Beaches by Micheal Vie proved itself to be a very impressive and very powerful pheromone cologne. Although Beaches is currently ranked in the number 11th position, among many of the top quality pheromones for men ranked here, this is little reflection on this products true effectiveness, nor versatility! Beaches by Michael Vie is some good stuff!
Beaches by Michael Vie is an old timer among pheromones in general, it’s been around for quite sometime, but is not often discussed by experienced pheromone enthusiasts, simply because it is not aggressively marketed or advertised. Why? Because when a pheromone works as well as this, it needs little marketing!
Although Beaches is billed as a powerful social or “icebreaker” pheromone cologne as well as a strong “sexual attractant,” it proved itself to be much more smooth than this description of it would imply. Beaches by Michael Vie reminded me of, and has strong parallels to The Scent of Eros for Men, with a strong hint of the “sexual frustration” vibe thrown into the mix of things. If I were to simply rate “only” pheromones classified as “icebreakers,” I would rank Beaches right after The Scent of Eros for Men to be frank.
Beaches is an oil based pheromone cologne with a very pleasant and pleasing smell to it. I personally couldn’t quite put my finger on the exact smell, but it was similar to an almost “honey” scent, but not quite! Needless to say, the scent itself is very pleasing, and the scent alone will be the source of an almost embarrassing number of compliments from females within smelling distance!
So What Powers Beaches by Micheal Vie?
Without even trying to look up the ingredients of Beaches before testing it, it was more than obvious by the reactions I received from others that it contained some type of Androstenol. Actually, I was very close, according to the creators of this lovely pheromone cologne it contains Alpha Androstenol as well as Alpha Androstenone. However, the exact dosage levels of each included in this pheromone are not disclosed, I imagine they view such as proprietary information, I suppose I can’t blame them these days.
Alpha Androstenol is an interesting beast among human pheromone compounds, ironically this compound is predominantly “secreted” by females! However, use of Alpha Androstenol in Beaches by Michael Vie was rather brilliant, as this “female” pheromone compound, if you will, is also known to induce the following affects upon females themselves;
“…females exposed to Alpha Androstenol tend to show an increased willingness to initiate social contact with males…were much more receptive to male initiated social contact…And were much more likely to seek out male company as opposed to other female company.”
So in other words, the inclusion of Alpha Androstenol in Beaches adds a strong “social” vibe which is unconsciously perceived by others, essentially making it in part an “icebreaker” pheromone cologne, much like The Scent of Eros for Men. However, it does not stop here, Michael Vie also included some amount of Alpha Androstenone, which is essentially Androstenone as it’s primary purpose in this mix is to add the whole “sexual attraction” and “sexual frustration” vibe into Beaches.
“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone. Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.”
As I previously mentioned, Michael Vie does not disclose the exact amounts of Alpha Androstenol or Androstenone included in Beaches, however, judging by the reactions I received from others I would confidently guess it is a tad heavier on the “social,” or Androstenol side than the latter.
So far as negative reactions go, well perhaps I was fortunate, but I noticed no real negative reactions from others, nor any other reactions which might suggest a lurking “overdose risk.” In this respect, once again, Beaches by Michael Vie appears to be very similar to The Scent of Eros for Men.
Field Test Results for Beaches by Michael Vie
In total I ended up conducting 16 field tests with Beaches, utilizing this pheromone cologne in both work and social environments to try to get a feel for how the stuff would actually perform. Beaches is very easy to use, simply roll this oil based pheromone onto either the forearms, neck, or wrists. I personally applied Beaches along either side of the neck as well as along both forearms as I was wearing short sleeve shirts.
The most significant and memorable field test I conducted was the very first testing of Beaches by Michael Vie! I unfortunately had to spend a whole day in the office at work, as opposed to being in the field, so I applied Beaches generously prior to walking into work at 9:00 AM!
The first few minutes in the office were pretty normal, or so I thought. Looked up from my computer and noticed that many of the young ladies sitting around my work area would look up, and glance over at me with “interesting” smiles on their faces, and then would look back at their computers to resume typing, but still smiling? Nice, but I wasn’t really impressed yet!
Then in walks another co-worker of mine, a rather attractive young lady, a Latina in her mid-twenties who sits at the desk directly in front of mine. I’ve seen her in passing outside of work, as we sometimes bump into each other as we go to the same gym, although she goes “much” more frequently then I! This morning she walks by my desk and then all of a sudden does a double take, stops and looks back at me! She smiles and walks back over to me sniffing! She still has not spoken to me yet! She walks over and stands right beside me as I’m seated at my desk, still sniffing away, and then leans over and starts smelling my neck! I’m sitting there amused as I feel her nose actually make contact with my neck and ear!
She then stands upright and looks at me with a big smile and says, “Damn! You smell REALLY GOOD!” I tried to respond to her but three other young ladies that sit around my work area all interrupted saying, “I know! I didn’t wanna say anything, but WHAT are you wearing!” I quickly made up a lie about how I was only wearing some new after shave I bought, and told them thank you for the compliments, but I was wearing nothing special! They seemed to buy my story.
All went back to work, still wearing little smiles and seeming a little distracted, but my co-workers were back to work now. Perhaps a half hour later in walks the office manager, late as usual of course! She is all business, especially in the morning, I knew her routine, should would briskly walk to her office looking and speaking to no one and then get on the phone to our corporate office. Well, not today!
The office manager as usual briskly walked by my desk looking at no one, her eyes fixed on her office door, I didn’t even bother to say “good morning,” I just kept typing. When she walked perhaps 15 feet past my desk she suddenly stopped in her tracks, turned around and looked back in my general direction and asked to everyone “Ok! Who smells so Good today! Who is that!” To which my fellow female co-workers all seemed to smile and pointed or nodded in my direction! I just laughed and the office manager then smiled at me and said, “You have good taste!” She then walked into her office and sat behind her desk still smiling???
I went through the rest of the day surrounded my smiling co-workers, generally in a good mood, nearly all of whom were trying to make subtle excuses to talk with me! It wasn’t so bad really. At the end of the work day though comes the whopper! The young lady that sits in front of me, the young Latina, she turns around and asks if I’m going to the gym tonight after work, I told her I might but was not sure, and I left it at that.
Of course out of curiosity I did go to the gym that night, and I re-applied Beaches by Michael Vie before walking in there too! And of course my pretty young co-worker was there wearing her practically see through white spandex! I said hello of course and went to the free weights to attempt to do the dumb bell bench press. After about 10 minutes my co-worker finds her way over to where I’m working out, sits on the bench next to me asks me if I would spot her while she works out her chest with the dumb bells as well. Of course, I agreed.
As I was spotting her I naturally had to be rather close to her, no problem, she commented that I still smelled good, even though I was already perspiring from my own work out. Well, this encounter didn’t last long, after 10 minutes of spotting her, and talking in between reps, she got in position to do her 4th set of reps, I took my position and spotted her for first 3 reps, then she just stopped! She is laying there on her back, moist from her work out, looking up into my eyes, and she gasps “Your cologne is working!” Of course, I played dumb and asked her what she meant? Suddenly, she drops the weights and sits up, she turns to me and out of breath says, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I gotta go! I can’t be around you right now…I might do something bad!”
Since my co-worker has a long term boyfriend at home who she lives with, I think I understood her point! And since I have a girlfriend whom I’m faithful to, I decided to make it easy and let her go! Just to mess around, I did ask her if I should be a gentlemen and walk her to her car though, she thought about that for a moment, smiled, and said “that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.” I told her I knew that, but was just testing, and then told her to get outta here! Playfully of course.
Beaches by Michael Vie
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #11
Effectiveness Ratio: 8 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / Sexual Attractant
Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages
Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Asian Women….Enhanced Effectiveness when used along with Alpha 7 Scented or Unscented, stronger “Sexual” hits and enhanced social lubrication.
This Beaches by Michael Vie Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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