Do pheromones Work? If you have found yourself wondering the net, asking yourself the same question as thousands of other folks, do pheromones work? Then you have found the site that will strive to answer that question and set you straight on the real deal about pheromone products for men and women alike. I would strongly suggest not purchasing any pheromone product until you read the results of my human pheromone reviews!
Starting my research into the world of human pheromones back in December, 2007, I was originally frustrated by the fact that there is very little in the way of conclusive scientific evidence Per Se, that these products work, or do not work.
As a matter of fact, the only two conclusions I was able to draw after reading through the findings of a number of clinical trials, is that there are basically two schools of thought on the whole matter.
The 1st School of Thought
“They simply don’t know, insufficient clinical studies specific to humans.”
The 2nd School of Thought:
“Pheromones do effect certain people, but we don’t conclusively know to what extent, nor why some people respond to them and others do not.”
That’s the bottom-line on the issue of pheromones, as far as the scientific community goes at the moment. We must face facts, human beings are complex animals, scientific progress to rise to the level of scientific “proof” will take time.
So, Do Pheromones Really Work? Or Not?
Needless to say, I was not going to be satisfied with the available knowledge provided by the few clinical studies conducted to date. So I decided to conduct my own empirical review of a number of pheromone products.
In net effect, I searched for information online to aid me in identifying some of the top pheromone products currently on the market, including information gathered from some long time pheromone enthusiasts, and compiled my initial list. I then ordered the products and simply used them in the real world while carefully taking notes, and documenting my observations concerning others behavior, assuming there was anything to document at all of course. Yes, I used the good old fall back method, the empirical method of evaluation;
“depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, esp. as in medicine.”
So What Happened? Do Pheromones Work?
In starting this site, I decided to take a more balanced approach. I’m not going to draw conclusions for the reader here. Every thinking individual should have the ability to make up his or her own mind as to answering the question, do pheromones work?, for themselves!
What I will do on this site, is simply publish, post by post, my field testing narrative, observations, and possible theories to the results or lack of results, and then let my readers draw their own conclusions.
I will publish each pheromone products field test results in the pages which follow, roughly 43 pheromone colognes for men, and another 13 pheromone products, pheromones for women to attract men! That’s currently 56 field tested products and counting!
Note: If you are not fond of reading through pages of field test data, you may cut to the chase and simply view the Best Pheromones we tested for both Men and Women by clicking HERE. Otherwise, if you are after my heart and wish to read the full details, keep on reading!
This is one of my favorite videos! A little odd, but this is a great true story from a beginning pheromone enthusiast! This is how certain quality pheromone colognes for men work folks, from a real guy!
This review entitled “Do Pheromones Work” is proudly brought to you by
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Tagged as: do pheromones really work, Do Pheromones Work, human pheromone review, Human Pheromone Reviews, pheromone colognes for men, pheromone review, pheromone reviews, Pheromones for Women
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