The Scent of Eros for Women, also produced in collaboration with pheromone expert James V. Kohl, we have determined to be our number #1 pick in our overall ranking of pheromones for women.
Like the male counter part, the Scent of Eros product line is one of the oldest, well known, and mature pheromone product lines currently available, and has truly stood the test of time in this rather new and budding industry! The Scent of Eros for Women, much like the Scent of Eros for Men does not disappoint.
The Scent of Eros for Women contains two primary human pheromones which are largely responsible for delivering this pheromones pleasant results, it contains the human pheromone Androstenol, and a uniquely feminine pheromone known as Copulins.
To briefly rehash what these human pheromones do, or rather I should say induce in others, lets look at Androstenol first;
“Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness…Those exposed to Androstenol would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”
As you will later read in my field report ladies, this Androstenol pheromone is very, very important! Unless you are comfortable initiating a conversation with someone in a social setting, then you will want a Androstenol based pheromone for women, so Men are more apt to feel comfortable approaching you! Not all human pheromones will induce this comfort level, so one has to factor in their own behavior before selecting an appropriate pheromone for women.
The second very key human pheromone included in the Scent of Eros for Women is that known as Copulins, which is basically in many ways the female equivalent of Androstenone, or a rather strong sexual attractant inducing pheromone, but specifically geared towards men. Without getting to graphic, here is a definition of Copulins;
“Copulins are exclusively a female group of pheromones. They are secreted into the vagina at optimum ratios during ovulation with the aim of encouraging men to desire to copulate. This group of pheromones primarily consists of fatty acids that would serve little to no function on there own, but in combination they have been shown to increase testosterone levels in men by 150%…This increase in testosterone may cause feelings of arousal in men, if a woman is present. It is said that once a man smells Copulins on a woman she is deemed to be more attractive.”
So what does all this mean? In a nutshell, the Androstenol found in the Scent of Eros for Women, will tend to induce males to be more friendly, relaxed, and talkative around a woman wearing this, and therefore will even be much more likely to feel comfortable approaching the wearer and initiating friendly conversation. Upon spending any length of time around a women wearing the Scent of Eros for Women, the male would then be exposed to the Copulins found in this pheromone for women, and would receive the signal that the women she was physiologically speaking, “ready to go!” With his rising testosterone levels do to this exposure, the male will tend to see or regard the women as more attractive or more desirable than she may have been view otherwise.
As my boyfriend wrote previously, the Scent of Eros for Women was the pheromone that he was apparently exposed to years ago, prior to him being hip to what pheromones were, or what they even did! The result of his own exposure to this particular pheromone for women clearly made him a believer, especially when we decided to conduct our testing of these women’s products and he was able to remember this particular smell from a brief encounter years ago. Scent is very powerful, do not doubt that for one minute.
The Field Test Results for The Scent of Eros for Women
In total we conducted over 10 field tests with the Scent of Eros for Women, pretty much all in social settings, and the results were pretty much standard, it’s a predictable pheromone perfume.
My favorite test of course occurred during a trip to the local Mall, with a friend of mine. I applied a generous application of the Scent of Eros for Women, one behind each ear, and one more application to each wrist. The smell is rather sweet, and is very pleasant, one will get many complements just on the smell alone often times.
But anyhow, this trip to the Mall was most telling at the Subway inside. I was hungry! So I had to stand in a rather long line while waiting to order my Sub. This was a perfect test because the line was full with quite a few guys, I’d say between 18 years old and maybe 30 years old.
After standing in line while wearing the Scent of Eros for Women I could sense I was just getting a lot of rather intense looks from many guys in line. Some where trying to be discrete, some looked a little turned on, but confused, and a few others where just ogling me! It’s not like I was even dressed to kill or anything like that, as I purposely dressed down for this occasion. My girlfriend who was standing next to me was being pretty much completely ignored this whole time!
After placing ordering and receiving my food I started walking by the line for the door. I almost made it when this rather handsome guy, clearly the jock type and in his early twenties comes walking up to me with a big smile on his face! I looked at him and just blurts out ”Excuse me! I’m sorry, I gotta ask, whose wearing that perfume and WEAR did you get it!” And then he just stood there nervously, wearing a nice smile and checking me out!
I believe I just made some excuse that I was just wearing some cheap ole perfume and didn’t even remember the name or something like that. This guys just keeps smiling at me and than nervously asks if I’d like to go on a date with him! I shook my head that I could not, and then he quickly asked if both my friend and I would then like to go out and hang out or something! I honestly didn’t get a chance to respond to him because my boyfriend then walked over and interrupted the whole encounter, as he was standing by the door just observing, to see if, or how people would react around me.
So that was it, not a typical normal day for me at all, my first test was a success as far as I was concerned! My boyfriend who was watching from the back then tells me as we are walking out, that pretty much every guy in that line was just starting at me, clearly the were turned on by something!
Well, the field tests continued and reactions such as this were pretty much the norm. However, it must be mentioned, even when wearing the Scent of Eros for Women, “most” guys will still be hesitant to approach you, unless you look approachable with your body language. The type of guys that will actually approach you will be the more Alpha male types, you know the type, the guys that are just naturally pretty self confident about approaching women they don’t know in general anyhow.
My thinking on this matter is as follows. I think the other non-Alpha male type guys, or the shy ones, are definitely affected by the Scent of Eros for Women, but in many cases they may not feel comfortable approaching you unless they know it’s ok to do so, it’s almost like they think you’re just out of their league or something along those lines, so keep that in mind. However, if you yourself approach them, by even going out of your way to simply smile and say “hi,” well that’s about all it takes! You may have a hard time getting them to shut up after that! Men are funny this way, but after you break the ice you’ll be in a real good position with them thereafter, unless of course you’re just comfortable waiting to be approached by those jockish types.
The Scent of Eros for Women
Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #1
Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 10 men were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / sexual attractant
Most Effective Upon: All Men / Affects Women as well “minus” the sexual attraction component.
Special Notes/Observations: Smells very good, good attention getter, suitable for social occasions and for use at work.
This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
Related posts: Pheromones for Women: A Candid Review of Pheromones for WomenTagged as: androstenol, copulins, Do Pheromones Work, pheromone perfume, pheromone reviews, Pheromones for Women, pheromones for women to attract men, the scent of eros for women
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