Cleo for Women is yet another oldie among pheromones for women, and well deserves it’s ranking as our number #6 pick among the top 10 pheromones for women.
Cleo for Women is an odd bird a little, but is some very powerful stuff, and I say this without exaggeration! Cleo for Women contains a total of 12 mgs of pheromones somehow crammed into a 10ml bottle. Cleo for Women primarily contains Androstenol or Beta Androstenol, Copulins, and supposedly two other proprietary blends of “other” pheromones. Cleo for Women is clearly on par with Essence of A Women and Primal Instinct for Women.
The particular version of Cleo for Women that we reviewed contained specifically the Beta Androstenol formula, and I’m very pleased that I’ve discovered this one, as it seems to produce many of the same effects as Primal Instinct for Women, but with an enhanced benefit of inducing feelings of friendliness, empathy, comfort, and chatty conversations. Although the base effects don’t seem to last quite as long as those of Primal Instinct for Women, while Cleo for Women is in full effect (4-6 hours per application), you will get more bang for your buck so to speak!
The real wild card contained in Cleo for Women must be the Beta Androstenol, in my opinion.
Beta Androstenol is good for inducing conversations on a larger social scale. It seems as though it’s primary use is to enhance alpha-androstenol, adding extra amounts of friendliness and comfort. It is not yet known what an OD of beta-androstenol causes.
I will say this regarding the effects of Beta Androstenol that was able to observe, it affects the wearer of this stuff! After applying to applications of Cleo for Women, within about 5-10 minutes it went to my head, it seems to initially make you a little giddy or hyper at first. This is not a bad thing as it seems to put the wearer in a better mood, but like all exposures to these types of pheromones it does not last. When the application starts to wear off, usually in about 4-6 hours, unless you re-apply your dosage you may experience a minor or mild headache for some reason, as if the body is coming down from some sort of beta androstenol high it was on. However, don’t worry, the positives of Cleo for Women for out weigh these rather minor negatives!
The second major component of Cleo for Women is clearly the Copulins, the exact dosage of Copulins contained in this product is not known, but I would personally guess it must be pretty high, as the sexual attraction element is on par with Primal Instinct for Women and Essence of A Women.
Copulins are exclusively a female group of pheromones. They are secreted into the vagina at optimum ratios during ovulation with the aim of encouraging men to desire to copulate. This group of pheromones primarily consists of fatty acids that would serve little to no function on there own, but in combination they have been shown to increase testosterone levels in men by 150%…This increase in testosterone may cause feelings of arousal in men, if a woman is present. It is said that once a man smells Copulins on a woman she is deemed to be more attractive.
The Field Test Results for Cleo for Women
All told I conducted 11 field tests with Cleo for Women in a variety of social settings, including a few times in the work environment. My initial observation is this, Cleo for Women works a little more dramatically upon folks who you already know, unlike the results I observed from some other pheromones for women, but more on that later.
The most notable field test I conducted was my 2nd field test. I decided to go out to El Torito after work with a male co-worker of mine. There is nothing at all between this co-worker and I, we just work together and he is one of those shy guys that doesn’t talk a whole lot, so we have very short conversations whenever I try to speak with him anyhow
We arrived at El Torito and selected a small table in the bar portion of the restaurant. I quickly excused myself and went to the restroom to freshen up, or rather apply two generous dabs of Cleo for Women, one dab behind each ear, and then left to head back to our table.
Just some food for thought, which I had forgotten, when you first apply many of these pheromones for women they’re initially very powerful! It’s usually better to apply the product 15-30 minutes before you then expose yourself to other folks if possible, oh well.
As I walked back to our table, slowly walking through a crowd of people milling about the bar itself, I noticed I was already getting some interesting looks from a few guys, especially from the younger guys around the bar. Not the normal look, but that “deer caught in headlights” look! From my previous pheromone testing I knew that that “deer caught in headlights look” usually was a result of males reacting intensely to either Copulins or Androstenone, they initially don’t know how to process the information they’re receiving from the pheromones and just kind of space out staring at you with intense interest, as if they’re trying to figure out why they are so interested in you or something, it’s pretty funny to watch at this point!
Anyhow, I sat down at my table and re-joined my shy co-worker. A male waiter who I had previously walked past back by the bar practically came running over to our table to take our orders. Although we both knew what we wanted, this young man insisted on going through the whole darn menu while standing inches from me, looking down at me the whole time with a smile on his face, it was like he didn’t want to leave and was buying time at our table reciting the whole menu!
Our waiter eventually left to go fill our order. I then noticed that my shy co-worker, who was now sitting there with a little smile on his face, started to come out of his shell. He started making small talk at first, but then start in with the “psycho babble,” you know, when people just start talking and talking even though they don’t know what to say or have anything meaningful to say. First he started re-hashing work, then went into the fascinating topic concerning my $29 watch I bought at a swap meet! Then he was interested in talking about my glasses, where I got them, who made them, do they work well at night! He’s a sweat guy but I kind of missed his normal quite and non-talkative demeanor at this point, he clearly didn’t know how to hold a real conversation unless it was about work, but he kept trying!
Saved by the bell!!! About this time two other guys approached our table, both of whom I recognized as two of the ‘deers caught in headlights’ from before! They both introduced themselves and mentioned that they were just having a few drinks to wind down after work as well, it turned out we worked in the same industry so I told them to take a seat.
For about the next hour, or three rounds of drinks I sat there at the table like a queen, with three guys competing to have three separate conversations with me! Although, my co-worker was visibly getting jealous at the intrusion, and was doing what I assume to be pouting after awhile, I hate to say his display was a little funny.
Long story short, I excused myself as I had to get home, and was handed two phone numbers on napkins as I left with my pouting co-worker, who still had not yet given up trying to make small talk…It was time to go home!
During this field test I applied Cleo for Women with no cover scent. As I learned later during subsequent field tests that the results can be slightly more pronounced with a variety of cover scents, your favorite perfume will most likely do as Cleo for Women itself has no real scent.
Cleo for Women proved itself to be a great social lubricator, folks just want to talk and talk with you, with hint of sexual tension behind their conversations of course. I later tried Cleo for Women with the Scent of Eros for Women, Primal Instinct for Women, and Essence of A Women, the overall results then became more intense, especially enhancing the whole sexual attraction aura and responses when also used with Essence of A Women. However, even by itself Cleo for Women definately was able to hold it’s own, especially in a group environment.
Cleo for Women
Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #6
Effectiveness Ratio: 24 out of 27 men were observed to clearly respond
Recommended Use : Strong Social Ice Breaker / Sexual attractant
Most Effective Upon: Men/Women - All Ages as a Social Ice Breaker / Only Men – Sexual Attractant
Special Notes/Observations: Has no smell / Seems to elevate the overall mood of the wearer / Appropriate for nearly all social settings, limited applications for work settings.
This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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