in excess amounts, it created a great deal of frustration and aggitation. I distinctly remember wearing four sprays of it at my old job one day. I and the two girls next to me were having a particularly ‘bad day’ towards the beginning of our shift. We all were pissed at our boss (over something pretty insignificant and stupid), and one of the girls got so aggitated she started to cry, and had to leave work early.

I normally wouldn’t full attribute anything like this to the pheromones, but halfway through the shift when the pheromones started to die down, me and the 1 girl left working next to me had calmed down considerably. She even started to question ‘what came over us’…”

Don’t wear to much of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne folks, even with it’s nice smell the pheromone content of this product, perhaps coupled with the Chikara Pheromone “secret” ingredients can seriously ruin your day.

So what is the Chikara Pheromone good for? Chikara is still a good and sound pheromone cologne to use by itself if you are primarily interested in smelling good, and creating a rather happy, friendly, and approachable atmosphere around you. So far as consistent results go, this is about the only real reason to use the Chikara Pheromone Cologne.

If you are looking to add or induce any real elements of sexual attraction, sexual tension or perhaps even sexual frustration into the mix, the Chikara Pheromone itself will simply not do that job 98% of the time, that’s not what it’s really effective at doing.

However, as I quickly discovered during my field testing, three other pheromone colognes or additives, when added alongside Chikara will accomplish the task of adding clear, obvious, and noticeable elements of sexual attraction or sexual tension, any one of these three will accomplish the desired result.

NPA for Men when worn with the Chikara Pheromone Cologne will add strong elements of pure sexual tension or frustration depending upon the dosage applied.

Alpha 7 Scented or Unscented when worn with the Chikara Pheromone Cologne will add a very strong, but smooth, element of sexual tension into the mix, while also enhancing ones stature and respect in the eyes of other males…This mix is actually my personal preference.

Alter Ego for Men when worn with the Chikara Pheromone Cologne will enhance feelings of sexual tension as well as create a more friendly and feel good atmosphere around the wearer. This combo is effective, primarily because the Chikara Pheromone Cologne’s nice scent covers the rather poor scent of the Alter Ego for Men!

Field Test Results for the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men

In total I conducted 11 field tests with  the Chikara Pheromone over a one month period of time, primarily because I liked the smell of the stuff, and I really wanted to get to know exactly what the product did in a number of social settings.

The first field test I conducted was completely unplanned! I had this awful pain in my side and called my doctor to schedule a visit that day, but they had no appointments available, typical! So my doctor recommended that I drive to the emergency room to get myself checked out.

Then pain was pretty bad so I decided to take my doctor’s advice this time and drive myself to the emergency room, dreading the experience that would ensue. If you have ever gone to an emergency room at any big city hospital in the Greater Los Angeles area then you may know why I dreaded having to subject myself to this experience.

I parked my car in the front parking lot of the hospital, and had just received my first bottle of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men, which was still in my glove compartment. So, I said what the heck, and applied to full sprays of Chikara, one behind each ear and then walked into the emergency room lobby.

I walked past two folks in the lobby who literally looked like they were about to die on the spot, and had clearly been waiting there for a pretty long time! I approached the nurse sitting at the intake desk, told her about my problem briefly, and she then handed me a stack of paper work to fill out right there at the counter! She had not even looked up at me by this point.

After a couple of minutes, as I completed the first page of basic insurance information, the nurse suddenly looked up at me with a concerned smile, and sincerely asked me if I was still in a lot of pain, and if I needed any help at all with filling out the paper work?

I forced a smile back and told her I was fine. She replied that I looked like I was in discomfort and apologized? The nurse then got up from her desk and disappeared into the emergency room itself, only to return about two minutes later with another intake nurse, who with a big smile on her face asked me to come on back into the ER so she could screen me.

I told her I hadn’t completed the stack of paperwork yet, at which point the first nurse took the papers away from me, and told me not to worry about that, that I could complete it on my way out! They were just trying to be so helpful and friendly it was rather amusing, never had this experience to this point at a hospital!

I went back into a small room with second nurse who asked me some questions and poked and prodded the side of my stomach a little bit. The whole time the nurse kept smiling at me and looking at me rather intently, and not exactly in a professional manner…But almost in a suggestive  manner, but still more subtle than that however, after all I was a patient in pain!

After she got done with my initial exam she walked me deeper into the ER and had me lay down on rather comfy bed, asked if I needed anything at all, and then she went to speak with one of the doctors.

Within about 5 minutes my doctor walked into my little “room,” a very attractive Asian lady perhaps in her mid to late thirties, I’m guessing.

She came in and was all business for about a minute or two as she asked me some basic questions, and then started smiling at me and also was much more friendly towards me the one might expect from an emergency room doctor! Needless to say, this doctor spent about the next hour and a half making me her priority that day, I was never alone for more than about 5 minutes at a time, and she was just oh so nice and friendly every time she would come and check in on me, as we eventually discussed my line of work, my job, what I liked to do for fun. In short, for being in a hospital it was simply a bizarre experience for me.

To make a long story short, nothing serious was wrong with me after all that. I got some sample pills to take for the pain, and the second nurse came back to walk me back out to the lobby. So I thought I take the opportunity to complete my little impromptu test, and I asked this young nurse for her phone number? She looked over at me with a half smile, and then handed me a small slip of paper with apparently her phone number already written on it in advance, and then her expression turned neutral and professional again as she turned and walked back into the E.R.

My take on the Chikara Pheromone for Men, it’s a fairly good social lubricator, friendly and feel good type pheromone cologne, people will seem to want to be friendly towards you and to help you out. The Chikara Pheromone clearly worked very well as a friendly ice breaker, but make no mistake about it, what you choose to do after the ice is broken is totally up to you! The levels of sexual attraction and sexual tension produced by the Chikara Pheromone are very low, so don’t expect any real great results unless you yourself make the approach.

The additional 10 field tests which I conducted on Chikara Pheromone Cologne were fairly consistent, very little to no true sexual tension created, but nearly everyone seems to want to be your friend and chat it up with you! Can’t complain about that, could be worse I guess.

Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #10

Effectiveness Ratio: 8 out of 11 women were observed to clearly respond

Recommended Use: Social lubricator / Ice Breaker

Most Effective Upon: All Women / All Men / Slight enhanced response from women 25+

Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Asian Women. Works extremely well when also worn with Alpha 7 Scented or Unscented (for a pure sexual attraction component), as well as NPA for Men or Alter Ego for Men.

This review of Chikara Pheromone Cologne for Men is brought to you by Do Pheromones

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Max Attraction: The Real Dirt on the Max Attraction Pheromone Cologne

Max Attraction Gold

Having seen the name Max Attraction floating around the web for years, but having never sampled this pheromone cologne produced by LuvEssentials, I decided to give Max Attraction Gold a go to see how it would stand up against some of the other potent pheromone colognes out there.

Max Attraction by LuvEssentials is by no means new to the world of pheromones, I just had not heard to much about these folks pheromone spray, nor how effective it was, or was not! So I opted to order the top product of LuvEssentials line, the supposedly powerful pheromone spray entitled Max Attraction Gold.

What is Max Attraction Gold?

Max attraction at first glimpse is a quite powerful hybrid pheromone cologne, containing a very large dose of Androstenone, a slightly lesser amount of Androstenol, and small dose of Androsterone, in theory making Max Attraction a strong “sexual attractant,” as well as a slightly less powerful “social icebreaker” pheromone cologne. In other words, this stuff seems to contain the same primary pheromone compounds of the ruthlessly effective Alpha 7 Scented, but with the further addition of Androstenol to boot.

To bring all up to speed on the significance of these pheromone compounds, Androstenone is;

“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone.  Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.”

While the Androstenone in Max Attraction (6 mgs) is sufficient to create a strong “sexual attraction” vibe in others, this is further complimented by the inclusion of atleast 1 mg of Androsterone;

“Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words,  a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.”

The use of these two pheromone compounds has already been time tested and proven to create very strong results, as so far this mixture is very ’similar’ to the personal favorite of my arsenal, Alpha 7 Scented. However, Max Attraction then goes one step further, and throws in Androstenol into the whole mix, atleast 3 mgs of Androstenol, slightly less than the 4 mgs of Androstenol contained in another proven pheromone cologne name the Scent of Eros for Men.

Androstenol is referred to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; a sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…Very beneficial for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”

Needless to say, seeing such a mixture attempting to utilize all three of these well known pheromone compounds was rather interesting to me, definitely an ambitious undertaking, the only question in my mind was how well these primary compounds were blended together in this mix, and would they then work together in conjunction properly?

Field Test Results for the Max Attraction Gold

Since I initially was not sure how effective Max Attraction was going to be, I opted to test this pheromone cologne over a 6 day period, wearing it during the work day for 5 days, and then while out socially on Friday and Saturday, so as I could asses how Max Attraction would perform in the work environment as well as in the social environment.

My first experience with Max Attraction was on the 1st day of use, a Monday morning. I applied two full sprays of this stuff (1 to each side of the neck), note: time would tell this is too much to start with, but I didn’t know that at the time. Anyhow, I made my ritualistic stop at my local Dunkin Donut Shop to pick up my large cup of coffee while on my way to work, as I tend to do almost every morning.

The Donut shop was being manned by two very cute Asian girls, both probably 15+ years my juniors, but I saw them almost daily (without any incident) while making my morning coffee runs. This morning was a little different though? I walked to the cashier’s station and placed my order as I was looking up at the Menu on the wall, and I noticed out of the corner of my eye these two young ladies looking back and forth at each other while wearing big but rather sly smiles, then the cuter of the two looks at the other and waves her hand to her forehead, as if she is cooling herself? I look down from the menu and see both girls just standing there with big smiles, and eyes wide open as they are looking at me!

Of course, I smile back and hand my debit card to the cashier, who is still maintaining eye contact and wearing a nice smile as she is staring at me, almost like a “Dear In Headlights Look” but she still seems to have some presence of mind, as she was “extra” nice and polite to me throughout the entire encounter…Never got that reaction before from either one of them, so now I’m starting to think maybe this Max Attraction pheromone spray is a winner, which was pleasing after I have sampled so many losers out there on the market.

Anyhow, I broke loose of the Donut shop and made my way into the office, now I would start to get some interesting results. “Presence.” That’s the best word to describe the effect, it was almost like my very presence in the office was immediately enhanced, everyone seemed to take notice and acknowledge my mere presence as soon as I walked in, or close to them, male and female alike!

However, the effect upon males was much different than the females, as the males were not nearly as talkative as they usually were with me, it was almost as if they were respectful, but intimidated by me for some odd reason, and this included my own boss! Many of the females however were either smiling foolishly while staring at me with that same “deer caught in headlights” look, or in a few other cases seemed to be a little interested but nervous around me, and would not speak to me unless I spoke with them, it was a rather weird environment for me to be in actually, fun, but a little weird. These effects pretty much continued through out the rest of the day. Depending upon the individual, I seemed to be inducing intimidation, attraction, and sexual frustration all at once, but most folks would keep there distance, as if they didn’t feel they were worthy to approach me or something!

I learned from this first day of testing Max Attraction, that 2 full generous sprays of this stuff is simply WAY too much to wear, it simply blows people away! So starting on the second day of testing I slapped my hand and forced myself to use only 1 full and generous spray of Max Attraction.

It turned out my lessons from the previous day were correct, 1 spray was a much better starting point! The next morning I revisited Dunkin Donuts for my coffee once again, and was face to face with the same two cute Asian girls working the counter. Again, they were all smiles after I approached, and I got almost continues eye contact from both of them, as they looked back and forth towards each other as if I was some kind of oddity, but this time the clearly had more presence of mind about them and the cuter one tried to engage me in small talk, culminating with her ultimately writing her cell phone number on my debit card receipt and handing it back to me. Of course, I’m flattered by this, but I’m also thinking this gal is at least 15 years younger than I, or perhaps a little more, gonna have to pass!

Anyhow, the results at work, while wearing 1 full spray were much better as well! Much less intimidation, folks seemed more comfortable approaching and talking with me, and I actually lost count of how many sly looks of interest I was getting from female co-workers through out the day, lesson learned again, less is more!

Through the rest of the week the results at work were pretty consistent and similar to the ones described, the results were good, but I could clearly tell that Max Attraction was probably not the best daily use “work” pheromone spray, the stuff is just to powerful for work, it’s a distraction quite frankly.

However, I got a great chance to test Max Attraction while out socially when Friday night came around. I went out to a restaurant/bar I frequent sporadically with a few friends, along with 4 other young ladies who were friends of my friends. I capped myself at still 1 generous full spray of Max Attraction, I wanted to see how much pulling power this stuff really had.

After sitting and ordering drinks and making small talk with some of the ladies that met us there, I could clearly see 2 of the 4 seemed to be responding much more strongly to me, and the Max Attraction, coincidently one was African American and the other was Hispanic, which made sense to me as I have seen such enhanced responses before while wearing Androstenone based pheromone colognes.

To make a long story short, I ended up at a small table sandwiched in between both these young ladies carrying on conversation with both, while observing both seem to be competing for my attention and conversation, although this did take about 10-15 minutes to set in to this degree, but once it did, watch out!

On three different occasions some young dude would come up to my table and try to talk to one of these two girls, and I was totally amused to see them completely ignore the poor guy as they seemed to so focused on me, and our conversation. This scene continued for about a good 1 1/2 hours, when the young Hispanic lady I was chatting with reached in as if to tell me a secret (it was loud in there), but as she cupped my ear I couldn’t hear what she was saying? Oh, of course, because she was licking me and then nibbled on my ear! She then sat back in her chair with a smile, and just stared at me, knowing that she had gotten my full attention…Very soon thereafter the other gal picked up on this I think, and simply got up and walked away to the bar, leaving us to ourselves.

Special Observations on the Max Attraction Gold

From my field testing with Max Attraction I discovered a few things I think are important to note. Primarily dosage is very important when using Max Attraction. One spray is usually more than enough to generate a good response, two sprays or certainly more can easily cause and Androstenone Over Dose on Max Attraction, 1 spray is recommended.

Max Attraction being a pheromone spray is very powerful when initially first applied, however it doesn’t last as long as oil based pheromone colognes, therefore you may only get 4-5 hours of use per spray, maximum. As I found out, Max Attraction really doesn’t smell good, experienced pheromone users will be able to detect the -none, rather musky smell to this spray very quickly, but the smell does not seem to effect it’s potency, but still, one will want to use a cover scent.

So far as strong “sexual attractants” go, Max Attraction is not an enhancer, Max Attraction is a sledge hammer! Keep this in mind, work is not the best place for Max Attraction, nor is Church for that matter. Max Attraction is the type of stuff one should get to know how to use if they want to straight pull ladies out of a club, or hit a home run on a first date so to speak, think we all get the idea here…? Max Attraction is not a precision tool folks, it’s blunt hard hitting club! Very effective, but ONLY if used correctly and in the proper setting of course.

Lastly, after I was satisfied with how Max Attraction performed, I then started experimenting with adding some additional pheromone colognes along with it. Food for thought, the best pheromone cologne that I found that could, and probably should be used along with Max Attraction was the Scent of Eros for Men! Plain and simple, the Scent of Eros acted as a great smelling cover scent, and more importantly the high Androstenol content of SOE combined very well with Max Attraction to some what subdue the more ‘harsh’ effects/responses generated by Max Attractions high Androstenone count, in other words, much less intimidation and much more friendly, talkative sexual attraction was the result….Overall, this is powerful stuff, and in the hands of an experienced pheromone user, dangerous!

Max Attraction Gold

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #2.5!

Effectiveness Ratio: 8 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond.

Recommended Use : Very Strong Sexual Attractant

Most Effective Upon: Women

Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced initial effectiveness – African American & Hispanic Women

This review of  Max Attraction Gold Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones

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Technorati Tags: Alpha-7 Scented, androstenol, androstenone, androsterone, best pheromone, best pheromones, Do Pheromones Work, human pheromone, human pheromones, ice breaker, luv essentials, luvessentials, max attraction, max attraction gold, pheromone cologne, pheromone colognes, pheromone review, pheromone reviews, pheromone spray, pheromones, sexual attractant, the scent of eros for men

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Pheromone Cologne: Pheromone Cologne really effective?

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Pheromone Cologne Pheromone Cologne

Pheromone Cologne? Does this pheromone cologne stuff really work? If you are wondering what all the hype is about concerning pheromone cologne, and are curious as to whether or not this stuff actually works, or not, then you have stumbled upon the right site for you! This site will strive to answer the question, “does pheromone cologne” actually work, in a very straightforward, blunt, and brutally honest manner…Without the hype!

I originally started my research into pheromone cologne back in December of 2007, as I was very frustrated to learn that there was very little in the way of conclusive scientific evidence per se, that pheromone cologne actually works, or does not work for that matter.

Ironically, after doing my own research and reading through a great number of available clinical trials in regards to pheromones, and pheromone cologne, I quickly learned that the scientific community real has only two schools of thought in regards to the effects of pheromones in human attraction.

The 1st School of Thought

“They really don’t know the answer? Insufficient clinical studies specific to human behavioral response are currently available.”

The 2nd School of Thought

Pheromones do in fact affect certain people, but it is not conclusively known yet as to what extent, nor why some people respond to pheromones and others seemingly do not.”

There you have it folks. This is currently the bottom line when it comes to the scientific communities thinking in regards to pheromone induced attraction. May not have been what you expected, but it is so.

Clearly, we must all face hard facts, human beings are very complex animals folks, and for any scientific theory to be elevated to the exulted stature of scientific “proof” will simply take time. Currently, there is much theory out there, very strong theory actually, but scientific proof is another matter, that label requires years, and sometimes decades of testing. We are simply not there yet, if certain marketing folks have told you differently, chances are very good they are lying to you!

Well? Does Pheromone Cologne Work, or Not?

There was simply no way that I was going to be truly satisfied with by the information provided by a few clinical studies relating to pheromones and human attraction. Some of the theories I read were very sound, but others seems to suggest conflicting theories! I was now no closer to really understanding if pheromone cologne actually worked, or not.

Being the curious type of guy that I am, I made a simple decision, to conduct my own empirical review of pheromone cologne, so I could perhaps learn for myself which worked, if any, and how well.

My empirical testing method was very simple, and still is. I did the obvious. I bought a bunch of pheromone cologne, I applied it to my person, and then I interacted with others in the real world while carefully observing and documenting other reactions, or lack of reactions. Quite frankly, the empirical testing method is one of the oldest testing methods currently utilized, it means nothing more than;

“depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, esp. as in medicine.”

While using the empirical method of evaluation, I made a solemn oath to myself to prevent myself from possibly contaminating my own results. I became a bit of an actor if you will. I decided initially that while interacting with others while evaluating various pheromone cologne, I would not smile, nor express much emotion, nor even initiate conversation for the most part, my behavior towards others would simply be “neutral” and “dis-interested.” By displaying this type of demeanor my was that any reactions I received from others, if any, would be more probably the result of pheromonal influence, rather than a result of my own friendly demeanor.

Well? What Happened? Did Pheromone Cologne Work?

When I decided to start this blog, I decided that I would would take a more balanced and objective approach to this subject matter, and that I would not seek to draw conclusions for the reader.  Each individual reader should be more than able to make up his own mind in deciding whether pheromone cologne works or not.

On this blog, all I will do is simply publish post by post, my field testing narrative and observations documented during my empirical testing methodology.  Each published post will document my observations, results, or lack or results in many cases, and I will let the my readers draw there own conclusions. No hype! You can make up your own mind!

I will publish the field test results for each pheromone cologne in the posts which follow, currently I have just shy of 70 pheromone cologne field tests results to compile, write-up and then to post here, it may take me minute or two to get all the relevant posts published.

In the interest of full disclosure, I will say this, I am posting all the field tests I’ve conducted on this blog, and will include all here “all” the pheromone colognes that I tested to provide an more balanced resource, as some pheromone cologne did seem to work, the fact is, many, many more pheromone colognes did not seem to work as advertised at all! Therefore, to be most accurate I believe it is worth while for me to post the evaluations of those that did seem to perform, followed by the great masses of those that did not perform.

This is one of my favorite videos! A little odd, but this is a great true story from a beginning pheromone enthusiast! This is how certain quality pheromone colognes for men work folks, from a real guy!

Irresponsible Use of Pheromones at Movie Theater…Funny! But sadly, Pheromone Cologne will Not cause this!

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The Scent of Eros for Men: James V Kohl’s The Scent of Eros for Men Reviewed

The Scent of Eros for Men The Scent of Eros for Men

The Scent of Eros for Men, produced in collaboration with pheromone expert and well known author James V. Kohl, emerged as the number one (#1) pick, as the most versatile human pheromone product for men. The Scent of Eros for Men powerfully reliable and unique.

The Scent of Eros fragrance line is one of the oldest, well known and most mature pheromone line for men currently available. The Scent of Eros fragrance line has been around since the very beginning of the pheromone industry, and they seem to have gotten it right!

The Scent of Eros for Men has been described as a standard issue for any new or experienced pheromone user to have in his or her arsenal.  This pheromone cologne comes in a roll on equipped bottle and is scented with a very pleasant sweet smelling musk fragrance. The smell of the Scent of Eros is in itself, very pleasing.

What is The Scent of Eros?

The Scent of Eros of Men is a pheromone product specifically designed, for men, which does not contain the pheromone Androstenone, but contains two other pheromones known as Androstenol and Androsterone.

So what is Androstenol? Androstenal is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone. Which appeared to be great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.

So what is Androsterone? Androsterone, the second human pheromone included in the Scent of Eros for Men, is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words,  a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.

What is Androstenone? The primary pheromone that the Scent of Eros does not contain, is Androstenone. Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone.  Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.

I will go more in depth on the benefits and cautions regarding the use of Androstenone later, however, the absence of Androstenone from the Scent of Eros for Men, is precisely why the Scent of Eros for Men is standard issue for pheromone enthusiasts, it is versatile, it can be worn at work, socially, or even around family, the results are very effective but neutral, not sexually based.

However, to obtain all the benefits that the Scent of Eros for Men confers upon the wearer, one can also simply apply a few of the more effective Androstenone based pheromone products, which is done quite frequently, to obtain the “best of both worlds,” so to speak, which would be inducing strong feelings of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, chatiness, security, protection, relability, all at the same time as inducing very strong feelings of sexual attraction! As I said, more on this latter.

The Field Test Results for The Scent of Eros for Men

I quickly observed a prime example of the Scent of Eros’ effectiveness during a one-on-one sales meeting I had with the purchasing manager at another company. I met in her office to negotiate a new contract on behalf of my employer. This purchasing manager is in her mid to late twenties, married, quite attractive, and is very energetic and quick witted.

Prior to walking into the meeting I had applied a Scent of Eros for Men. I was not able to observe any response from this manager until after about 2-3 minutes had passed..and then it clearly hit her.

This fast talking quick witted purchasing manager, become noticeably more relaxed, at ease, and friendly with me. She also responded by slowing down in her speech and volume, she started was speaking very quietly, which is not her normal behavior while negotiating a contract!

As time went on during this meeting I observed her leaning forward in her chair towards me, with intense interest in what I had to say. Amusingly, she was not nearly as quick witted as normal, she seemed to become more, “distracted,” unable to find paper work she had misplaced on her desk, nor remember what she had just said in regards to the business we were discussing. In short, she was completely relaxed, at ease, and distracted from the business at hand, behavior which for her, is completely “out of character!”

As I had to utilize my laptop computer for information during this meeting, I kept noticing out of the corner of my eye that this young lady was intensely staring at me, at my facial area, as I looked down at my computer. She clearly did not think I noticed her looking at me, as she would look away when I looked up from my screen.

It is important to mention that during my real life testing, I purposely attempted to remain neutral in my behavior, so as not to skew the results. In short, if a person shows interest, I would show none in return, I would be mister all business. This method allowed me to determine that it was in fact the purchasing manager’s behavior that changed, and not my own, with the only wild card factor being that of The Scent of Eros for Men in this particular case.

In all, I conducted 10 field tests on the Scent of Eros for Men, and the observable results were all fairly obvious, documentable, and standard. The Scent of Eros for Men rightfully holds it’s place as the number one human pheromone product for men, and rightfully so.

Note: Had I wished to enhance the response and effectiveness of the Scent of Eros for Men, the perferred weapon of choice would have been to also apply the human pheromone product known as Alpha-7 Scented, a very strong Androstenone sexually based/inducing pheromone product. Alpha-7 Scented will be covered in my next review, as it currently occupies the number two position in my ranking.

The Scent of Eros for Men

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #1

Effectiveness Ratio: 8 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond

Recommended Use : Social lubricator / Ice Breaker

Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages

Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Asian Women

This review The Scent of Eros for Men Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Alter Ego for Women: Alter Ego for Women Reviewed

Alter Ego for Women Alter Ego for Women

Alter Ego for Women, another oldie which has thus far stood the test of time has emerged as our number #5 overall pick among pheromones for women. Alter Ego for Women proved itself to be what I would have to call a multi purpose general pheromone for women, best suited to create an aura of comfort, friendliness, relaxation, chattiness, with a hint of Alpha femaleness, and a hint of sexual attraction, all contained in a rather pleasant smelling pheromone oil for women. Alter Ego for Women contains approximately 2 mgs of Androstenol, 1.5 mgs Androsterone, and 1 mg of Androstonene!

Alter Ego for Women truly contains a rather interesting blend of pheromones, but does not contain female Copulins which are responsible for generating that intense sexual frustration affect in males, therefore the pheromone oil’s results are pronounced, but more subtle than other pheromones for women such as Essence of A Women for instance.

What is Androstenol?

Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness…Those exposed to Androstenol would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.

Because Alter Ego for Women contains 2 mgs of Androstenol, which is about half that contained in the Scent of Eros for Women for instance, this concentration level seems to induce a rather mild, but not real obvious “ice breaking” aura, in other words the affects are much more subtle, natural, and undetectable by target males exposed to the Androstenol contained in Alter Ego for Women.

What is Androsterone?

Androsterone is a pheromone unique only to humans, and has the effect of appearing to make the wearer to be perceived to be more dominant, while creating an aura of safety, reliability,  and protection, without projecting the negative or aggressive feelings often associated with Androstenone. When Androsterone is worn by women it has been reported to have mood elevating affects…Through field tests by pheromone users it is widely thought that Androsterone seems to boost or enhance the affects of other pheromones contained in a particular pheromone mixture.

Therefore, in practical terms the Androsterone contained in Alter Ego for Women, most likely helps to enhance the affects of the pheromone Androstenol and Androstenone, as well as projecting a feeling of comfort and safety to affected males.

What is Androstenone?

Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone.  Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.

The inclusion of Androstenone in a pheromone for women is not the norm, usually Copulins are used to create the aura or affect of sexual attraction when used by women. However, Alter Ego for Women opted to exploit the well proven affects of Androstenone rather than utilize Copulins, even at the risk of projecting an overly dominant female aura.

The Field Test Results for Alter Ego for Women

I conducted nearly 20 field tests with Alter Ego for Women in a number of social and work settings. The reason why Alter Ego for Women got so many tests and ultimately ranks in the number 5 position with us is because of it’s versatility. As I said, Alter Ego for Women proved itself to be a more subtle and general purpose pheromone for women.

Because Alter Ego for Women has rather low concentrations of Androstenol, Androsterone, and Androstenone, the mixture will allow women to safely wear this pheromone oil in nearly all settings, as the results are not intense nor all that obvious in some cases.

What I mean by a general purpose pheromone oil is that one can safely wear Alter Ego for Women at work, at church, while out shopping, or even on a first date! Generally speaking the affects it induces from males will not be perceived as inappropriate in most of these settings. This makes Alter Ego for Women a perfect general daily wear pheromone oil for nearly any occassion, unlike Essence of A Women for instance, which one would have to be a little nuts to wear to church, or even to work really, unless you feel that’s an appropriate place to be sexually frustrating males within smelling distance! No such concerns with Alter Ego for Women.

I don’t really have that many notable encounters to report from my field testing with Alter Ego for Women, for obvious reasons, it’s smooth, subtle, and natural in how it usually works. Generally speaking I observed that men around me were just more calm and relaxed and friendly in all social settings. As for sexual attraction, well yes, it did seem to provide a subtle hint of sexual attraction, as I would catch a co-worker’s eyes wondering once in a while during a conversation, but like I said the affects are subtle, not blatantly like reactions caused by other pheromones for women such as Pheromax for Women or Primal Instinct for Women.

In a nutshell, Alter Ego for Women is a very sound daily wear pheromone oil, pleasant smelling, and great for generating overall positive reactions from males in all social settings, but perfect for those situations when you don’t really want to generate inappropriate or over the top reactions from folks around you.

However, because Alter Ego for Women’s unique blend, combining subtle elements of sexual attraction, dominance, comfort, friendliness, and relaxation, as well as seemingly putting the wearer in a better mood, it’s a great standalone pheromone product. Alter Ego for Women can easily be enhanced based upon what the wearer wants to accomplish!

For instance, if I was going on a first date with a gentlemen, Alter Ego for Women would be perfect by itself. However, if I was going on a third or fourth date with a gentlemen that I was really interested in, I could simply maintain my standard two applications of Alter Ego for Women and simply add a dab or two of Essence of A Women, which is heavy in Copulins, and I would then greatly increase the pure sexual attraction power of the whole mixture, inducing high and abnormal levels of sexual frustration into the mix!

Because Alter Ego for Women is such a good stand alone pheromone oil, there are simply many ways to play with it until the wearer gets the desired affect based upon what levels of interest are appropriate and desired by the lady. This overall versatility is in large part why we  have ranked Alter Ego for Women as our number 5 overall pick.

Alter Ego for Women

Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #5

Effectiveness Ratio: 26 out of 31 men were observed to clearly respond

Recommended Use : Social Ice Breaker / Subtle sexual attractant

Most Effective Upon: Men/Women

Special Notes/Observations: Has a pleasant smell / Seems to elevate the overall mood of the wearer / Very good all purpose (daily) wear pheromone oil / Appropriate for nearly all social settings.

This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones

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Technorati Tags: alter ego, alter ego for women, androstenol, androstenone, androsterone, Do Pheromones Work, pheromone reviews, Pheromones for Women, pheromones for women to attract men, pheromones to attract men, strongest pheromones

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Pheromone Cologne: Flavor of male Eros reviewed

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Pheromone Cologne: The Scent of Eros for Men Pheromone Cologne: The Scent of Eros for Men

The Scent of Eros for Men is a pheromone cologne, or rather pheromone cologne-like product produced in collaboration with the well known pheromone expert, researcher, and author James V. Kohl.

Make no mistake about it, The Scent of Eros for Men is one of the oldest, and very few pheromone cologne like products that has actually stood the test of time, and consistently proven it’s rather brutal effectiveness among pheromone enthusiasts in general. So much so, that the The Scent of Eros for Men has been often dubbed as one, perhaps the first, MUST have pheromone cologne in any pheromone enthusiasts arsenal…Thus far, I agree with this assessment.

I have seen some folks who market pheromone products attempt to down play the effectiveness of The Scent of Eros for Men, in a blatant effort to convince folks to purchase some clearly inferior and more costly pheromone colognes, Pherlure quickly comes to mind, but from the perspective of a pheromone hobbyist, who actually purchases and uses these products before writing about them, such claims are frankly laughable! I liken such marketing attempts as trying to convince folks that a Hyundai is of the same or higher quality than a BMW or Mercedes! If you didn’t know any better, you might swallow the claim!

So I will now do the great Taboo! I will without a doubt rank one of the cheapest, quality pheromone colognes on the market as our number #1 pick. For those who have used The Scent of Eros for Men, this decision is perhaps a no-brain-er.

The Scent of Eros for Men is a unique pheromone cologne specifically balanced and designed to essentially enhance ones natural appeal, and provide a boost to the wearer’s social status–as perceived (although unconsciously) by peers.  The Scent of Eros for Men comes in a roll on bottle, and has a very pleasant sweet smelling musk fragrance to it.

This pheromone cologne has two primary active ingredients which are very important, as they are two rather well known and researched human pheromones, I’m speaking of Androstenol and Androsterone. Research has found through human studies that Androsterone plays a strong factor in giving a man enhanced and more pleasant masculine appeal to females, while Androstenol, has been shown to effect positive changes in women’s moods and hormones.

In pure laypersons terms Androsterone and Androstenol do the following;

Androstenol is referred to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; a sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…Very beneficial for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”

Therefore, a pheromone cologne containing a sufficient and balanced dose of Androstenol, like The Scent of Eros for Men, will have the effect of essentially putting folks around them at ease, and making others feel much more comfortable to engage in friendly conversation. While,

“Androsterone, is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words, women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.”

The advantage of a pheromone cologne, correctly balanced such as this product, designed to produce the following affects cannot be understated. Regardless of the type of pheromone cologne one may wear, the ability to put people at ease, and to encourage relaxed, friendly conversation (unconsciously) is a massive advantage!

Unless of course, the male wearer himself has nothing to say in response, (no personality?), in which case bathing in this stuff would not do that type of man much good, this stuff works, but it is NOT magic! The Scent of Eros for Men will dramatically enhance what you’ve already got, but if you don’t got anything to begin with……I think you get the point.

Let me get this out of the way and say this now, it’s important to actually know. There are different types of Pheromone Cologne, and they do NOT all do the same thing! Period.

I have seen some rather slick willy marketing tactics out there on the web, trying to convince folks that don’t know any better, that their particular bottle of snake oil DOES IT ALL! You may have seen this as well, my first pheromone cologne purchase long ago was do to one of these slick marketing claims, I eventually learned the truth, but after I had given those folks my money!

Currently, at the time of this writing, there is NO pheromone cologne that is capable of effectively inducing ALL the results sought by men! Period! If you are told differently, someone is probably LYING TO YOU!

Those that claim that pheromone cologne X is much better than Y, because it has 7 unique human pheromones, or 10, or even 50 unique pheromones blended in each bottle, really cannot be taken seriously. Simply, Pheromones do not work this way! Never mind the fact that the pheromone industry really only has a solid handle on 7 human pheromones and there affects, one really has to wonder about the credibility of those selling pheromone cologne with 7, or 10, 20 human pheromones mixed within? Especially, since some of those 7 proven human pheromones actually work to attract men to women…Is it just me? Or does anyone else see the problem here?

Furthermore, as a quick aside, when you read the sales pages pimping many of these inferior pheromone colognes, you may notice that they continue to cite “research on the VNO,” or the vomeronasal organ, in their attempt to validate their dubious marketing claims. The fact is science has progressed, it is now known the VNO is simply not required for pheromones in general to be detected by humans…Yes, those other folks have simply neglected to update their sales pages to delete the now debunked scientific theory.

Anyhow, please excuse the rant. But the facts sometimes differ from the marketing claims, the reality becomes very glowing between the two when one field tests the actual products!

Now, that being said, the Scent of Eros has achieved a top ranking for it’s effectiveness and it’s versatility! Because different pheromones do different things, which I will touch upon specifically later, one to a degree must pick his poison!

Not all pheromone cologne like products can be worn for all occasions. Imagine wearing a “sexual attraction” based pheromone cologne to Church, would that be appropriate? You may get some weird looks, as the vibe you will be sending would be inappropriate to your setting.

The Scent of Eros for Men is versatile as you may really wear the stuff anywhere, regardless of social setting! It can be, and is, used as an every day pheromone cologne, granting the wearer more beneficial overall social interaction.

Because the Scent of Eros is such an effective “social pheromone” cologne, it works well with and compliments certain other pheromone cologne like products. For instance, if a wearer wanted all the benefits induced by the Scent of Eros for Men, but also wanted to generate a more purely sexual aura, he could then apply an Androstenone based “sexual attraction orientated” pheromone product, such as Alpha-7 Scented, Primal Instinct, or NPA to produce a more complex and more diverse pheromonal aura for women to detect. I’ll go more into this tactic later.

However, the Scent of Eros for Men, when used alone remained the best, most versatile, daily wear pheromone cologne, appropriate for any setting.

In total I conducted 10 initial field tests with The Scent of Eros for Men, although I have gone on to use it regularly, even though I am no longer actively testing this pheromone cologne. The results of each test were quite obvious, document-able, and standard.

One of my first telling field tests of the Scent of Eros, occurred when I was scheduled to have a one-on-one sales meeting with the purchasing manager of another company. The purchasing manager I was to meet with is in her mid to late twenties, married, and very attractive by any yardstick. She is also a very energetic, fast talking and quick witted young lady, and certainly not a push over to negotiate with.

After arriving and parking my car, I decided to apply a 6? strip of the Scent of Eros for Men on each of my forearms, and then walked into the building and approached the purchasing manager’s office. She was busy on the phone, and looked at me standing outside of her office with complete dis-interest.

After a few minutes she concluded her phone call and gave me a quick wave to come into her office. I walked inside, made my polite greetings and took a seat in front of her desk.  As I went into the business at hand, I did not notice any difference in her behavior at all, until about 2-3 minutes after I walked into her rather small enclosed office.

This is when I started noticing a change? This fast talking and quick witted purchasing manager clearly and obviously started becoming more relaxed, and even what appeared to be comfortable with my presence in her office. Ironically, she started actually speaking much slower, and her volume level decreased to dramatically, to the point at which she was speaking rather softly and quietly! This change in her overall demeanor was followed by little smile that crept across her face at the same time. All of this was not normal behavior for her, especially while negotiating a contract.

As our little meeting progressed I noticed her instinctively leaning forward in her chair towards me, as if she was intensely interested in what I had to say? However, she was not as nearly as quick witted as she normally was on a few other occasions, far from it, she actually appeared to be a little distracted?

She was unable to find paper work she repeatedly misplaced on her desk, and even kept forgetting things she said to me in regards to our negotiations! She kept playing with her hair, then laughing a little, followed by her politely asking me to go over a particular point, once again! In short, she seemed to be very calm and relaxed, and completely un-focused upon the business at hand, which for this lady is completely “out of character!”

Because I had to utilize my laptop computer during our meeting, as I was looking down at the computer screen I kept repeatedly noticing this young lady intensely staring at me, at my facial area when she thought I was not looking, then when I looked up from the monitor, she would quickly look away with an obvious guilty look on her smiling face. I caught her doing this at least 5 to6 times, the last time I just smiled back at her at which point she seemed to smile and blush a little bit.

It is very important for me to mention, that during my real life field tests, purposely went out of my way to remain neutral in my behavior, so as not to skew any of my results. In short, if a person shows interest, I would show none in return, I would be mister all business. This method allowed me to determine that it was in fact the purchasing manager’s behavior that changed, and not my own, with the only wild card factor being that of The Scent of Eros for Men in this particular case.

This meeting that should have lasted only 30-40 minutes continued on for about 90 minutes, for one reason only, she didn’t want to stop talking to me! Most of the meeting degenerated into a rather social and personal conversation, completely un-related to the business at hand! She appeared to be kind of sad when I insisted that I really had to go, and she told me to come back soon, for whatever reason!

This lady is known as a tough negotiator, very direct, and all business…But not today?

Note: Had I wished to enhance the response and effectiveness of the Scent of Eros for Men, by including a strong “sexual attraction” vibe into the mix, the preferred weapon of choice would have been to also apply the pheromone cologne known as Alpha-7 Scented, a very strong Androstenone sexually based/inducing pheromone cologne. Alpha-7 Scented will be covered in my next review, as it currently occupies the number two position in my ranking.

The Scent of Eros for Men

Pheromone Cologne Effectiveness Ranking : #1

Effectiveness Ratio : 8 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond.

Most Effective Upon: Women/ and Men – All Ages.

Special Observations noted: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Asian Women.

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