After using the Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne but one time, I had to wonder who the mad genius was that could create such powerful pheromones, and why I had not heard much about him!
I did some quick research and learned that Aqua Vitae is produced by a relatively new and little heard of company called Liquid Alchemy Labs, founded by Garry Nelson. This Hawaii based perfumery has apparently been dabbling in pheromones for a few years now, with little to NO fanfare!
Perhaps those that have used his products wished to keep their new secret weapon all to themselves? It would be hard for me to blame them, Aqua Vitae is a powerful weapon among pheromone colognes!
Now, let me just quickly say this about the pheromone industry, or specifically the practice of marketing within the pheromone industry, it’s dangerous! The reason why I started this blog back in 2008 was because I could find little credible information regarding pheromones on the web, and I quite frankly got fed up after reading those multitude of scam review sites out there pimping, for lack of a better word, CRAP!
Some of these scams have become much more sophisticated as the years have gone by now, just take a look at Pherazone for an example of this! A hardcore marketer owns and sells Pherazone, he has created by current count over a dozen bogus review sites to pimp Pherazone as it’s number one product, which will in turn generate a great number of unhappy folks out there when they realize they have wasted nearly a $100 bucks on a sub-standard product!
But yet, as of this date, October 25, 2010, I have not found one other review on the web of Aqua Vitae? Not one! And Aqua Vitae is a quality product that works, this stuff is no joke!
So why do I point this out? Watch! After this review is published here, you will most likely see a whole train of scam review sites publishing reviews on Aqua Vitae, out of nowhere! Most likely trying to convince inexperienced folks that stuff like Pherazone, for instance, is some good stuff, and Aqua Vitae just didn’t measure up! And I will sit here and shake my head and laugh…You’ve all been warned…Be careful out there!
My Rant is over!
So, what is the Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne? Aqua Vitae appears to be a very high quality, well blended Androstenone based pheromone cologne, which includes a proprietary blend of 6 additional pheromone compounds utilized to support the primary mission of Androstenone, to be a powerful sexual attractant!
Now, keep in mind that Liquid Alchemy Labs simply does not reveal what the exact ingredients are mixed into any of their pheromone colognes, as they freely say on their site, for one simple reason, they don’t particularly want competitors coming along and ripping off their formulas, I can respect that! Not to mention it is quickly becoming the rule, rather than the exception when it comes to such disclosures.
However, the truth simply put is, that a pheromone enthusiast such as myself can easily use a product and simply figure out what’s inside based upon the reactions he is able to observe from others, it’s not really hard when you have a handle on what these pheromone compounds tend to do! The Big Daddy of the Aqua Vitae mixture is clearly well buffered Androstenone;
“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone. Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.”
So what is Aqua Vitae designed to do? Without question Aqua Vitae is designed to be a potent “sexual attractant” which projects a very strong Alpha Male type vibe to those around the wearer, leading others to view the wearer with enhanced feelings of dominance, influence, respect, higher social status, and yes, sexual attraction.
The closest comparison that I can come to when describing Aqua Vitae, it’s what I would imagine Alpha A314 to be if it was on crack!!! Seriously, the type of results that I’ve seen from Aqua Vitae are very similar to those fond nights in which I applied a good two doses of Alpha A314 along with a generous dose of Alpha 7! If you can imagine that? It’s a powerful trick combo projecting huge amounts of respect, status and sexual attraction, but Aqua Vitae seems to do this well on it’s own.
Intimidation? Yes, if you have ever worn both Alpha A314 and Alpha 7 at once, you will understand that there is often a huge intimidation factor present. Therefore, while wearing Aqua Vitae, you will also experience a rather substantial intimidation factor, especially around younger females. More on how to get around this intimidation factor later…
Field Test Results for Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne
My first field test with Aqua Vitae was actually a complete accident! What do I mean? Well, I didn’t order this stuff myself, and didn’t know much about Liquid Alchemy Labs at all months ago, but my good friend and neigbhor did! Apparently, this guy had stumbled onto Liquid Alchemy and ordered a bottle of Aqua Vitae himself.
He knew about my little hobby here, and approached me as I was leaving to go out for a quick jog. He quickly asked me if I knew anything about Aqua Vitae, to which I replied that I did not at that time, so he gave me “his” bottle of the stuff and told me to give it a try, as he was curious as to what my take on it might be. I happily accepted his half empty bottle of Aqua Vitae and asked him if it was doing “anything” for him? He gave me the huge grin and then started shaking his head and laughing, then told me, “Yeah! It’s definitely doing something for me!” Sounded encouraging, so I pocketed his bottle and left for my jog!
It was about 9:30pm when I just finished my 3 mile jog, and it kicked my butt! I was hot, kinda sweaty, and winded as I stumbled back to my car…When I reached my ride I of course decided I needed a smoke after all that exercise! Yes, I have my vices. But then I spotted something of interest, a very beautiful girl talking on her cell phone and having a smoke, parked about 10 cars down from mine!
I quickly toweled off my perspiration and grabbed that bottle of Aqua Vitae I had taken with me. I quickly applied a 3? strip to each side of my neck and then grabbed a smoke. I decided that it would be best if I conveniently forgot my lighter, so I walked towards the beautiful girl on the cell phone.
As I got closer I could tell this lady worked out a lot, despite her smoking habit, she had a figure to die for and probably knew it! I politely interrupted her cell phone call between her and her BFF or something, and asked if she would happen to have a light? At this point, I’m now face to face with what has turned out to be a truly gorgeous 21-22 year old college student, well above average in the looks department, and I’m kind of wondering how this was going to go over?
She looks over at me and briefly smiles, and says “sure, no problem here you go!” As I slowly stand beside her trying to light up in the wind, I see from the corner of my eye that she is staring at me intensely, as in not even blinking!
At that point, I thought to myself well it’s like nearly 10pm at night, she probably thinks I’m gonna rob her or something, best to abort. So I finish with her lighter and hand it back to her saying, “Thanks, You’re a real lifesaver!” I then smile and turn to walk away…
She kind of shrieked, “WAIT!” Actually startled me! I turned around and said, “yeah?” To which she blurts out, “Is that all? You’re leaving??” Still staring at me like a “deer caught in the headlights,” and unblinking, it was now becoming rather amusing!
So I popped the question, and asked her how she was doing and introduced myself! After about a 45 minute conversation with this lady, 17 years my junior, we end up relocating to a little Pub not far from the jogging trail and talked over drinks for the next 3 hours…What a night! One of those nights where you keep asking yourself, why is this girl still here? But she was!
Needless to say, I was given her cell phone number, and had three follow-up dates with her over the course of a week, each time wearing Aqua Vitae, each subsequent date was a rather intense, educational, and high mileage affair to say the least! No, Aqua Vitae did not disappoint!
I actually did ask this young beauty why she felt she wanted to talk with me that night down at the jogging trail, and why she didn’t just let me walk away? She simply told me because “You’re a Man, I mean like a REAL man! I know it doesn’t make sense!” That was the most articulate answer I could get out of this college student. But as my friend had told ME about Aqua Vitae, “Yeah! It’s definitely doing something for me!”
Yeah, thanks! I see that now!
Needless to say, I continued to play with Aqua Vitae for about 3 more weeks after this initial encounter, and it’s potent stuff, clearly a quality Alpha Male vibe producing mixture. However, back to the issue of intimidation briefly!
With my first field test intimidation was not a real issue, my guess is she was just blown away by the whole sexual attraction element of the mixture. However, as I continued to wear Aqua Vitae in other settings, I did come to notice the very real intimidation factor.
There are two easy ways around the intimidation factor, as is usually the case. The wearer must either go out of his way to simply behave in a friendly, approachable, and inviting manner to break the ice so to speak with ladies, especially the younger ladies! Or, the wearer should simply use a very potent “ice breaker” or “social pheromone” to further compliment and buffer against the intimidation generated by Aqua Vitae.
Personally, I eventually opted to wear Aqua Vitae alongside two other potent “social lubricators,” the Scent of Eros and/or Beaches, so that I could get the best of both worlds, potent sexual attraction minus the intimidation, worked like a charm. I can definitely say that I will be have a long love affair with Aqua Vitae!
Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne
Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: High – TBD
Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 11 women were observed to clearly respond.
Recommended Use : Very Strong Sexual Attractant
Most Effective Upon: Women
Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced initial effectiveness – African American & Hispanic Women
This review of Aqua Vitae Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones
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