Liquid Trust produced by Vero Labs has settled into the number #3 overall pick, within the pheromone for men and women genre.
Liquid Trust itself is not actually a pheromone product per se, it is actually a spray which contains the human hormone known as Oxytocin, however because of it’s effects it is often lumped into the whole pheromone spray genre.
Liquid Trust does not have a real pleasing scent, nor a real bad one, typically it will carry a mild alcohol odor when first applied, however this odor quickly dissipates within a few minutes after application. As far as I can tell, Oxytocin has no real discernible odor.
What is Oxytocin? Oxytocin is a human hormone that scientists have been able to determine plays a role in increasing people’s levels of trust in others, formation of social bonds and friendships, as well as having a role in treating depression, shyness, and other social disorders and phobias. In short, Oxytocin is the hormone that when inhaled induces folks to simply trust you more!
For a “rather” accurate video concerning Liquid Trust, and an explanation of Oxytocin, feel free to watch the brief video below, it’s a little interesting.
The Field Test Results for Liquid Trust
On one testing occasion, as I work in outside business to business sales, I was scheduled to meet with a potential clients purchasing manager. Prior to walking into her office I made a quick stop into the restroom, and applied four sprays of Liquid Trust, two sprays to the side of the neck, and one spray to each wrist.
Immediately after application, I had a slight euphoric feeling come over me, as I had clearly inhaled some of the product, and felt myself possibly responding to the oxytocin contained therein, I can only describe the feeling that came over me as calming, but self-assured, if that makes any sense?
I then walked into this purchasing manager’s office and introduced myself. She was a rather attractive young lady in her late twenties, with a large engagement ring on her finger! I thought, this should be interesting…
After introductions were made, barely two to three minutes into our meeting, I could observe some affect coming over her. Her face got flush, and a little red, and her mood relaxed and lightened dramatically, she simply seemed to ‘open up’ to me more, as if I was a long lost friend from school, rather than a sales representative there on business, she became genuinely happy to have me there!
As time passed we started discussing our personal lives, she much more than I truth be told, in which she felt the need to confess to me that she had already cheated on her fiance and was terrified that he would find out, as she cheated because her hubby to be, just could not satisfy her in the bedroom! I was thinking, to much information lady, but she felt comfortable continuing!
Without the graphic details of course, she continued along this line of discussion for nearly 90 minutes, as if I was someone who was a close confidant, this was the first time I had ever met her! This type of sales call usually lasts twenty minutes tops! After 90 minutes I had to sway our discussion to business, the reason why I was there to begin with, and she truly seemed disappointed to change the subject away from the personal genre. Ironically, we concluded our business within about five to ten minutes, she agreed to terms of my company’s contract, and said she would ok it and send it for a signature, then quickly returned to our personal discussion…She did not even read the contract! I was trying to suppress hysterical laughter at this point. This was not a hard sale.
In conclusion, I have found having tested Liquid Trust on ten separate occasions over three months, that this is a truly powerful oxytocin based pheromone-like spray. I am not a scientist. I do not know how or why it does what it does? However, I’m fully capable of testing and documenting my observations, and the results of my testing of this product were quite convincing to say the least.
Some special observations need to be mentioned regarding Liquid Trust at this point. Liquid Trust does have a rather short duration compared to other more traditional pheromone products. It took me awhile to truly narrow down what the effective duration actually was, but now I can say fairly confidently that Liquid Trust will only be effective for about 1-3 hours after initial application. I strongly suspect the short duration is simply do to the more rapid rate at which Oxytocin breaks down after being exposed to air.
Liquid Trust also must be kept refrigerated in between uses, or it’s effectiveness will seem to become less potent fairly rapidly, again this is because of the rather unstable or volatile nature of Oxytocin itself. Liquid Trust is clearly best used for more important occasions, such as before a job interview, important sales call, or a meeting with your boss to regarding a raise for instance, I would not recommend trying to use Liquid Trust daily, you would go through a lot of bottles very quickly!
However, it must be mentioned, that the top three pheromone products, The Scent of Eros for Men, Alpha-7 Scented, and Liquid Trust, when worn together (combining the effects of all three) consistently produced brutally effective results! In part, the power of this combination, weighed heavily into deciding which products would make my Top 3 ranking! The effects of this combo truly have to be experienced, as words can’t really do it justice, generating friendliness, chattiness, relaxation, higher perceived value, strong sexual attraction, and folks actually just really trust you a lot more…You do the math!
Liquid Trust
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #3
Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 10 men and women were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / Trust Builder / Social Bonding
Most Effective Upon: All Men & Women /All Ages
Special Notes/Observations: Short duration 1-2 hours / Must be kept Refrigerated in between uses!
This Liquid Trust Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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Tagged as: do pheromones really work, Do Pheromones Work, liquid trust, liquid trust review, liquid trust reviews, oxytocin, pheromone spray, pheromone sprays
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