Alter Ego for Men, also known simply as Alter Ego, is an oldie but a goodie, and resides at our number #6 spot among the top pheromone colognes for men.
Alter Ego for Men is an oil based pheromone cologne, and was at one time a real trend setter in the pheromone industry! Alter Ego for Men contains three (3) human pheromones, all uniquely blended to create some pretty intense results. Alter Ego for Men contains the three human pheromones known as Androstenone, Androstenol, and Androsterone.
What is Androstenone?
Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based human pheromone. Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.
What is Androstenol?
Androstenal is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone, great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.
What is Androsterone?
Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words, a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.
The creation of Alter Ego for Men was the first real attempt to create a pheromone cologne for men which included the powerful benefits of all these human pheromones listed above, an attempt to create an all in one or all purpose pheromone product so to speak!
Alter Ego for Men has a rather lite musky smell to it, personally I do not find the smell that pleasant! However, this problem is easily solved, as Alter Ego is most effective of course if used in combination with another pleasant smelling pheromone such as The Scent of Eros, or even a regular cologne to mask it’s natural pheromone smell. The extra trouble of covering Alter Ego’s own scent is worth the trouble so one can reap the benefits of the pheromone colognes effectiveness.
Field Test Results for Alter Ego for Men
I ended up field testing Alter Ego for Men only about 7 times by itself, I really didn’t care for it’s smell, but then continued to test it numerous more times used in conjunction with The Scent of Eros for Men (a pheromone which smells very good) and along with Alpha 7 Scented (also pleasant smelling). Most folks will not want to wear Alter Ego for Men by itself do to the rather obvious pheromone like smell.
Anyhow, I first decided to test Alter Ego in the office at my work place, why? Because I thought it would be kinda fun!
I walked into my office around 10:00 am, so the office staff was already settled in. Immediately after walking through the door I am confronted by two rows of desks in which at least 12 clericals are seated busily working. I wished all a good morning and stopped in front of the 1st row of desks to briefly converse with a young lady about an account I had submitted for review.
This particular morning however, as I stood talking with this young lady, I noticed the other 11 clericals looking up from their computers and giving me rather inviting looks as they smiled at me, and then when I looked back, each would individually look back down at their computer monitors with rather big smiles on their faces…This was very different, not typical at all. It would be more typical if none of them even realized I was even there after about 5 minutes!
As I spoke with the young lady who was processing my new account’s paper work, a very attractive Latina in her early twenties and known to be very quiet and non-talkative at work, she continuously stared into my eyes as she was speaking to me wearing a nice smile, and obviously kept making it a point to lean forward towards me from across her desk, coincidentally exposing her cleavage barely concealed by her blouse. Normally, this gal never even looks at you as she quickly answers questions and then goes back to her work, not today?
Satisfied that this Alter Ego stuff was most likely doing something, I decided to leave, but she wouldn’t allow that, she kept rummaging around her desk and producing other files of mine that she had some “quick questions” regarding, questions we both knew she clearly knew the answer to and would have never bothered to even approach me with in the past? After about 20 minutes of this I finally escaped! I walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot coffee.
As I’m pouring my coffee, in comes this same attractive early twenty something holding another file in her hand with a big smile on her face! I didn’t even smile back, I wanted my coffee. Anyhow, she then walks over to me with her file (a little to close – a lot to close), you know the trick guys, positioning herself so her cleavage is about 1 inch from my chest while holding the file at the same level and having me quickly review certain papers, making it impossible not to see directly down her blouse as I looked at the paper work!
This went on for about 5 minutes, as she came up with one question after another that she needed “clarification” on, this is a smart lady too, she rarely if ever needs clarification on anything???
I then broke away once again and made my rounds to speak with two other female account managers, one who is happily married with a child, both in their early thirties and quite attractive. Well, the pattern seemed to continue! Full attention was on me. We briefly talked business and then quickly moved to personal matters, and out of nowhere the married lady tells me that she really hopes I find a women who makes me happy, and that if she had met me before she had gotten married that she “would do everything I could to make you happy, and take care of you…In all ways!” I knew this women too long, I quickly departed the office!
After conducting 7 field tests with Alter Ego for Men, I was fairly certain this pheromone cologne was pretty much living up to it’s reputation, it is powerful stuff! So why is it ranked number #6 overall? Because, it really doesn’t smell that good by itself, and really should be used with a pleasant smelling pheromone cologne or even regular cologne if that’s all that is available. Alter Ego for Men is also rather wild! One must determine the proper dosage to get the proper reactions. I have found it is too easy to over dose on Alter Ego do to it’s Androstenone content, one must get the optimal dosage just right, or it can just as easily produce negative or neutral reactions from folks.
I have a feeling that the average pheromone user that first tries Alter Ego, may become frustrated because of the ease in which one can apply too much and over dose! This will lead the in-experienced user to think Alter Ego does not work, because he is getting no reactions, or worse, people are being mean to him! But the problem is not actually Alter Ego, it’s all in finding the correct dosage! I was more experienced in the use of pheromone colognes so this was not a trying ordeal for me, but for others…
Overall, Alter Ego for Men is a very versatile pheromone cologne when correctly used and applied. It also seemed to work best for me, when combined with The Scent of Eros for Men (for less social or work usage) and with Alpha 7 Scented or Alpha A314 for Men (for pure social occasions).
Alter Ego for Men
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #6
Effectiveness Ratio: 5 out of 7 women were observed to respond – Intensely!
Recommended Use : Sexual Attraction / Social Lubricator
Most Effective Upon: All Women/ Very effective ages 18+ depending upon the dosage applied (the more applied seems to increase the age range that responds)
Special Notes/Observations: Strong sexual attractant and social lubricator / Does not smell that pleasant and will need a cover scent / Must be very careful not to over dose on the Androstenone content/ Best Used along with The Scent of Eros for Men and Alpha 7 Scented or NPA for Men
This Alter Ego for Men Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
Related posts: NPA for Men: NPA for Men ReviewedAlpha A314: Alpha A314 for Men ReviewedTagged as: alter ego, alter ego for men, androstenol, androstenone, androsterone, attractant pheromones, best pheromones, Do Pheromones Work, human pheromones, pheromone cologne, pheromone colognes for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones for men, pheromones for men to attract women, pheromones to attract women
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