Alpha A314 also known as Alpha A314 for Men, has emerged to our number (#5) overall pheromone pick! Alpha A314 for Men is an oil based pheromone cologne for men which contains androstenone as well as 8 other proprietary blends of pheromones.
Alpha A314 for Men is billed to be a “smooth operator,” a pheromone cologne which that tends to create an aura of “higher value, respect, trust, class, and sexiness” about the wearer, also referred to by certain pheromone enthusiasts as, “the James Bond effect.” The blended combination of pheromones added to Alpha A314 also serve to nearly nullify the potential over dose effects of the androstenone contained in this product. Those over dose effects associated with androstenone can include;
HeadachesBad smelling applicationsAggression from other members of the same sexAn aggressive mood in the wearerMembers of the opposite sex to be overly intimidated, leading to no or even negative reactions.Does Alpha A314 for Men live up to it’s promises? I’ve field tested A314 for Men well over 23 times to date, I can say that it is difficult to determine all the true effects of this pheromone cologne. Alpha A314 by itself has a musky smell, not offensive though, and can be worn by itself. However, the effects of this pheromone are rather subtle, like the difference between being sexy and sleazy!
Both Men and Women will tend to look at the wearer with more admiration, even those the wearer may feel are “out of there league” will behave as if they are now in the same league, so this is a good thing! The wearer will come across as if he is a good old fashion man’s man, and a women’s man, all at the same time, and both sexes will tend to hold the wearer in higher esteem, however, women specifically will not behave in real obvious ways to try to get the wearers attention, nor will they usually behave in a blatantly flirtatious manner. As I said, the effects of Alpha A314 are very subtle.
However, that being said, if the wearer of Alpha A314 for instance, surrounded by the “James Bond effect” aura were to approach a women of his choosing, make conversation and perhaps ask her out on a date, I think most using this pheromone cologne would find that most women, even those out of their league, would either be happy to say yes to a date, or at the very worst would have to think long and hard before turning the man down! Do to the effects of Alpha A314, even those women who decline the wearer seem like they really wanted to say yes!
My view of Alpha A314 is very good. However, I personally use it to enhance the effects of other more “sexually attraction based” pheromone colognes. For instance, combining Alpha A314 with either Alpha 7 Scented or NPA for Men is simply a killer combo! If you can picture the “James Bond effect” combined with a very strong dose of raw sexual attraction, then you’ll understand the advantages to combining some of these top quality products.
The Field Test Results for Alpha A314 for Men
I first decided to conduct my test of Alpha A314 for Men while on the job. I already knew that this product was billed as a workplace friendly pheromone cologne, so I put it to the test during working hours!
I was scheduled to meet with the purchasing manager of another company to re-negotiate a contract between my employer and hers. In the parking lot I applied two dabs of Alpha A314 behind each ear, and another dab to my wrists. I then walked into the building and found her office.
The purchasing manager was most likely in her mid to late twenties, and was a very attractive Latina. She waived me into her office and I sat down in front of her desk while making small talk and getting my paper work in order.
After approximately 10 minutes of exposure, being her office was rather small, I could see that she had become much more relaxed and at ease with me, she also seemed to be rather happy to have me there and clearly placed much more value on what I was saying, personal or professional.
Although she was more at ease, pleasant, and enjoying my company, and continued to make pleasant but non-intrusive eye contact, she was certainly not going to embarrass herself by outwardly showing any type of sexual attraction, she was just very interested in me, what I had to say (regardless of the topic), and treated me with the utmost respect as if I was her boss or something! It was a little weird at first.
After I finished my pitch, and the paper work had been signed, which took about 45 minutes, I decided to put this Alpha A314 to the test. Judging by how attractive this young lady was, and me being much older and no where in her league physically, I just said what the heck and politely asked her if she would let me take her out to dinner that night after she got off work?
A large smile came across her face, she got a little red, and then responded, “I was SO hoping you would ask me that!…Yes! I’d be happy to!”
That night we did go out to dinner, and she felt it necessary to confess to me that she was just really impressed with me the moment I walked into her office, she thought I was a “guy that has things together!” As well as that for some reason she just felt very comfortable with me since we first met?
The rest of the events that night, I will not write about. But suffice it to say, I was satisfied that Alpha A314 for Men did act as a social lubricator, higher value and respect creator, but did not just create the strong feelings of sexual attraction alone that many androstenone based pheromone colognes are known to do.
My Two Cents? Alpha A314 for Men is a sound pheromone cologne, however, it all depends upon what you wish to use it for? If you are looking to create pure sexual attraction, and have women become interested in you simply because they are unexplainablely sexually attracted to you at the time, then Alpha A314 is not the correct product to be used. If you are looking to place yourself on a higher playing field, or jump to the next league so to speak, then Alpha A314 for Men is quite useful for this.
However, as a side note, if you are rather impatient as I am, and you wish women to initiate conversations with you, either socially or professionally, then Alpha A314 is best used alongside The Scent of Eros for Men and Alpha 7 Scented.
Alpha A314 for Men
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #5
Effectiveness Ratio: 6 out of 10 women were observed to respond
Recommended Use : Higher Value / Respect from both Sexes / “James Bond Effect”
Most Effective Upon: All Women/All Men /All Ages
Special Notes/Observations: Subtle pheromone cologne – When used by itself powerful results will be noticed mainly when the wearer initiates conversation / Best Used along with The Scent of Eros for Men and Alpha 7 Scented or NPA for Men (to add a strong sexual attraction element into the mix)
This Alpha A314 for Men Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
Related posts: Alpha-7 Scented: Alpha-7 Scented ReviewedNPA for Men: NPA for Men ReviewedTagged as: a314, alpha a314, alpha a314 for men, androstenone, best pheromones, do pheromones really work, Do Pheromones Work, pheromone cologne, pheromone colognes for men
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