Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Aqua Vitae: The Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne Put to the Test

Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne

After using the Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne but one time, I had to wonder who the mad genius was that could create such powerful pheromones, and why I had not heard much about him!

I did some quick research and learned that Aqua Vitae is produced by a relatively new and little heard of company called Liquid Alchemy Labs, founded by Garry Nelson. This Hawaii based perfumery has apparently been dabbling in pheromones for a few years now, with little to NO fanfare!

Perhaps those that have used his products wished to keep their new secret weapon all to themselves? It would be hard for me to blame them, Aqua Vitae is a powerful weapon among pheromone colognes!

Now, let me just quickly say this about the pheromone industry, or specifically the practice of marketing within the pheromone industry, it’s dangerous! The reason why I started this blog back in 2008 was because I could find little credible information regarding pheromones on the web, and I quite frankly got fed up after reading those multitude of scam review sites out there pimping, for lack of a better word, CRAP!

Some of these scams have become much more sophisticated as the years have gone by now, just take a look at Pherazone for an example of this! A hardcore marketer owns and sells Pherazone, he has created by current count over a dozen bogus review sites to pimp Pherazone as it’s number one product, which will in turn generate a great number of unhappy folks out there when they realize they have wasted nearly a $100 bucks on a sub-standard product!

But yet, as of this date, October 25, 2010, I have not found one other review on the web of Aqua Vitae? Not one! And Aqua Vitae is a quality product that works, this stuff is no joke!

So why do I point this out? Watch! After this review is published here, you will most likely see a whole train of scam review sites publishing reviews on Aqua Vitae, out of nowhere! Most likely trying to convince inexperienced folks that stuff like Pherazone, for instance, is some good stuff, and Aqua Vitae just didn’t measure up! And I will sit here and shake my head and laugh…You’ve all been warned…Be careful out there!

My Rant is over!

So, what is the Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne? Aqua Vitae appears to be a very high quality, well blended Androstenone based pheromone cologne, which includes a proprietary blend of 6 additional pheromone compounds utilized to support the primary mission of Androstenone, to be a powerful sexual attractant!

Now, keep in mind that Liquid Alchemy Labs simply does not reveal what the exact ingredients are mixed into any of their pheromone colognes, as they freely say on their site, for one simple reason, they don’t particularly want competitors coming along and ripping off their formulas, I can respect that! Not to mention it is quickly becoming the rule, rather than the exception when it comes to such disclosures.

However, the truth simply put is, that a pheromone enthusiast such as myself can easily use a product and simply figure out what’s inside based upon the reactions he is able to observe from others, it’s not really hard when you have a handle on what these pheromone compounds tend to do! The Big Daddy of the Aqua Vitae mixture is clearly well buffered Androstenone;

“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone.  Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.”

So what is Aqua Vitae designed to do? Without question Aqua Vitae is designed to be a potent “sexual attractant” which projects a very strong Alpha Male type vibe to those around the wearer, leading others to view the wearer with enhanced feelings of dominance, influence, respect, higher social status, and yes, sexual attraction.

The closest comparison that I can come to when describing Aqua Vitae, it’s what I would imagine Alpha A314 to be if it was on crack!!! Seriously, the type of results that I’ve seen from Aqua Vitae are very similar to those fond nights in which I applied a good two doses of Alpha A314 along with a generous dose of Alpha 7! If you can imagine that? It’s a powerful trick combo projecting huge amounts of respect, status and sexual attraction, but Aqua Vitae seems to do this well on it’s own.

Intimidation? Yes, if you have ever worn both Alpha A314 and Alpha 7 at once, you will understand that there is often a huge intimidation factor present. Therefore, while wearing Aqua Vitae, you will also experience a rather substantial intimidation factor, especially around younger females. More on how to get around this intimidation factor later…

Field Test Results for Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne

My first field test with Aqua Vitae was actually a complete accident! What do I mean? Well, I didn’t order this stuff myself, and didn’t know much about Liquid Alchemy Labs at all months ago, but my good friend and neigbhor did! Apparently, this guy had stumbled onto Liquid Alchemy and ordered a bottle of Aqua Vitae himself.

He knew about my little hobby here, and approached me as I was leaving to go out for a quick jog. He quickly asked me if I knew anything about Aqua Vitae, to which I replied that I did not at that time, so he gave me “his” bottle of the stuff and told me to give it a try, as he was curious as to what my take on it might be. I happily accepted his half empty bottle of Aqua Vitae and asked him if it was doing “anything” for him? He gave me the huge grin and then started shaking his head and laughing, then told me, “Yeah! It’s definitely doing something for me!” Sounded encouraging, so I pocketed his bottle and left for my jog!

It was about 9:30pm when I just finished my 3 mile jog, and it kicked my butt! I was hot, kinda sweaty, and winded as I stumbled back to my car…When I reached my ride I of course decided I needed a smoke after all that exercise! Yes, I have my vices. But then I spotted something of interest, a very beautiful girl talking on her cell phone and having a smoke, parked about 10 cars down from mine!

I quickly toweled off my perspiration and grabbed that bottle of Aqua Vitae I had taken with me. I quickly applied a 3? strip to each side of my neck and then grabbed a smoke. I decided that it would be best if I conveniently  forgot my lighter, so I walked towards the beautiful girl on the cell phone.

As I got closer I could tell this lady worked out a lot, despite her smoking habit, she had a figure to die for and probably knew it! I politely interrupted her cell phone call between her and her BFF or something, and asked if she would happen to have a light?  At this point, I’m now face to face with what has turned out to be a truly gorgeous 21-22 year old college student, well above average in the looks department, and I’m kind of wondering how this was going to go over?

She looks over at me and briefly smiles, and says “sure, no problem here you go!” As I slowly stand beside her trying to light up in the wind, I see from the corner of my eye that she is staring at me intensely, as in not even blinking!

At that point, I thought to myself well it’s like nearly 10pm at night, she probably thinks I’m gonna rob her or something, best to abort. So I finish with her lighter and hand it back to her saying, “Thanks, You’re a real lifesaver!” I then smile and turn to walk away…

She kind of shrieked, “WAIT!” Actually startled me! I turned around and said, “yeah?” To which she blurts out, “Is that all? You’re leaving??” Still staring at me like a “deer caught in the headlights,” and unblinking, it was now becoming rather amusing!

So I popped the question, and asked her how she was doing and introduced myself! After about a 45 minute conversation with this lady, 17 years my junior, we end up relocating to a little Pub not far from the jogging trail and talked over drinks for the next 3 hours…What a night! One of those nights where you keep asking yourself, why is this girl still here? But she was!

Needless to say, I was given her cell phone number, and had three follow-up dates with her over the course of a week, each time wearing Aqua Vitae, each subsequent date was a rather intense, educational, and high mileage affair to say the least! No, Aqua Vitae did not disappoint!

I actually did ask this young beauty why she felt she wanted to talk with me that night down at the jogging trail, and why she didn’t just let me walk away? She simply told me because “You’re a Man, I mean like a REAL man! I know it doesn’t make sense!” That was the most articulate answer I could get out of this college student. But as my friend had told ME about Aqua Vitae, “Yeah! It’s definitely doing something for me!”

Yeah, thanks! I see that now!

Needless to say, I continued to play with Aqua Vitae for about 3 more weeks after this initial encounter, and it’s potent stuff, clearly a quality Alpha Male vibe producing mixture. However, back to the issue of intimidation briefly!

With my first field test intimidation was not a real issue, my guess is she was just blown away by the whole sexual attraction element of the mixture. However, as I continued to wear Aqua Vitae in other settings, I did come to notice the very real intimidation factor.

There are two easy ways around the intimidation factor, as is usually the case. The wearer must either go out of his way to simply behave in a friendly, approachable, and inviting manner to break the ice so to speak with ladies, especially the younger ladies! Or, the wearer should simply use a very potent “ice breaker” or “social pheromone” to further compliment and buffer against the intimidation generated by Aqua Vitae.

Personally, I eventually opted to wear Aqua Vitae alongside two other potent “social lubricators,” the Scent of Eros and/or Beaches, so that I could get the best of both worlds, potent sexual attraction minus the intimidation, worked like a charm. I can definitely say that I will be have a long love affair with Aqua Vitae!

Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: High – TBD

Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 11 women were observed to clearly respond.

Recommended Use : Very Strong Sexual Attractant

Most Effective Upon: Women

Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced initial effectiveness – African American & Hispanic Women

This review of  Aqua Vitae Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones Work.com

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Technorati Tags: alpha a314, Alpha-7 Scented, androstenone, aqua vitae, aqua vitae pheromone, aqua vitae pheromone cologne, best pheromones, garry nelson, liquid alchemy, liquid alchemy labs, pheromone cologne, pheromone review, pheromones, sexual attractant, strongest pheromones

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Primal Instinct: Primal Instinct – User Complaints & Review

Primal Instinct Primal Instinct

Primal Instinct, also known as Primal Instinct for Men, is an extremely powerful Androstenone oil based pheromone cologne for men, and as such occupies the Number #7 position within our ranking of most effective pheromone colognes for men. Primal Instinct, is a relative oldie but a classic power house, which previously held undisputed sway for years within the pheromone cologne industry.

Primal Instinct, as of the date of this writing, holds sway as the pheromone cologne for men containing possibly the most pure Androstenone per bottle! Primal Instinct is some pretty scary stuff!

So Why is Primal Instinct ranked number #7 then?

There are many reasons why Primal Instinct has fallen, or rather been surpassed by a number of other pheromone colognes for men, time moves on, and the pheromone industry learns and perfects human pheromone colognes slowly, time has simply caught up to Primal Instinct.

Primal Instinct has one main problem, because of it’s extremely high Androstenone content, it has become known as a rather unstable, unpredictable, extremely hard to dose pheromone cologne of vast extremes! As one well respected pheromone cologne enthusiast and merchant honestly described of Primal Instinct;

“A very strong androstenone product, expect the best and possibly the worst of the androstenone reactions (attention, respect, sexual hits, aggression, etc.). Users should be aware that even one drop is too much for some people.”

In essence, even experienced pheromone cologne users often have a rather tough time accurately gauging how much or how little Primal Instinct to apply to induce positive reactions! The problems all occur do to the high and un-buffered androstenone content;

“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based human pheromone.  Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.”

Androstenone in a pheromone cologne is all well and good, in the proper proportions however, a fact which is better known now than at the time Primal Instinct was first marketed. So the real pertinent question should be, what are the consequences of using to much Primal Instinct, or any other heavy androstenone pheromone cologne? The very real consequences nearly all Primal Instinct users have experienced, including myself are the following;

* Headaches

*Bad smelling applications

*Aggression from other members of the same sex

*An aggressive mood in the wearer

*Members of the opposite sex to be overly intimidated by the wearer, leading to no, or even very negative reactions

Lets break down the results of “over dosing” on Primal Instinct, which is extremely easy to do, and put it into layman’s terms, shall we?

If you incorrectly does Primal Instinct on your way to work, you may quite possibly show up to work with a killer headache, in a bad and rather aggressive mood, and smelling like you really need a shower! Lets say you are very stubborn, or you are unfamiliar with this product so you are foolish enough to walk into your office anyhow.

You stroll into your office and are greeted by your boss, who happens to be male lets suppose, and of course he senses your “mood” and immediately sees you as some sort of threat to him, therefore behaving however your mean male boss might behave, most likely just looking at you in disgust and telling you to just get to work. You then sit down at your desk, surrounded by your two lovely female co-workers, and for whatever reason, they don’t look at you, and if they do it’s only to shoot you a real dirty look of disgust, and then they pretty much completely ignore you for the rest of the day, and will actually attempt to avoid you all together. All this, as you sit there with your headache wondering way your Primal Instinct won’t work for you!

In layman’s terms, you have just experienced an androstenone over dose! Welcome to the club!

Primal Instinct is not a bad pheromone cologne by any yard stick, as I said, it’s a pheromone cologne of extremes, you will either get the over dose reaction or you will get equally intense positive reactions (assuming you got luck and applied the correct dosage for you), in which case you will receive alot of respect and attention from men, as well as even more sexual attraction based attention from women!

The biggest problem that I have with Primal Instinct, is not that it’s a bad pheromone cologne, but that it’s so darn unstable! I’ve test a lot of pheromone colognes for men as of now, and even with my experience I still can’t always accurately gauge my correct dosage…What works well today, may just simply not work well tomorrow! It can be quite maddening really, and this is all do to the un-buffered high androstenone content.

Before I go into my field test result narrative, let me just say this. Primal Instinct is a good product if you wish to subject yourself to the steep learning curve to figure out how to properly utilize it, but Primal Instinct has clearly been surpassed by the number #2 pheromone cologne for Men, Alpha 7 Scented, which actually contains 40% more pheromone content then Primal Instinct, including additional pheromones specifically included to buffer the negative effects of all that androstenone!

In net effect, Alpha 7 Scented is Primal Instinct (actually slightly more powerful) but with built in safeguards to do away with the whole over dose factor! Therefore, I would never recommend Primal Instinct to a novice pheromone user, but would strongly recommend they start out with the more powerful Alpha 7 Scented so as they don’t have to experience those embarrassing over dose incidents! Ok, that’s my public service announcement for this post…Moving on.

Field Test Results for Primal Instinct

I conducted 14 field tests with Primal Instinct, used as a standalone pheromone cologne. I will tell you now that 6 out of those 14 tests were failures, meaning I was unable to correctly dosage Primal Instinct and experienced some pretty unpleasant over dose affects and reactions from others. However, I will briefly describe the 1st successful field test of Primal Instinct, only to describe the effects it can produce when you get the application just right!

My 1st successful field test, which was my 4th attempt to test Primal Instinct, occurred when I had to go into my employers office to complete some paper work around noonish.

I applied approximately a dab and a half of Primal Instinct behind the ears in the parking lot, and then walked into the office about 10 minutes later.

I entered and started slowly walking past the clerical staff of about 12 rather lovely young ladies, and this time was greeted with all perky smiles, and enthusiastic greetings, and it was very hard not to notice that nearly all of them were intensely staring at me as I returned they’re greetings and continued to walk past. This was good, usually I’m completely ignored at this point, no one ever seems to notice I’m there!

I then walked to the kitchen to make myself some coffee, yes, I drink coffee at noon! Two of the big bosses were sitting in the kitchen having a conversation, both women in there early 40’s, I quickly prepared to be ignored as usual, but not today! Both women seemed to instantly know when I walked into the kitchen, and actually stopped gossiping, smiles coming to their faces, and wanted to know all about my day trying to make small talk? Again, under normal circumstances these two ladies would never have noticed I was there, even if I dropped to the ground and had some kind of attack, I don’t think they would noticed on any other day! But they did this day!

After talking with the two big bosses for about a half hour (totally unprecedented) and getting numerous compliments about my work I eventually escaped to briefly chat with my direct manager, a bookwormish guy in his late 30’s with a serious Napoleon complex. I walked up his desk with a file I needed him to review, stood there for perhaps 10 seconds, and then he abruptly stopped what he was doing on his computer (unprecedented), and greeted me with a big smile, not only that, he gets up from his desk and shakes my hand in greeting?

As I start to discuss business matters with him, he is continually deferring to me and agreeing with everything I say? At the time, my initial impression of his behavior was that he was trying to be my friend, or rather trying to kiss “my” butt! The guy was truly acting like I was his boss and not the other way around! After about 10 minutes of this I had to walk away to keep from laughing, it was that obvious and comical!

Unfortunately, I did not get far, the big boss of the whole office saw me again, and summoned me into her office and closed the door. To make a long story short, she spent the next 45 minutes just complimenting me, and lavishing me with praise over the great work I was doing! (My honest opinion, my work sucked!) As hard as it was to endure, I sat there and just humbly took the praise…

After I escaped this final encounter, I departed the office, very satisfied that at least this day I had properly dosed the Primal Instinct.

Primal Instinct for Men

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #7

Effectiveness Ratio: 6 out of 10 women were observed to respond – Intensely!

Recommended Use : Strong Sexual Attraction

Most Effective Upon: All Women/All Men /  Very effective on ages 30+

Special Notes/Observations: Strong sexual attractant / Does not smell that pleasant at all and will require a cover scent / Must be very careful not to over dose on the Androstenone content – Extremely easy to Over Dose / Best Used along with The Scent of Eros for Men or other strong pleasant smelling cologne

This Primal Instinct Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones Work.com

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Technorati Tags: androstenone, attractant pheromones, best pheromones, human pheromones, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone colognes for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones for men, pheromones for men to attract women, pheromones to attract women, primal instinct, primal instinct for men, primal instinct unscented for men, strongest pheromones

Related posts: Alter Ego for Men: A Review of the Alter Ego for Men Pheromone CologneNPA for Men: NPA for Men ReviewedAlpha-7 Scented: Alpha-7 Scented ReviewedTagged as: androstenone, attractant pheromones, best pheromones, human pheromones, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone colognes for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones for men, pheromones for men to attract women, pheromones to attract women, primal instinct, primal instinct for men, primal instinct unscented for men, strongest pheromones

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pheromones for Women: Essence of A Women Reviewed

Essence of Women Essence of A Women

The pheromone for women called Essence of A Women has been placed into our number #4 spot in the top 10 ranking of pheromones for women. Essence of A Women is not a standalone pheromone for women, but is a heavy Copulin based pheromone designed specifically to “spice” up or enhance the effectiveness of other women’s pheromone perfumes.

Essence of A Women contains a whopping 10 mgs of Copulins, and must be either mixed or used very sparingly. Essence of Women also seems to go very well with, and compliment both Primal Instinct for Women or Passion Copulin Concentrate simply known as PCC. Usually, when used alongside with either Primal Instinct for Women or PCC, a single dab of this stuff is sufficient to greatly enhance the “sexual attraction” aspect of either of the two other pheromone perfumes.

As a reminder, Essence of A Women is a heavy Copulin based pheromone, pure and simple, nothing less and certainly nothing more!

Copulins are exclusively a female group of  pheromones. They are secreted into the vagina at optimum ratios during ovulation with the aim of encouraging men to desire to copulate. This group of pheromones primarily consists of fatty acids that would serve little to no function on there own, but in combination they have been shown to increase testosterone levels in men by 150%…This increase in testosterone may cause feelings of arousal in men, if a woman is present. It is said that once a man smells Copulins on a woman she is deemed to be more attractive.

Because Essence of A Women is a pure Copulin pheromone product, the Copulins in this high concentration can have the affect of making certain men a little to very agitated, as the Copulins do serve to raise male testosterone levels quite dramatically! A word to the wise, this stuff would not be appropriate to wear at Church for instance, nor at work unless your looking for trouble, but at an appropriate locale such as a nightclub, you would have no real worries. There’s an appropriate time and place for everything I suppose.

The only way a lady can truly get away with wearing Essence of A Women at any distinctly non-social function, would be primarily by also applying Primal Instinct for Women at the same time. The reason for this is do to Primal Instinct’s very high Androstenal content, a friendly and comforting pheromone that will appropriately damper the pure “sexual attraction” vibe induced by Essence of A Women.

Just to make things clear once more though, so long as you are at some place like a nightclub, bar, or have a hot date with a boyfriend or something, in those cases only you can get away with using Essence of A Women by itself. In those cases you really won’t care if you are inappropriately agitating a certain male around you, in all other cases, use Primal Instinct or PPC along with this stuff.

One final concern folks should be aware of is the smell of Essence of A Women, well, it smells like Copulins! The smell by itself is “not” pleasant, you will not like the smell, but the smell is not really the point, your after the effect of the Copulins. Therefore, you absolutely will need to use this stuff with a cover scent! Primal Instinct also serves as a good cover scent, barring that another good quality and strong perfume will completely cover Essence of A Women’s natural scent, just don’t think of leaving home without the cover scent!

The Field Test Results for Essence of A Women

All together I field tested the Essence of A Women 14 times as of this writing. This stuff is interesting to say the least! I’m not going to go into the gory details of my field tests with this particular pheromone because it’s a little too personal for me to be writing about in all truth.

But, I will say the following about Essence of A Women, it’s obviously brutally effective when used around some one who you already have a relationship with or are at least friends with, as they are not on guard and are probably relaxed around you anyhow. That being said, if you have a boyfriend or husband that may not always wish to get physical as often as you’d like, well lets just say this stuff will pretty much take care of that, he won’t be able to get a good nights sleep around you for days! My boyfriend’s still mad when he learned that I pheromoned him!

If you wish to use this stuff in a club type setting, be cautious, it is designed to make males essentially sexually frustrated from what I can tell, which is not always fun if you don’t even know the guy! This is why I just primarily pheromoned my significant other, much safer with stuff like this, but I can say it does the trick! The only draw back is it will take you a few tries before you find the proper dosage for you, as well as the proper cover scent to conceal Essence of A Women’s true and natural odor.

Essence of A Women

Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #4

Effectiveness Ratio: 5 out of 6 men were observed to clearly respond

Recommended Use : Very strong sexual attractant – Primarily used with another product

Most Effective Upon: Men

Special Notes/Observations: Has strong odor and needs cover scent (works well with the Primal Instinct for Women or PCC)…Less is more, very powerful.

This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones Work.com

Bookmark and Share Popularity: 13% [?]

Technorati Tags: copulin, copulins, Do Pheromones Work, essence of a women, pheromone reviews, Pheromones for Women, pheromones for women to attract men

Related posts: Pheromones for Women: Primal Instinct Unscented for Women ReviewedPheromones for Women: The Scent of Eros for Women ReviewedPheromones for Women: Pheromax for Women ReviewedPheromones for Women: A Candid Review of Pheromones for WomenTagged as: copulin, copulins, Do Pheromones Work, essence of a women, pheromone reviews, Pheromones for Women, pheromones for women to attract men

Alter Ego for Men: A Review of the Alter Ego for Men Pheromone Cologne

Alter Ego for Men

Alter Ego for Men, also known simply as Alter Ego, is an oldie but a goodie, and resides at our number #6 spot among the top pheromone colognes for men.

Alter Ego for Men is an oil based pheromone cologne, and was at one time a real trend setter in the pheromone industry! Alter Ego for Men contains three (3) human pheromones, all uniquely blended to create some pretty intense results.  Alter Ego for Men contains the three human pheromones known as Androstenone, Androstenol, and Androsterone.

What is Androstenone?

Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based human pheromone.  Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.

What is Androstenol?

Androstenal is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone, great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.

What is Androsterone?

Androsterone is a human pheromone that seems to have the effect of creating an aura of masculinity about the wearer, and signalling an impression of protection, security, and reliability. In other words,  a women exposed to a male wearing Androsterone would most likely view him as an Alpha Male protector type of man who would traditionally take care of her.

The creation of Alter Ego for Men was the first real attempt to create a pheromone cologne for men which included the powerful benefits of all these human pheromones listed above, an attempt to create an all in one or all purpose pheromone product so to speak!

Alter Ego for Men has a rather lite musky smell to it, personally I do not find the smell that pleasant! However, this problem is easily solved, as Alter Ego is most effective of course if used in combination with another pleasant smelling pheromone such as The Scent of Eros, or even a regular cologne to mask it’s natural pheromone smell. The extra trouble of covering Alter Ego’s own scent is worth the trouble so one can reap the benefits of the pheromone colognes effectiveness.

Field Test Results for Alter Ego for Men

I ended up field testing Alter Ego for Men only about 7 times by itself, I really didn’t care for it’s smell, but then continued to test it numerous more times used in conjunction with The Scent of Eros for Men (a pheromone which smells very good) and along with Alpha 7 Scented (also pleasant smelling). Most folks will not want to wear Alter Ego for Men by itself do to the rather obvious pheromone like smell.

Anyhow, I first decided to test Alter Ego in the office at my work place, why? Because I thought it would be kinda fun!

I walked into my office around 10:00 am, so the office staff was already settled in. Immediately after walking through the door I am confronted by two rows of desks in which at least 12 clericals are seated busily working. I wished all a good morning and stopped in front of the 1st row of desks to briefly converse with a young lady about an account I had submitted for review.

This particular morning however, as I stood talking with this young lady, I noticed the other 11 clericals looking up from their computers and giving me rather inviting looks as they smiled at me, and then when I looked back, each would individually look back down at their computer monitors with rather big smiles on their faces…This was very different, not typical at all. It would be more typical if none of them even realized I was even there after about 5 minutes!

As I spoke with the young lady who was processing my new account’s paper work, a very attractive Latina in her early twenties and known to be very quiet and non-talkative at work, she continuously stared into my eyes as she was speaking to me wearing a nice smile, and obviously kept making it a point to lean forward towards me from across her desk, coincidentally exposing her cleavage barely concealed by her blouse. Normally, this gal never even looks at you as she quickly answers questions and then goes back to her work, not today?

Satisfied that this Alter Ego stuff was most likely doing something, I decided to leave, but she wouldn’t allow that, she kept rummaging around her desk and producing other files of mine that she had some “quick questions” regarding, questions we both knew she clearly knew the answer to and would have never bothered to even approach me with in the past? After about 20 minutes of this I finally escaped! I walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot coffee.

As I’m pouring my coffee, in comes this same attractive early twenty something holding another file in her hand with a big smile on her face! I didn’t even smile back, I wanted my coffee. Anyhow, she then walks over to me with her file (a little to close – a lot to close), you know the trick guys, positioning herself so her cleavage is about 1 inch from my chest while holding the file at the same level and having me quickly review certain papers, making it impossible not to see directly down her blouse as I looked at the paper work!

This went on for about 5 minutes, as she came up with one question after another that she needed “clarification” on, this is a smart lady too, she rarely if ever needs clarification on anything???

I then broke away once again and made my rounds to speak with two other female account managers, one who is happily married with a child, both in their early thirties and quite attractive. Well, the pattern seemed to continue! Full attention was on me. We briefly talked business and then quickly moved to personal matters, and out of nowhere the married lady tells me that she really hopes I find a women who makes me happy, and that if she had met me before she had gotten married that she “would do everything I could to make you happy, and take care of you…In all ways!” I knew this women too long, I quickly departed the office!

After conducting 7 field tests with Alter Ego for Men, I was fairly certain this pheromone cologne was pretty much living up to it’s reputation, it is powerful stuff! So why is it ranked number #6 overall? Because, it really doesn’t smell that good by itself, and really should be used with a pleasant smelling pheromone cologne or even regular cologne if that’s all that is available.  Alter Ego for Men is also rather wild! One must determine the proper dosage to get the proper reactions. I have found it is too easy to over dose on Alter Ego do to it’s Androstenone content, one must get the optimal dosage just right, or it can just as easily produce negative or neutral reactions from folks.

I have a feeling that the average pheromone user that first tries Alter Ego, may become frustrated because of the ease in which one can apply too much and over dose! This will lead the in-experienced user to think Alter Ego does not work, because he is getting no reactions, or worse, people are being mean to him! But the problem is not actually Alter Ego, it’s all in finding the correct dosage! I was more experienced in the use of pheromone colognes so this was not a trying ordeal for me, but for others…

Overall, Alter Ego for Men is a very versatile pheromone cologne when correctly used and applied. It also seemed to work best for me, when combined with The Scent of Eros for Men (for less social or work usage) and with Alpha 7 Scented or Alpha A314 for Men (for pure social occasions).

Alter Ego for Men

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #6

Effectiveness Ratio: 5 out of 7 women were observed to respond – Intensely!

Recommended Use : Sexual Attraction / Social Lubricator

Most Effective Upon: All Women/ Very effective ages 18+ depending upon the dosage applied (the more applied seems to increase the age range that responds)

Special Notes/Observations: Strong sexual attractant and social lubricator / Does not smell that pleasant and will need a cover scent / Must be very careful not to over dose on the Androstenone content/ Best Used along with The Scent of Eros for Men and Alpha 7 Scented or NPA for Men

This Alter Ego for Men Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones Work.com

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Technorati Tags: alter ego, alter ego for men, androstenol, androstenone, androsterone, attractant pheromones, best pheromones, Do Pheromones Work, human pheromones, pheromone cologne, pheromone colognes for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones for men, pheromones for men to attract women, pheromones to attract women

Related posts: NPA for Men: NPA for Men ReviewedAlpha A314: Alpha A314 for Men ReviewedTagged as: alter ego, alter ego for men, androstenol, androstenone, androsterone, attractant pheromones, best pheromones, Do Pheromones Work, human pheromones, pheromone cologne, pheromone colognes for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones for men, pheromones for men to attract women, pheromones to attract women

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pheromax for Men: A Hard Look at Pheromax for Men Pheromone Cologne

Pheromax for Men Pheromax for Men

Pheromax for Men is a German designed pheromone cologne which has been long over looked in North America. Among those familiar with the Pheromax brand, it has long carried much respect and has become synonymous with “quality.”Pheromax for Men is rather potent, well balanced, and provides a quality pheromone experience. Although I don’t particularly like maintaining my German made car, I have to hand it to them in the design and production of quality Pheromone products.

As a quick side note, Pheromax also is the producer of the long standing, tried and tested pheromone perfume, known obviously as Pheromax for Women! I have seen and experienced the women’s product at work, and it works with brutal efficiency, but this field testing phase was my first experience with Pheromax for Men, once again they were right on the money.

To my knowledge Pheromax for Men is not a heavily marketed pheromone cologne, which I see as a good sign, as in many cases, but not all, a pheromone cologne that requires little marketing simply performs “very well,” and therefore does not need the help of various marketing gurus lurking out there, so my initial impression of Pheromax for Men was good on that note.

As I briefly examined the primary ingredients contained in Pheromax for Men, I was pleased to see the inclusion of two old familiar friends, Androstenone and Androstenol. These two pheromone compounds are well known, identified, and their capabilities are rather well known these days, their inclusion as primary ingredients can also tell a prospective wearer basically what to expect when using the pheromone cologne upfront, which I like.

For those who are not familiar with these rather standard pheromone compounds, in short,

Androstenone is known to induce the following;

“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone.  Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”

Pheromax for Men is known to contain at least 3 Mgs of the pheromone compound Androstenone, for comparison purposes this is about half the quantity of Androstenone contained in my long time favorite, Alpha 7 Scented, which contains 6 Mgs of Androstenone, but still out doses another oldie but goodie Alter Ego for Men, which only contains 2 Mgs of Androstenone.

So what does this mean? In short, Pheromax has apparently included enough Androstenone to generate what I refer to as the whole “sexual attraction” vibe, but has pulled back a little bit so the wearer will not be in much real danger of experiencing any sort of Androstenone Over Dose…This is a good thing!

The next major ingredient included in Pheromax for Men is that of Androstenol, whose affects are widely known at this time;

“Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenal would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone. Which appeared to be great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”

Pheromax for Men uses approximately 2 Mgs of Androstenol within it’s effective mixture. Again, for comparison purposes only, this puts Pheromax for Men a tad ahead of something like Alter Ego for Men which contains 1.5 Mgs of Androstenol, but well behind the Cadillac of Icebreaker pheromones for men, The Scent of Eros for Men, which contains 4 Mgs of Androstenol!

Even without knowing what other proprietary blends are used in Pheromax for Men, the 3 Mgs/Androstenone and 2 Mgs/Androstenol combo is pretty telling in and of itself.  I fully expected to experience a pheromone cologne capable of giving me “sexual attention,” and one that would aid me in breaking the ice and keeping conversation flowing rather nicely, while observing the slow increase in sexual attraction that came along with prolonged exposure….Was I right? Lets see.

Field Test Results for Pheromax for Men

In all I conducted 14 field tests with Pheromax for Men, making sure that I tried a variety of dosage levels (usually between 2 and 5 at the maximum), in both social and professional settings to test it’s effects and capabilities.  Quick aside, you will want to use Pheromax for Men with a cover scent folks, it’s a necessity, personally I used Eternity for Men, but that’s just me, any suitable cover scent will do, including even another scented pheromone cologne.

The most telling and significant field test I conducted with Pheromax for Men was actually my 2nd field test with this stuff. I had applied one application behind each ear and one to my throat area, so three applications in total. After waiting for the Pheromax to dry a little, about 2-3 minutes or so, and then I applied my cover scent right on top of the Pheromax for Men application dry spots behind each ear also.

I then departed home to meet up with a co-worker, and two of her girlfriends, as we agreed to meet at a nice restaurant for some drinks and conversation, this was not a date of any kind, but since two girls who I did not know were accompanying my co-worker, I thought it would be a good time to test Pheromax again, not to mention my co-worker mentioned that her two tag along girlfriends were rather shy, so we would have plenty of time to discuss things among ourselves anyhow.

About ten minutes later I find myself at the establishment and these three young ladies are waiting outside in front. We make our greetings and head inside to grab a small table over in the bar area, I’m now flanked by two new girls I had just met and my co-worker is  sitting across from me at this small table.

I quickly tried making some small talk with each of the two new young ladies sitting to each side of me, they were pleasant enough but not to talkative at all, so I started talking with my co-worker about what else, work!

Well, this lasted for only about 3-4 minutes, and then both of the two shy tag along girls seemed to slowly come alive directed at me of course and not their girlfriend. Within about five minutes, we still didn’t have our drinks yet, I had two attractive young ladies sitting at either side of me, looking at me attentively as if I was speaking words of wisdom or something, which I was most certainly not.

It was a little odd at first, these two girls went from being quiet and shy, to being unable to break eye contact with me, and increasingly chatting away more and more with me within a span of about 5-6 minutes, tops! I’m thinking this is pretty good for any pheromone cologne at this point. So of course I started actively chatting back with both of them, shifting my full attention, and eye contact to one, and then back to the other, almost getting wip lash in the process do to the awkward seating arrangement.

Needless to say, after the drinks and appetizers arrived the situation only intensified, however I noticed my co-worker was getting a tad bit annoyed, I’m guessing because her two friends had their full attention on conversation with me and she was now sitting there like a 3rd, or in this case a 4th wheel. I’m pretty darn sure that my co-workers two friends did not notice her displeasure ironically, as they were so fixated on conversation with me! And my conversation is really not that interesting folks, I’ll even admit that!

This scene went on for a good half hour, I will confess I was starting to enjoy it a little, but I was by no means flirting with either young lady, as I don’t generally do so when I’m testing a pheromone cologne so I can get some accurate behavioral indicators generated only by the pheromone cologne in question.

Well, right around the half hour mark, actually about 27 minutes to be exact, the young lady sitting to my left who was also the most vocal now finally decided to acknowledge the fact that her drink had been sitting on the table for awhile now, and need to sample it, most likely do to a dry throat from talking so much. So I turn and respond to an onslaught of chatty questions from the young lady on my right, that didn’t work well as the other gal who while still taking a sip of her drink, reaches under the table and grabs my inner thigh, a little bit high up too, in her effort to have me return my attention to her and our previously on going conversation!

No problem, I continue the conversation with the girl on my left, except her hand on my thigh is not moving, it’s now caressing as she is giving me full and intense eye contact as we start chatting away again!

As far as I was concerned, field test over! Three minutes or so to induce chattiness and followed by overt sexual contact in under thirty minutes? All from a shy young lady who was barely speaking to me until she sat next to me, and my Pheromax aura close enough to breath in I’m sure a very healthy dose! The stuff did it’s job, because it sure wasn’t  my boring conversation or complete lack of flirting, of that I’m sure.

Special Observations Regarding Pheromax for Men:

Pheromax for Men is well balanced and can be used in both social and professional settings. It is not over bearing to the degree that it will tend to cause any major problems in the work place, nor did I observe any negative reactions from Males worth mention.

However, Pheromax for Men is most definitely a combo that strives to be both a “social lubricator,” as well as a moderate strength “sexual attractant,” and therefore the wearer should be well aware of the type of “vibe” they will be sending to others “unconsciously.”

Although I found Pheromax’s performance to be both consistent and reliable, it is not much like either Alpha-7 or A314, I didn’t really notice that nice “James Bond” effect to be perceived by others as much as I would have hoped, as Pheromax seemed to be more “sexual” as opposed to “smooth” in the vibe it sends to others.

Overall, Pheromax for Men is a very fine pheromone cologne, and good for daily use. I’m quite sure it’s base affects would be easily enhanced if used in conjunction with other pheromone colognes as well, such as Alpha 7, A314, or NPA for Men to name but a few.

Pheromax for Men

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #12

Effectiveness Ratio: 12 out of 15 women were observed to clearly respond

Recommended Use :   Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / Sexual Attractant

Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages

Special Notes/Observations: “Sexual” hits and enhanced social lubrication, mild enough for use in social as well as professional settings.

This Pheromax for Men Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones Work.com

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Technorati Tags: Alpha-7 Scented, alter ego for men, androstenol, androstenone, best pheromones, human pheromones, ice breaker, npa for men, pheromax, pheromax for men, pheromone cologne, pheromone reviews, sexual attractant, the scent of eros for men

Related posts: Alter Ego for Men: A Review of the Alter Ego for Men Pheromone CologneNPA for Men: NPA for Men ReviewedBeaches by Michael Vie: Beaches by Michael Vie ReviewedThe Edge Unscented for Men: Pheromone Review of The Edge for MenChikara Pheromone: A Review of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for MenTagged as: Alpha-7 Scented, alter ego for men, androstenol, androstenone, best pheromones, human pheromones, ice breaker, npa for men, pheromax, pheromax for men, pheromone cologne, pheromone reviews, sexual attractant, the scent of eros for men

Pheromones for Women: Pheromax for Women Reviewed

Pheromax for Women

Pheromax for Women turned out to be our very clear number #2 pick among the pheromones for women we reviewed. Pheromax is a powerful, but well-balanced pheromone spray produced in Germany, which has stood the test of time among women’s pheromones.

Pheromax for Women contains the primary ingredients of Copulins (3mg) and Androstenol (2mg), and is an unscented pheromone for women, so a cover scent is required when using Pheromax for Women.

To rehash,

“Copulins are exclusively a female group of  pheromones. They are secreted into the vagina at optimum ratios during ovulation with the aim of encouraging men to desire to copulate. This group of pheromones primarily consists of fatty acids that would serve little to no function on there own, but in combination they have been shown to increase testosterone levels in men by 150%…This increase in testosterone may cause feelings of arousal in men, if a woman is present. It is said that once a man smells Copulins on a woman she is deemed to be more attractive.”

The ratio of Copulins contained in Pheromax for Women seems to be designed to induce a very mild but unmistakable feeling of sexual attraction from males exposed to it.

“Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness…Those exposed to Androstenol would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone…great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”

The addition of the human pheromone Androstenol proved itself to be a perfect match once again in Pheromax for Women, obviously with the affect of inducing exposed males to simply become more calm, relaxed, friendly, and much more chatty then normal, all while the Copulins are inducing increased levels of pure sexual attraction, this mixture demonstrated itself to be quite powerful, increasing in effectiveness proportionately with prolonged exposure.

The Field Test Results for Pheromax for Women

From start to finish we ended up conducting about 7 field tests with Pheromax for Women. Usually we prefer to conduct more field tests, but in the case of Pheromax we didn’t see it as necessary to do so, it was fairly easy and quick to tell how the stuff worked and to what degree just from the initial tests, and the results were nearly all quite pleasing and positive.

The most telling test I conducted with Pheromax was the second field test, in which I applied three applications of this spray, waited for it to dry and then applied two sprays of one of my favorite regular perfumes, a must since Pheromax itself has no real obvious scent, and then I walked into work that morning.

Keep in mind, this is not the best pheromone to use in the work place, but I just wanted to see what would happen, and if people would behave any differently towards me!

Let me just say this, after walking into the office and situating myself at my desk, it didn’t take long before I started to notice that many of my female co-workers who sat near me were “not” nearly as talkative as they usually were in the mornings. As a matter of fact, it was almost as if they were ignoring me, not being mean or anything like that, the girls just weren’t into chatting with me?

After about 15 minutes of this my boss walks into the office, he’s a fairly attractive guy in his mid-thirties, and other than saying hello once in awhile I hardly communicate with him, he is all business, and is also supposedly a happily married man.

The boss walked by my desk, and looked a little confused or something, and then looked over at me and said, “Good morning!” He then went into the kitchen to make himself some coffee. I decided to follow him into the kitchen, just for fun, and get myself some coffee too!

I walked into the kitchen and saw him making coffee from scratch, being polite I took over and went about preparing the coffee. After about a minute or so, confined in the small kitchen, I could definitely tell he was not his normal self. He was looking at me with nice smile on his face, and looking  at me a little more intensely than he ever did before, if you know what I mean.

Then things got worse, he started talking! The boss was making jovial small talk with me, and seemed very interested in how things were going with me, my life, my work etc etc etc…It was not a bad thing, he never seemed to really care before, but now that I had him talking, I realized that this guy can talk your ear off if he wants too! He wouldn’t shut up!

The coffee finished brewing and I poured him and I both a cup, and was rather relieved to head back to my desk, now that I knew my all to serious boss actually did have some sort of personality, but no such luck, as we were walking out of the kitchen he asked me to grab a file and meet him in his office?

I show up in his office and take a seat, all he wants to do is talk, personally with me like we are friends or something! The whole time he is sitting behind his desk, leaning forward staring at me! Not in a creepy way or anything, but the type of look guys often do when there ‘interested!’

After talking with the boss for about 45 minutes or so, I finally switched the conversation to his family, and his Wife! I was outta there about 2 minutes later!

But the day was still young, the two other males I work with in this office seemed to be having similar desires to be extra friendly and getting to know me that day was well! One co-worker coming to my cubicle 7 different times to make small talk, and the other 5 separate times, not to mention the bosses three follow-up visits to cover some pretty lame points in regards to the file he asked me to bring into his office. Very odd behavior from all, and certainly not typical! The entire day most of my female co-workers seemed to keep there distance from me?

After another 5 field tests I eventually figured out that the behavior exhibited by the males in my office was fairly typical, but the behavior of my female co-workers most likely was do apply too much Pheromax for Women, specifically do to the Copulins contained within. Female Copulins which induce sexual attraction from males, seems to do the opposite to other females! Therefore, I was basically ignored.

The lesson I learned to correct this problem was simple, don’t use more than two sprays of Pheromax for Women, or other women around you who are exposed to Copulins may think you’re rather odd, or in heat, and will simply stay clear of you. Two sprays of this stuff is all that’s needed with a good cover scent. Some very good results were obtained while using two sprays of Pheromax for Women, and later using the Scent of Eros for Women as my cover scent/perfume, but as a general rule, use Pheromax for Women at work at your own risk, it’s best used for social situations.

Pheromax for Women

Pheromone for Women Effectiveness Ranking: #2

Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 9 men were observed to clearly respond

Recommended Use : Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / sexual attractant

Most Effective Upon: All Men / Affects Women in high doses – not positively!

Special Notes/Observations: Has no odor and needs cover scent (works well with the Scent of Eros for Women), good attention getter, most suitable for social occasions.

This review of Pheromones for Women is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones Work.com

Bookmark and Share Popularity: 15% [?]

Technorati Tags: androstenol, breaking the ice, copulins, Do Pheromones Work, enthusiasts, fatty acids, female group, for women, friendliness, human pheromone, levels in men, ovulation, pheromax, pheromone reviews, pheromones, pheromones for women to attract men, ratios, relaxation, sexual attraction, testosterone, vigor

Related posts: Pheromones for Women: The Scent of Eros for Women ReviewedPheromones for Women: A Candid Review of Pheromones for WomenTagged as: androstenol, breaking the ice, copulins, Do Pheromones Work, enthusiasts, fatty acids, female group, for women, friendliness, human pheromone, levels in men, ovulation, pheromax, pheromone reviews, pheromones, pheromones for women to attract men, ratios, relaxation, sexual attraction, testosterone, vigor

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Certo: A Human Pheromone Review of Certo for Men Pheromone Cologne

Certo for Men Pheromone Cologne

Certo for Men is the second pheromone cologne produced by the up and coming new comer to the pheromone world, Alpha Dream, to be elevated to a lofty status on this blog. Much like Alpha Dreams flag ship pheromone cologne, Alfa Maschio, their Certo for Men pheromone cologne did not disappoint as well!

The Certo for Men pheromone cologne is billed to foster “long term relationships” and to essentially project a “good guy” vibe to women buy creating an aura of “trust and male youth.” Alpha Dream refers to Certo for Men as containing it’s “beta-male” formula.

Much like Alpha Dreams Alfa Maschio pheromone cologne, Certo for Men also comes in unscented, blended musk, cush sandalwood, and Indian Patchouli. As I did before, I opted for the Cush Sandalwood scent merely out of personal preference. As always, it’s important to note, the actual scent selected makes no difference in the affects generated by any pheromone cologne, it’s strictly a matter of ones tastes.

Certo for Men contains many of the same pheromones as Alfa Maschio, including two of the big work horse pheromone compounds, essentially those being Androstenol and Androstenone, the usual suspects so to speak. The real difference between Alfa Maschio and Certo for Men turned out to be clearly the blending and balancing of the various pheromone compounds. Certo for Men is without a doubt strong on the Androstenol, making it clearly a “social” pheromone, with what I would call a healthy “hint” of “sexual attractant” blended in.

In this respect Certo for Men is to a degree a rough mixture of similar pheromone colognes such as the Scent of Eros for Men, combined with a small dash of NPA for Men, or at least the performance was very similar to that latter combo. However, Certo for Men is much more “social” than purely “sexual.”

For those folks who are in the dark, I digress, Certo for Men is strong on the Androstenol which;

“Androstenol is a human pheromone which pheromone enthusiasts have come to refer to as a social pheromone. The effects of being exposed to Androstenol signal the following; an sense of youth and vigor, friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness. In essence, in this case, a women being exposed to Androstenol would be more likely to become friendly and relaxed, and would feel more at ease to engage in prolonged conversation during the period of exposure, ie.,. a social pheromone, great for “breaking the ice,” and freely getting conversations going, especially with strangers.”

Because of the heavy use of Androstenol, wearers of Certo for Men, can expect much more smooth and easy social interaction with both women and men, as the unique properties of Androstenol do seem to serve to increase levels of friendliness, comfort, relaxation, and chattiness among both sexes. However, the next component, Androstenone will primarily affect only women;

“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually based pheromone.  Androstenone signals to those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated with, and to induce feelings of strong sexual attraction.”

The inclusion of Androstenone in this well blended pheromone cologne is clearly in smaller amounts, but serves to add a moderate vibe of “sexual attraction” to the very strong “social lubrication” vibe of the Androstenol. Because Certo for Men is so well balanced this pheromone cologne is perfectly safe to be warn in any environment, work, school, social settings. As a matter of fact Certo has shown itself to be a respectable daily wear pheromone cologne, and seems to work very well for me when I “spike” it with some other stronger “sexual attractants” such as Alpha 7 Scented or NPA for Men, for those occasions in which I’m looking to create a strong vibe of “sexual frustration” among my audience.

So how does Certo for Men rate?

Overall, Certo for Men is pretty good stuff! I does not seem to last quite as long as the Scent of Eros tends to, but while it’s on and working the results are very reliable and consistent. Certo for Men is best used by itself if you are looking to be viewed as that good nice guy whom women trust and want a “real” relationship with. As I mentioned, by including other Androstenone pheromone colognes, one can intensify the “sexual attraction” element of this mixture, but Certo for Men will hold its own going solo well up until the moment a guy is ready to take things to the next level. I see Certo for Men being around for awhile, and being used in a host of environments I have not even touched upon here, it’s that versatile.

Certo for Men

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #14

Effectiveness Ratio: 9 out of 11 women were observed to clearly respond.

Recommended Use : Strong  Social Lubricator

Most Effective Upon: Women/ and Men

Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced initial effectiveness/Asian Women.

This review of Certo for Men Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones Work.com

Bookmark and Share Popularity: 37% [?]

Technorati Tags: alfa dream, alfa maschio, alfa maschio for men, alpha androstenol, alpha male, Alpha-7 Scented, androstenol, androstenone, androsterone, best pheromones, certo, certo for men, cologne, Do Pheromones Work, human pheromone, human pheromones, npa for men, pheromone cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone colognes, pheromone review, pheromone reviews, pheromones, sexual attractant, strongest pheromones

Related posts: Alfa Maschio: A Human Pheromone Review of the Alfa Maschio for Men Pheromone ColognePheromax for Men: A Hard Look at Pheromax for Men Pheromone CologneAlter Ego for Men: A Review of the Alter Ego for Men Pheromone ColognePerception: A Review of Perception Pheromone Spray Cologne for MenChikara Pheromone: A Review of the Chikara Pheromone Cologne for MenTagged as: alfa dream, alfa maschio, alfa maschio for men, alpha androstenol, alpha male, Alpha-7 Scented, androstenol, androstenone, androsterone, best pheromones, certo, certo for men, cologne, Do Pheromones Work, human pheromone, human pheromones, npa for men, pheromone cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone colognes, pheromone review, pheromone reviews, pheromones, sexual attractant, strongest pheromones

Beaches by Michael Vie: Beaches by Michael Vie Reviewed

Beaches by Michael Vie Beaches by Michael Vie

Beaches by Micheal Vie proved itself to be a very impressive and very powerful pheromone cologne. Although Beaches is currently ranked in the number 11th position, among many of the top quality pheromones for men ranked here, this is little reflection on this products true effectiveness, nor versatility! Beaches by Michael Vie is some good stuff!

Beaches by Michael Vie is an old timer among pheromones in general, it’s been around for quite sometime, but is not often discussed by experienced pheromone enthusiasts, simply because it is not aggressively marketed or advertised. Why? Because when a pheromone works as well as this, it needs little marketing!

Although Beaches is billed as a powerful social or “icebreaker” pheromone cologne as well as a strong “sexual attractant,” it proved itself to be much more smooth than this description of it would imply. Beaches by Michael Vie reminded me of, and has strong parallels to The Scent of Eros for Men, with a strong hint of the “sexual frustration” vibe thrown into the mix of things. If I were to simply rate “only” pheromones classified as “icebreakers,” I would rank Beaches right after The Scent of Eros for Men to be frank.

Beaches is an oil based pheromone cologne with a very pleasant and pleasing smell to it. I personally couldn’t quite put my finger on the exact smell, but it was similar to an almost “honey” scent, but not quite! Needless to say, the scent itself is very pleasing, and the scent alone will be the source of an almost embarrassing number of compliments from females within smelling distance!

So What Powers Beaches by Micheal Vie?

Without even trying to look up the ingredients of Beaches before testing it, it was more than obvious by the reactions I received from others that it contained some type of Androstenol. Actually, I was very close, according to the creators of this lovely pheromone cologne it contains Alpha Androstenol as well as Alpha Androstenone. However, the exact dosage levels of each included in this pheromone are not disclosed, I imagine they view such as proprietary information, I suppose I can’t blame them these days.

Alpha Androstenol is an interesting beast among human pheromone compounds, ironically this compound is predominantly “secreted” by females! However, use of Alpha Androstenol in Beaches by Michael Vie was rather brilliant, as this “female” pheromone compound, if you will, is also known to induce the following affects upon females themselves;

“…females exposed to Alpha Androstenol tend to show an increased willingness to initiate social contact with males…were much more receptive to male initiated social contact…And were much more likely to seek out male company as opposed to other female company.”

So in other words, the inclusion of Alpha Androstenol in Beaches adds a strong “social” vibe which is unconsciously perceived by others, essentially making it in part an “icebreaker” pheromone cologne, much like The Scent of Eros for Men. However, it does not stop here, Michael Vie also included some amount of Alpha Androstenone, which is essentially Androstenone as it’s primary purpose in this mix is to add the whole “sexual attraction” and “sexual frustration” vibe into Beaches.

“Androstenone is a human pheromone which the pheromone community refers to basically as a sexually base pheromone.  Androstenone signals those exposed, among other things, dominance, aggression, competition, and is strongly known to be associated and to induce feeling of strong sexual attraction.”

As I previously mentioned, Michael Vie does not disclose the exact amounts of Alpha Androstenol or Androstenone included in Beaches, however, judging by the reactions I received from others I would confidently guess it is a tad heavier on the “social,” or Androstenol side than the latter.

So far as negative reactions go, well perhaps I was fortunate, but I noticed no real negative reactions from others, nor any other reactions which might suggest a lurking “overdose risk.” In this respect, once again, Beaches by Michael Vie appears to be very similar to The Scent of Eros for Men.

Field Test Results for Beaches by Michael Vie

In total I ended up conducting 16 field tests with Beaches, utilizing this pheromone cologne in both work and social environments to try to get a feel for how the stuff would actually perform. Beaches is very easy to use, simply roll this oil based pheromone onto either the forearms, neck, or wrists. I personally applied Beaches along either side of the neck as well as along both forearms as I was wearing short sleeve shirts.

The most significant and memorable field test I conducted was the very first testing of Beaches by Michael Vie! I unfortunately had to spend a whole day in the office at work, as opposed to being in the field, so I applied Beaches generously prior to walking into work at 9:00 AM!

The first few minutes in the office were pretty normal, or so I thought. Looked up from my computer and noticed that many of the young ladies sitting around my work area would look up, and glance over at me with “interesting” smiles on their faces, and then would look back at their computers to resume typing, but still smiling? Nice, but I wasn’t really impressed yet!

Then in walks another co-worker of mine, a rather attractive young lady, a Latina in her mid-twenties who sits at the desk directly in front of mine. I’ve seen her in passing outside of work, as we sometimes bump into each other as we go to the same gym, although she goes “much” more frequently then I! This morning she walks by my desk and then all of a sudden does a double take, stops and looks back at me! She smiles and walks back over to me sniffing! She still has not spoken to me yet! She walks over and stands right beside me as I’m seated at my desk, still sniffing away, and then leans over and starts smelling my neck! I’m sitting there amused as I feel her nose actually make contact with my neck and ear!

She then stands upright and looks at me with a big smile and says, “Damn! You smell REALLY GOOD!” I tried to respond to her but three other young ladies that sit around my work area all interrupted saying, “I know! I didn’t wanna say anything, but WHAT are you wearing!” I quickly made up a lie about how I was only wearing some new after shave I bought, and told them thank you for the compliments, but I was wearing nothing special! They seemed to buy my story.

All went back to work, still wearing little smiles and seeming a little distracted, but my co-workers were back to work now. Perhaps a half hour later in walks the office manager, late as usual of course! She is all business, especially in the morning, I knew her routine, should would briskly walk to her office looking and speaking to no one and then get on the phone to our corporate office. Well, not today!

The office manager as usual briskly walked by my desk looking at no one, her eyes fixed on her office door, I didn’t even bother to say “good morning,” I just kept typing. When she walked perhaps 15 feet past my desk she suddenly stopped in her tracks, turned around and looked back in my general direction and asked to everyone “Ok! Who smells so Good today! Who is that!” To which my fellow female co-workers all seemed to smile and pointed or nodded in my direction! I just laughed and the office manager then smiled at me and said, “You have good taste!” She then walked into her office and sat behind her desk still smiling???

I went through the rest of the day surrounded my smiling co-workers, generally in a good mood, nearly all of whom were trying to make subtle excuses to talk with me! It wasn’t so bad really. At the end of the work day though comes the whopper! The young lady that sits in front of me, the young Latina, she turns around and asks if I’m going to the gym tonight after work, I told her I might but was not sure, and I left it at that.

Of course out of curiosity I did go to the gym that night, and I re-applied Beaches by Michael Vie before walking in there too! And of course my pretty young co-worker was there wearing her practically see through white spandex! I said hello of course and went to the free weights to attempt to do the dumb bell bench press. After about 10 minutes my co-worker finds her way over to where I’m working out, sits on the bench next to me asks me if I would spot her while she works out her chest with the dumb bells as well. Of course, I agreed.

As I was spotting her I naturally had to be rather close to her, no problem, she commented that I still smelled good, even though I was already perspiring from my own work out. Well, this encounter didn’t last long, after 10 minutes of spotting her, and talking in between reps, she got in position to do her 4th set of reps, I took my position and spotted her for first 3 reps, then she just stopped! She is laying there on her back, moist from her work out, looking up into my eyes, and she gasps “Your cologne is working!” Of course, I played dumb and asked her what she meant? Suddenly, she drops the weights and sits up, she turns to me and out of breath says, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I gotta go! I can’t be around you right now…I might do something bad!”

Since my co-worker has a long term boyfriend at home who she lives with, I think I understood her point! And since I have a girlfriend whom I’m faithful to, I decided to make it easy and let her go! Just to mess around, I did ask her if I should be a gentlemen and walk her to her car though, she thought about that for a moment, smiled, and said “that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.” I told her I knew that, but was just testing, and then told her to get outta here! Playfully of course.

Beaches by Michael Vie

Human Pheromone Effectiveness Ranking: #11

Effectiveness Ratio: 8 out of 10 women were observed to clearly respond

Recommended Use :   Social lubricator / Ice Breaker / Sexual Attractant

Most Effective Upon: All Women /All Ages

Special Notes/Observations: Enhanced effectiveness/Response from Asian Women….Enhanced Effectiveness when used along with Alpha 7 Scented or Unscented, stronger “Sexual” hits and enhanced social lubrication.

This Beaches by Michael Vie Pheromone Review is Proudly brought to you by Do Pheromones Work.com

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Technorati Tags: alpha androstenol, alpha androstenone, androstenol, androstenone, attract romance, beaches, beaches by michael vie, best pheromones, michael vie, pheromone cologne, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone reviews, pheromones, pheromones for men, the scent of eros for men

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Pheromone Cologne: Pheromone Cologne really effective?

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Pheromone Cologne Pheromone Cologne

Pheromone Cologne? Does this pheromone cologne stuff really work? If you are wondering what all the hype is about concerning pheromone cologne, and are curious as to whether or not this stuff actually works, or not, then you have stumbled upon the right site for you! This site will strive to answer the question, “does pheromone cologne” actually work, in a very straightforward, blunt, and brutally honest manner…Without the hype!

I originally started my research into pheromone cologne back in December of 2007, as I was very frustrated to learn that there was very little in the way of conclusive scientific evidence per se, that pheromone cologne actually works, or does not work for that matter.

Ironically, after doing my own research and reading through a great number of available clinical trials in regards to pheromones, and pheromone cologne, I quickly learned that the scientific community real has only two schools of thought in regards to the effects of pheromones in human attraction.

The 1st School of Thought

“They really don’t know the answer? Insufficient clinical studies specific to human behavioral response are currently available.”

The 2nd School of Thought

Pheromones do in fact affect certain people, but it is not conclusively known yet as to what extent, nor why some people respond to pheromones and others seemingly do not.”

There you have it folks. This is currently the bottom line when it comes to the scientific communities thinking in regards to pheromone induced attraction. May not have been what you expected, but it is so.

Clearly, we must all face hard facts, human beings are very complex animals folks, and for any scientific theory to be elevated to the exulted stature of scientific “proof” will simply take time. Currently, there is much theory out there, very strong theory actually, but scientific proof is another matter, that label requires years, and sometimes decades of testing. We are simply not there yet, if certain marketing folks have told you differently, chances are very good they are lying to you!

Well? Does Pheromone Cologne Work, or Not?

There was simply no way that I was going to be truly satisfied with by the information provided by a few clinical studies relating to pheromones and human attraction. Some of the theories I read were very sound, but others seems to suggest conflicting theories! I was now no closer to really understanding if pheromone cologne actually worked, or not.

Being the curious type of guy that I am, I made a simple decision, to conduct my own empirical review of pheromone cologne, so I could perhaps learn for myself which worked, if any, and how well.

My empirical testing method was very simple, and still is. I did the obvious. I bought a bunch of pheromone cologne, I applied it to my person, and then I interacted with others in the real world while carefully observing and documenting other reactions, or lack of reactions. Quite frankly, the empirical testing method is one of the oldest testing methods currently utilized, it means nothing more than;

“depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, esp. as in medicine.”

While using the empirical method of evaluation, I made a solemn oath to myself to prevent myself from possibly contaminating my own results. I became a bit of an actor if you will. I decided initially that while interacting with others while evaluating various pheromone cologne, I would not smile, nor express much emotion, nor even initiate conversation for the most part, my behavior towards others would simply be “neutral” and “dis-interested.” By displaying this type of demeanor my was that any reactions I received from others, if any, would be more probably the result of pheromonal influence, rather than a result of my own friendly demeanor.

Well? What Happened? Did Pheromone Cologne Work?

When I decided to start this blog, I decided that I would would take a more balanced and objective approach to this subject matter, and that I would not seek to draw conclusions for the reader.  Each individual reader should be more than able to make up his own mind in deciding whether pheromone cologne works or not.

On this blog, all I will do is simply publish post by post, my field testing narrative and observations documented during my empirical testing methodology.  Each published post will document my observations, results, or lack or results in many cases, and I will let the my readers draw there own conclusions. No hype! You can make up your own mind!

I will publish the field test results for each pheromone cologne in the posts which follow, currently I have just shy of 70 pheromone cologne field tests results to compile, write-up and then to post here, it may take me minute or two to get all the relevant posts published.

In the interest of full disclosure, I will say this, I am posting all the field tests I’ve conducted on this blog, and will include all here “all” the pheromone colognes that I tested to provide an more balanced resource, as some pheromone cologne did seem to work, the fact is, many, many more pheromone colognes did not seem to work as advertised at all! Therefore, to be most accurate I believe it is worth while for me to post the evaluations of those that did seem to perform, followed by the great masses of those that did not perform.

This is one of my favorite videos! A little odd, but this is a great true story from a beginning pheromone enthusiast! This is how certain quality pheromone colognes for men work folks, from a real guy!

Irresponsible Use of Pheromones at Movie Theater…Funny! But sadly, Pheromone Cologne will Not cause this!

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Tagged as: cologne with pheromones, do pheromones work, human pheromone cologne, Pheromone Cologne, pheromone cologne for, pheromone cologne for men, pheromone cologne reviews, pheromone colognes, pheromone men, pheromone reviews, pheromones, pheromones cologne, pheromones colognes, pheromones for men, pheromones review