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Pheromone Cologne? Does this pheromone cologne stuff really work? If you are wondering what all the hype is about concerning pheromone cologne, and are curious as to whether or not this stuff actually works, or not, then you have stumbled upon the right site for you! This site will strive to answer the question, “does pheromone cologne” actually work, in a very straightforward, blunt, and brutally honest manner…Without the hype!
I originally started my research into pheromone cologne back in December of 2007, as I was very frustrated to learn that there was very little in the way of conclusive scientific evidence per se, that pheromone cologne actually works, or does not work for that matter.
Ironically, after doing my own research and reading through a great number of available clinical trials in regards to pheromones, and pheromone cologne, I quickly learned that the scientific community real has only two schools of thought in regards to the effects of pheromones in human attraction.
The 1st School of Thought
“They really don’t know the answer? Insufficient clinical studies specific to human behavioral response are currently available.”
The 2nd School of Thought
“Pheromones do in fact affect certain people, but it is not conclusively known yet as to what extent, nor why some people respond to pheromones and others seemingly do not.”
There you have it folks. This is currently the bottom line when it comes to the scientific communities thinking in regards to pheromone induced attraction. May not have been what you expected, but it is so.
Clearly, we must all face hard facts, human beings are very complex animals folks, and for any scientific theory to be elevated to the exulted stature of scientific “proof” will simply take time. Currently, there is much theory out there, very strong theory actually, but scientific proof is another matter, that label requires years, and sometimes decades of testing. We are simply not there yet, if certain marketing folks have told you differently, chances are very good they are lying to you!
Well? Does Pheromone Cologne Work, or Not?
There was simply no way that I was going to be truly satisfied with by the information provided by a few clinical studies relating to pheromones and human attraction. Some of the theories I read were very sound, but others seems to suggest conflicting theories! I was now no closer to really understanding if pheromone cologne actually worked, or not.
Being the curious type of guy that I am, I made a simple decision, to conduct my own empirical review of pheromone cologne, so I could perhaps learn for myself which worked, if any, and how well.
My empirical testing method was very simple, and still is. I did the obvious. I bought a bunch of pheromone cologne, I applied it to my person, and then I interacted with others in the real world while carefully observing and documenting other reactions, or lack of reactions. Quite frankly, the empirical testing method is one of the oldest testing methods currently utilized, it means nothing more than;
“depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, esp. as in medicine.”
While using the empirical method of evaluation, I made a solemn oath to myself to prevent myself from possibly contaminating my own results. I became a bit of an actor if you will. I decided initially that while interacting with others while evaluating various pheromone cologne, I would not smile, nor express much emotion, nor even initiate conversation for the most part, my behavior towards others would simply be “neutral” and “dis-interested.” By displaying this type of demeanor my was that any reactions I received from others, if any, would be more probably the result of pheromonal influence, rather than a result of my own friendly demeanor.
Well? What Happened? Did Pheromone Cologne Work?
When I decided to start this blog, I decided that I would would take a more balanced and objective approach to this subject matter, and that I would not seek to draw conclusions for the reader. Each individual reader should be more than able to make up his own mind in deciding whether pheromone cologne works or not.
On this blog, all I will do is simply publish post by post, my field testing narrative and observations documented during my empirical testing methodology. Each published post will document my observations, results, or lack or results in many cases, and I will let the my readers draw there own conclusions. No hype! You can make up your own mind!
I will publish the field test results for each pheromone cologne in the posts which follow, currently I have just shy of 70 pheromone cologne field tests results to compile, write-up and then to post here, it may take me minute or two to get all the relevant posts published.
In the interest of full disclosure, I will say this, I am posting all the field tests I’ve conducted on this blog, and will include all here “all” the pheromone colognes that I tested to provide an more balanced resource, as some pheromone cologne did seem to work, the fact is, many, many more pheromone colognes did not seem to work as advertised at all! Therefore, to be most accurate I believe it is worth while for me to post the evaluations of those that did seem to perform, followed by the great masses of those that did not perform.
This is one of my favorite videos! A little odd, but this is a great true story from a beginning pheromone enthusiast! This is how certain quality pheromone colognes for men work folks, from a real guy!
Irresponsible Use of Pheromones at Movie Theater…Funny! But sadly, Pheromone Cologne will Not cause this!
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Tagged as: cologne with pheromones, do pheromones work, human pheromone cologne, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone cologne for, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone cologne reviews, pheromone colognes, pheromone men, pheromone reviews, pheromones, pheromones cologne, pheromones colognes, pheromones for men, pheromones review
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