Pheromax for Women turned out to be our very clear number #2 pick among the pheromones for women we reviewed. Pheromax is a powerful, but well-balanced pheromone spray produced in Germany, which has stood the test of time among women’s pheromones.
Pheromax for Women contains the primary ingredients of Copulins (3mg) and Androstenol (2mg), and is an unscented pheromone for women, so a cover scent is required when using Pheromax for Women.
To rehash,
“Copulins are exclusively a female group of pheromones. They are secreted into the vagina at optimum ratios during ovulation with the aim of encouraging men to desire to copulate. This group of pheromones primarily consists of fatty acids that would serve little to no function on there own, but in combination they have been shown to increase testosterone levels in men by 150%…This increase in testosterone may cause feelings of arousal in men, if a woman is present. It is said that once a man smells Copulins on a woman she is deemed to be more attractive.”
The ratio of Copulins contained in Pheromax for Women seems to be designed to induce a very mild but unmistakable feeling of sexual attraction from males exposed to it.
“Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness…Those exposed to Androstenol would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”
The addition of the human pheromone Androstenol proved itself to be a perfect match once again in Pheromax for Women, obviously with the affect of inducing exposed males to simply become more calm, relaxed, friendly, and much more chatty then normal, all while the Copulins are inducing increased levels of pure sexual attraction, this mixture demonstrated itself to be quite powerful, increasing in effectiveness proportionately with prolonged exposure.
The Field Test Results for Pheromax for Women
From start to finish we ended up conducting about 7 field tests with Pheromax for Women. Usually we prefer to conduct more field tests, but in the case of Pheromax we didn’t see it as necessary to do so, it was fairly easy and quick to tell how the stuff worked and to what degree just from the initial tests, and the results were nearly all quite pleasing and positive.
The most telling test I conducted with Pheromax was the second field test, in which I applied three applications of this spray, waited for it to dry and then applied two sprays of one of my favorite regular perfumes, a must since Pheromax itself has no real obvious scent, and then I walked into work that morning.
Keep in mind, this is not the best pheromone to use in the work place, but I just wanted to see what would happen, and if people would behave any differently towards me!
Let me just say this, after walking into the office and situating myself at my desk, it didn’t take long before I started to notice that many of my female co-workers who sat near me were “not” nearly as talkative as they usually were in the mornings. As a matter of fact, it was almost as if they were ignoring me, not being mean or anything like that, the girls just weren’t into chatting with me?
After about 15 minutes of this my boss walks into the office, he’s a fairly attractive guy in his mid-thirties, and other than saying hello once in awhile I hardly communicate with him, he is all business, and is also supposedly a happily married man.
The boss walked by my desk, and looked a little confused or something, and then looked over at me and said, “Good morning!” He then went into the kitchen to make himself some coffee. I decided to follow him into the kitchen, just for fun, and get myself some coffee too!
I walked into the kitchen and saw him making coffee from scratch, being polite I took over and went about preparing the coffee. After about a minute or so, confined in the small kitchen, I could definitely tell he was not his normal self. He was looking at me with nice smile on his face, and looking at me a little more intensely than he ever did before, if you know what I mean.
Then things got worse, he started talking! The boss was making jovial small talk with me, and seemed very interested in how things were going with me, my life, my work etc etc etc…It was not a bad thing, he never seemed to really care before, but now that I had him talking, I realized that this guy can talk your ear off if he wants too! He wouldn’t shut up!
The coffee finished brewing and I poured him and I both a cup, and was rather relieved to head back to my desk, now that I knew my all to serious boss actually did have some sort of personality, but no such luck, as we were walking out of the kitchen he asked me to grab a file and meet him in his office?
I show up in his office and take a seat, all he wants to do is talk, personally with me like we are friends or something! The whole time he is sitting behind his desk, leaning forward staring at me! Not in a creepy way or anything, but the type of look guys often do when there ‘interested!’
After talking with the boss for about 45 minutes or so, I finally switched the conversation to his family, and his Wife! I was outta there about 2 minutes later!
But the day was still young, the two other males I work with in this office seemed to be having similar desires to be extra friendly and getting to know me that day was well! One co-worker coming to my cubicle 7 different times to make small talk, and the other 5 separate times, not to mention the bosses three follow-up visits to cover some pretty lame points in regards to the file he asked me to bring into his office. Very odd behavior from all, and certainly not typical! The entire day most of my female co-workers seemed to keep there distance from me?
After another 5 field tests I eventually figured out that the behavior exhibited by the males in my office was fairly typical, but the behavior of my female co-workers most likely was do apply too much Pheromax for Women, specifically do to the Copulins contained within. Female Copulins which induce sexual attraction from males, seems to do the opposite to other females! Therefore, I was basically ignored.
The lesson I learned to correct this problem was simple, don’t use more than two sprays of Pheromax for Women, or other women around you who are exposed to Copulins may think you’re rather odd, or in heat, and will simply stay clear of you. Two sprays of this stuff is all that’s needed with a good cover scent. Some very good results were obtained while using two sprays of Pheromax for Women, and later using the Scent of Eros for Women as my cover scent/perfume, but as a general rule, use Pheromax for Women at work at your own risk, it’s best used for social situations.
Pheromax for Women
Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #2
Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 9 men were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / sexual attractant
Most Effective Upon: All Men / Affects Women in high doses – not positively!
Special Notes/Observations: Has no odor and needs cover scent (works well with the Scent of Eros for Women), good attention getter, most suitable for social occasions.
This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
Related posts: Pheromones for Women: The Scent of Eros for Women ReviewedPheromones for Women: A Candid Review of Pheromones for WomenTagged as: androstenol, breaking the ice, copulins, Do Pheromones Work, enthusiasts, fatty acids, female group, for women, friendliness, human pheromone, levels in men, ovulation, pheromax, pheromone reviews, pheromones, pheromones for women to attract men, ratios, relaxation, sexual attraction, testosterone, vigor
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