Alpha-7 Scented for Men produced by KZI has risen to become my number #2 overall pick concerning pheromone products for men. Alpha-7 Scented is a very unique, pleasant smelling, and ruthlessly effective pheromone product which has remained over looked in the past, at least until I conducted my own actual field tests comparing the results against a number of other pheromone products.
Alpha-7 Scented contains 40% more overall pheromone content then the previous big dog, Primal Instinct. It contains a unique and powerful blend including but not limited to 6mg of Androstenone, and 1mg of Androsterone.
Remember Androstenone?
“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone. Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.”
Remember Androsterone?
“Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words, a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.”
Alpha-7 Scented contains the necessary blend of human pheromones to induce the above results, but apparently not so much of either to easily induce many of the negative results such as;
HeadachesBad smelling applicationsAggression from other members of the same sexAn aggressive mood in the wearerMembers of the opposite sex to be overly intimidated, leading to no or even negative reactions.
The negative reactions listed above are symptomatic of an Androstenone over dose, as it is often referred to, and can become a major negative factor when using many strong pheromone products, however, Alpha-7 Scented has seemed to have found a way around this unpleasantness with their unique and frankly, more complex human pheromone blend.
Make no mistake about it, unlike the Scent of Eros for Men, which is a social lubricating human pheromone for men, Alpha-7 Scented is a “higher value” and “strong sexual attraction” based pheromone product, which is precisely why the Scent of Eros for Men and Alpha-7 Scented compliment each other so well, and tend to produce, frankly, unbelievable results when worn together at times.
The Field Test Results for Alpha-7 Scented
The day I decided to evaluate and test Alpha-7 Scented, I was scheduled to make a sales call with the operations manager of a very large business my employer wished to establish a business relationship with. This operations manager is a women in her late thirties, married, and of average looks, much like myself.
This lady is known to be a tough negotiator, with little patience nor time to meet with anyone for a sales call! Most folks only survive a few minutes in her office before she quickly ends the meeting!
After walking into her office and introducing myself, she promptly informs me how busy she is and how little time she has for me at the moment, suggesting perhaps I return sometime next month!
I did some fast talking and took a seat…After about two minutes in her office I observed a subtle change come over her. This iron lady of operations management became much more calm and relaxed, followed by a distinct slowing in her speech pattern, and lowering of volume.
she then smiled and pushed the work on her desk to the side, and put her phone on “busy!” I took the cue, and started going into my sales pitch. The entire time she sat behind her desk calmly, smiling, and staring into my eyes as I spoke to her.
45 minutes into the meeting with this operations manager, one of her subordinates walked in to speak with her, a twenty something young lady who happened to be very attractive. This young lady walked in to schedule a sit down with the operations manager to discuss her performance evaluation, apparently she was not satisfied with it. However, while speaking to the big boss she kept looking intensely at me, wide eyed and smiling.
The operations manager clearly seemed to become annoyed by the intrusion, more so because this young lady simply would not leave! She kept asking the same questions over and over again, and asking for clarifications upon the answers she received from her boss, the whole time still intensely staring in my direction. It clearly became a contest of who gets to be around the sales rep! Needless to say, the big boss eventually raised her voice and won the contest.
lone again with the operations manager. I had now been in this meeting for about an hour and a half! Discussion turned personal, all about her and then, her asking all about me! She had returned to her calm and soft spoken demeanor. At the two hour mark I finally had to actively end the meeting myself, as I politely excused myself, while assuring her I would be back to follow-up next week, she grabbed my hand as if to shake it, but did not let go! She looks in me in the eye and tells me she was “truly, very, very happy that you stopped by today!” I then quickly departed from her office.
Folks, this is not how sales calls with tough negotiators usually go, period! The observations derived from my human pheromone review of Alpha-7 Scented, during this encounter were fairly clear. The only factor that varied was the length of time before each of the two women involved seemed to respond to the pheromone product.
In all, I have lost track of the number of field tests I conducted utilizing Alpha-7 Scented, as frankly the results can be so amusing it becomes rather addictive you use. This narrative is based upon my 1st test of Alpha-7 Scented, nearly all tests that followed tended to follow similar patterns.
I must note however, that Alpha-7 Scented, as it contains Androstenone, does have it’s quirks. The younger members of the opposite sex, say about 25 years old or below, may start out being slightly intimidated by the wearer, attracted, but intimidated. While on the other hand, older women, especially in the 30+ range were all noticeably much more responsive immediately.
As I experimented with Alpha-7 Scented, what I realized is that do to the Adrostenone, and it’s effect on younger women, the wearer must simply become pro-active, as in initiate conversation first to help break the ice, and at that point things would tend to flow very well. That best example I can use to relate the effects of Alpha-7 Scented on younger women, is liken to an average guy being in the presence of their high school prom queen. The average guy might not have the guts to approach her, not seriously, he might be a little intimidated? Well, with Alpha-7 Scented that’s how these younger members of the opposite sex seem to view the wearer!
But imagine how interesting things can be when you make the approach and speak to them, it’s almost like they’re honored that the wearer would speak to them! It’s actually a rather amusing effect of this product.
For these reasons, Alpha-7 Scented has risen to my undisputed number #2 position, among the overall pheromone products for men.
Alpha-7 Scented for Men
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #2
Effectiveness Ratio: 7 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Higher Value/Respect from both Sexes/ Strong Sexual Attractant
Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages – Enhanced “initial” Response from 28+
Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Latina and Black Women
This Alpha-7 Scented Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
Related posts: The Scent of Eros for Men: James V Kohl’s The Scent of Eros for Men ReviewedTagged as: a7, Alpha-7 Scented, alpha7, alpha7 scented, best pheromones, Do Pheromones Work, Human Pheromone Reviews, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone reviews, strongest pheromones
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